
生活学习2024-02-14 10:51:56自考教育网




1. globalisation的发音


2. globalisation的同义词

globalisation一词有许多同义词,如globalization、internationalization、worldwide integration等。这些词都指的是世界范围内不断增加的联系和交流。

3. globalisation例句

- The process of globalisation has brought people from different cultures closer together.


- The impact of globalisation can be seen in the increasing number of multinational companies.


- In today's world, it is impossible to ignore the effects of globalisation.



1. globalisation的含义


2. globalisation的同义词

- Internationalization:国际化,指国家、企业、组织等在不同国家之间进行交流、合作和竞争的过程。

- Global integration:全球一体化,指各国政治、经济和社会等方面相互联系、相互依存的状态。

- Global interdependence:全球相互依存,指各国在政治、经济和文化等方面相互影响和依赖的关系。

3. globalisation的例句

- The process of globalisation has led to increased economic interdependence among countries.


- The impact of globalisation can be seen in the spread of Western culture and fast food chains around the world.


- With the rise of technology, globalisation has accelerated the pace of communication and information exchange.


4. globalisation的含义解析






1. globalisation的用法


- Globalisation is a process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries.


- The effects of globalisation are evident in the economy, culture, and politics of many countries.


2. globalisation的同义词

- globalization:与globalisation拼写相同,只是使用美式英语。

- internationalization:国际化,指各国之间交流和合作的程度增加。

- universalization:普遍化,指某种现象或思想在全世界范围内普及。

- homogenization:同质化,指不同地区或文化之间变得越来越相似。

3. 双语例句

- The rise of globalisation has led to an increase in international trade and investment.


- Many people argue that globalisation has widened the gap between the rich and the poor.


- As a result of globalisation, cultural diversity is being eroded.


- The company's success can be attributed to its ability to adapt to the process of globalisation.


- The impact of globalisation on local economies is a topic of much debate.



1. Globalization - "Globalisation" is the British English spelling for "globalization". Both words have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably.

2. Internationalization - This word refers to the process of increasing international cooperation and integration among countries.

3. Interconnectedness - This term describes the state of being connected or linked with others on a global scale.

4. Globalism - This word refers to the idea of a global community or society that transcends national boundaries.

5. Transnationalism - Similar to globalism, this term refers to the notion of people, ideas, and goods crossing national borders without limitations.

6. Universalization - This word describes the process of making something universal or applicable to all parts of the world.

7. Homogenization - In relation to globalization, this term refers to the blending or standardization of cultures, values, and practices across different countries.

8. Integration - This word describes the process of combining different parts into a unified whole, often used in reference to economic integration between countries.

9. Borderless - This term refers to a world without borders or barriers, where people and goods can move freely across nations.

10. Cosmopolitanism - This concept embraces diversity and cultural exchange on a global scale.


1. The effects of globalization can be seen in every corner of the world.

2. The internationalization of trade has led to increased economic growth for many countries.

3. The interconnectedness of our world has made it easier for people to communicate and share ideas globally.

4. Globalism promotes cooperation and understanding among different nations.

5. Transnationalism has allowed for greater cultural exchange and diversity in many societies.

6. The universalization of technology has made it accessible to people all over the world.

7. Some argue that globalization leads to cultural homogenization, while others believe it promotes diversity.

8. Economic integration between countries has resulted in the growth of global markets.

9. The borderless nature of our world has made it easier for people to travel and experience different cultures.

10. Cosmopolitanism embraces the idea of a global community where diversity is celebrated

