
生活学习2024-02-14 11:08:08自考教育网




1. 什么是gloomy?


2. gloomy的词源


3. gloomy同义词


4. gloomy例句

- The weather forecast is predicting a gloomy day tomorrow.


- After the tragic accident, the whole town was filled with a gloomy atmosphere.


- She was feeling gloomy and couldn't shake off the sadness.



1. 发音:gloomy的发音为[ɡluːmi],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 词性:gloomy是一个形容词,意为“阴沉的;忧郁的”。

3. 同义词:gloomy的同义词包括:dismal, dark, dreary, somber, melancholy等。

4. 例句:

a) The sky was gloomy and overcast, as if it was going to rain.


b) She had a gloomy expression on her face, as if she was lost in thought.


c) The news of the accident cast a gloomy shadow over the whole town.


5. 搭配短语:

a) gloomy outlook 阴暗的前景

b) gloomy weather 阴沉的天气

c) a gloomy atmosphere 忧郁的气氛

d) a gloomy prediction 不祥的预言

6. 派生词:

a) gloomily (adverb)

b) gloominess (noun)

c) un-gloomy (adjective)

7. 同源词:

a) glum (形容词,意为“闷闷不乐的”)

b) glumly (adverb)

c) glumness (noun)

8. 词源:


9. 拓展阅读:


a) How to cope with gloomy weather?(如何应对阴沉的天气?)

b) The psychology behind feeling gloomy(忧郁情绪背后的心理学)

c) The impact of gloomy news on mental health(负面消息对心理健康的影响)


1. gloomy的意思是什么?


2. gloomy怎么读?


3. gloomy的同义词有哪些?


4. 英文例句:

- The weather has been so gloomy lately, I hope the sun will come out soon.


- She had a gloomy expression on her face, I wonder what's bothering her.


5. 中文例句:

- 这个地方总是给人一种阴森恐怖的感觉,让人心情低落。

- 他的话总是充满了悲观和忧伤,让人感到很沮丧


1. Gloomy outlook: 沉闷的前景

例句:The gloomy outlook for the economy has caused many people to lose their jobs.

2. Gloomy atmosphere: 阴郁的氛围

例句:The funeral had a very gloomy atmosphere.

3. Gloomy weather: 阴沉的天气

例句:The constant rain made the day feel very gloomy.

4. Gloomy mood: 忧郁的心情

例句:She couldn't shake off her gloomy mood after receiving bad news.

5. Gloomy prediction: 悲观的预测

例句:Experts have made a gloomy prediction about the future of our planet.

6. Gloomy prospects: 黯淡的前景

例句:The company's financial troubles have led to gloomy prospects for its future.

7. Gloomy expression: 阴沉的表情

例句:His gloomy expression showed that he was not happy with the situation.

8. Gloomy day: 阴暗的一天

例句:It's hard to stay positive on such a gloomy day like this.

9. Gloomy thoughts: 沮丧的想法

例句:She tried to push away her gloomy thoughts and focus on the present.

10. Gloomy silence: 沉默寡言

例句:After the argument, there was a long period of gloomy silence between them


1. Depressing

- Meaning: causing or feeling sadness or gloom.

- Example sentence: The gloomy weather made everyone feel depressed.

2. Dreary

- Meaning: dull, bleak, and lifeless.

- Example sentence: The old abandoned house had a dreary atmosphere.

3. Melancholy

- Meaning: a feeling of deep sadness.

- Example sentence: She couldn't shake off the melancholy feeling that had been weighing her down.

4. Somber

- Meaning: dark, gloomy, and serious.

- Example sentence: The somber mood of the funeral was palpable.

5. Sullen

- Meaning: bad-tempered and sulky; showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.

- Example sentence: He sat in the corner with a sullen expression on his face.

6. Morose

- Meaning: having a withdrawn and gloomy personality.

- Example sentence: After his wife's death, he became morose and rarely spoke to anyone.

7. Dismal

- Meaning: depressing, dreary, and gloomy.

- Example sentence: The dismal state of the economy was evident in the empty streets and closed shops.

8. Bleak

- Meaning: cold, harsh, and without hope or comfort.

- Example sentence: The future looked bleak for the small town as businesses continued to shut down.

9. Lugubrious

- Meaning: excessively mournful or sad; looking or sounding sad and dismal.

- Example sentence: The lugubrious music added to the already somber mood of the funeral.

10. Funereal

Meaning - relating to a funeral; having a mournful atmosphere.

Example sentence - The dark clouds and funereal music made it clear that it was going to be a gloomy day

