
生活学习2024-02-14 11:29:57自考教育网



The pronunciation of "glue"

As a language model AI, I am here to help you understand the pronunciation of "glue". This word may seem simple, but it has a few variations in pronunciation that can be confusing. So, let's dive in and find out how to say "glue" correctly.

1. What does "glue" mean?

First things first, let's understand the meaning of this word. "Glue" is a noun that refers to a sticky substance used for joining things together. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to stick or join things together using glue.

2. How do you pronounce "glue"?

Now, let's get to the main question - how do you say "glue"? Well, there are two common ways to pronounce this word: [gloo] or [gloo-uh]. The first one is more commonly used in British English while the second one is more common in American English.

3. Synonyms for "glue"

If you're looking for other words to use instead of "glue", here are some synonyms: adhesive, paste, gum, cement, and bond.

4. Examples of using "glue" in a sentence

To give you a better understanding of how to use this word in context, here are some examples:

- I need some glue to fix my broken vase.

- Can you please pass me the glue? I need to stick these papers together.

- The strong glue held the pieces of wood firmly together.

So there you have it - the pronunciation of "glue" and some additional information about its meaning and usage. Now go ahead and confidently use this word without any hesitation!

How to pronounce "glue"

1. What is "glue"?

"Glue" is a noun that refers to a sticky substance used for joining things together. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to stick or join things together with glue.

2. How do you pronounce "glue"?

The word "glue" is pronounced as [gloo], with a hard "g" sound and a long "oo" sound.

3. Synonyms for "glue"

- Adhesive: This is a general term for any substance that is used to stick things together.

- Paste: This refers to a thick, sticky substance that is often used for paper crafts.

- Cement: This term can be used interchangeably with glue, but it often refers to stronger adhesives used in construction or repairs.

4. Example sentences using "glue"

- I need some glue to fix this broken vase.

- The students used glue to attach the pieces of paper together.

- The carpenter used cement to secure the pieces of wood in place.

5. Tips for using glue

- Make sure to read the instructions on the packaging before using any type of glue.

- Use only the amount of glue needed for your project, as excess glue can make a mess and take longer to dry.

- For stronger bonds, apply pressure on the glued area until it sets completely.

In conclusion, "glue" is a common household item that helps us stick things together. Remember to pronounce it as [gloo] and use it carefully for best results

Usage and examples of "glue"

As a language model AI, I am here to provide you with the usage and examples of the word "glue". So, what does "glue" actually mean? How do you pronounce it? And are there any synonyms for it? Let's find out!

1. What does "glue" mean?

"Glue" is a noun that refers to a sticky substance used for joining things together. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to stick or join things together with glue.

2. How do you pronounce "glue"?

The word "glue" is pronounced as [gloo] or [gloo-uh].

3. Synonyms for "glue"

Some synonyms for "glue" include adhesive, paste, cement, and bond.

4. Examples of using "glue"

- I used glue to stick the pieces of paper together.

- The carpenter used wood glue to join the pieces of furniture.

- My little brother accidentally glued his fingers together while making a craft.

- The strong bond between us acts as a glue that keeps our friendship intact.

So now you know what "glue" means, how to pronounce it, and some other words that can be used in its place. Next time you need to stick something together, don't forget to use some good old-fashioned glue!

Phrases with "glue"

1. Stuck like glue - 粘得像胶水一样,形容关系或情感非常紧密。

例句:They have been friends since childhood and are stuck like glue.

2. Glue something together - 用胶水粘合某物,指修复或组装物品。

例句:I used super glue to glue the broken vase back together.

3. Glue your eyes on - 盯着某物看,形容非常专注地观察。

例句:The children glued their eyes on the TV screen while watching their favorite cartoon.

4. In a sticky situation - 处于困境中,形容遇到麻烦或难题。

例句:I forgot my wallet at home and now I'm in a sticky situation at the store.

5. Stick to someone like glue - 紧紧跟随某人,形容对某人非常忠诚。

例句:The loyal dog sticks to its owner like glue wherever he goes.

6. Glue words - 连接词,指在文章中起连接作用的词语。

例句:Using too many glue words can make your writing sound repetitive and dull.

7. Glue factory - 胶水厂,俗语指老年人的去处。

例句:My grandparents have retired and are now living in a cozy little house, jokingly referred to as the "glue factory".

8. Come unstuck - 脱离困境,摆脱困难。

例句:After many failed attempts, she finally came unstuck and passed her driving test.

9. Glue-sniffer - 吸食胶水的人,指滥用药物的人。

例句:The police arrested a group of glue-sniffers in the park last night.

10. Stick together - 紧密团结,形容团队或群体之间的和睦关系。

例句:We need to stick together if we want to win this game

Synonyms of "glue" with examples

1. What does "glue" mean?

- "Glue" is a noun that refers to a sticky substance used for joining things together.

- It can also be used as a verb, meaning to stick or fasten something with glue.

2. How do you pronounce "glue"?

- The word "glue" is pronounced as [gloo].

3. Synonyms of "glue"

- Adhesive: This is a general term for any substance that is used to stick things together.

Example: I need some adhesive to fix this broken vase.

- Paste: This refers to a thick, sticky substance used for joining surfaces together.

Example: The wallpaper was applied using paste.

- Cement: This is a type of adhesive made from clay, limestone, and other materials.

Example: The bricks were held together by cement.

- Gum: This is a type of adhesive made from tree sap or synthetic materials.

Example: She used gum to stick the pieces of paper together.

4. Examples of using "glue"

- Can you please pass me the glue? I need to fix my book.

- I accidentally glued my fingers together while working on my craft project.

- We used glue to attach the decorations onto the poster board.

- The carpenter used wood glue to join the pieces of furniture together.

In conclusion, "glue" has various synonyms such as adhesive, paste, cement, and gum. It can be pronounced as [gloo] and can be used in both noun and verb forms

