
生活学习2024-02-14 11:44:31自考教育网


The meaning of GMAC

1. GMAC的含义:GMAC是“General Management Admission Council”的缩写,意为“总管理入学委员会”。它是一个非营利性组织,致力于推广和管理全球最知名的商学院入学考试GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)。

2. GMAC的读音:GMAC的读音为[jiːmæk],可以简单理解为“吉麦克”。


3. GMAC的同义词:除了GMAC外,还有一些常见的同义词,比如“总管理入学委员会”、“商管考试委员会”等。但是在相关行业中,GMAC已经成为最常用的称呼。

4. GMAC的例句:如果你想申请美国顶尖商学院,就必须参加由GMAC组织的GMAT考试。或者你也可以说,“我正在备战GMAT,希望能够通过GMAC认可的考试来提升自己的商业技能。”

5. 总结:总而言之,GMAC是一个重要的组织,在商业领域拥有广泛影响力。它不仅仅是一个简单的缩写词,更代表着一种专业认可和标准化管理。希望通过本次介绍,你已经对“GMAC”的含义、读音、同义词及例句有了更深入的了解

How to pronounce GMAC

如果你是一个英语学习者,你可能会对GMAC这个词感到困惑。它是一个缩写词,代表着"Graduate Management Admission Council",即研究生管理入学委员会。那么,该如何正确地发音呢?下面就让我来为你解答。

1. GMAC的发音:GMAC的发音与单词"gym"相似,即/dʒimæk/。

2. GMAC的同义词:除了GMAC之外,你还可以用以下同义词来指代研究生管理入学委员会:

- Graduate Management Admission Council

- GMAT考试机构

3. GMAC的例句:

- I'm planning to take the GMAT next year, so I need to register with GMAC first.


- The GMAT is administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).



Usage and examples of GMAC

1. What is GMAC?

GMAC stands for Graduate Management Admission Council, which is a non-profit organization that provides various services related to graduate management education. It is best known for administering the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) and conducting research in the field of graduate management education.

2. How to pronounce GMAC?

GMAC is pronounced as "jee-mak" with a hard "g" sound, similar to the word "jam."

3. Synonyms for GMAC

- Graduate Management Admission Council: This is the full form of GMAC.

- Graduate Management Admission Test: This is the standardized test administered by GMAC for admission into graduate management programs.

- Business school admissions: This refers to the process of applying for admission into business schools, which often involves taking the GMAT.

- MBA admissions: This specifically refers to the process of applying for admission into Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs.

4. Examples of using GMAC

- John took the GMAT last month and received a high score, thanks to his preparation through GMAC's official study materials.

- The business school requires all applicants to submit their scores from either the GRE or GMAT, both of which are administered by GMAC.

- The annual conference organized by GMAC brings together top business school representatives and industry professionals to discuss current trends in graduate management education.

- Sarah was thrilled when she received her acceptance letter from Harvard Business School, one of the top schools that uses GMAT scores as part of their admissions criteria.

In conclusion, GMAC plays a significant role in graduate management education by providing services such as administering standardized tests and conducting research. Its impact can be seen in various aspects of business school admissions and its name has become synonymous with these processes

Phrases with GMAC

1. GMAC stands for "Graduate Management Admission Council", which is a global organization that administers the GMAT exam for business school admissions.

2. Wondering how to pronounce GMAC? It's pronounced as "jee-mak" with a soft "g" sound, similar to the word "gem".

3. Synonyms for GMAC include Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and Graduate Management Admissions Test.

4. Example sentence: "I'm planning to take the GMAC exam next month to apply for MBA programs."

5. Another phrase that includes GMAC is "GMAC Insurance", which refers to the insurance arm of General Motors Corporation.

6. Example sentence: "My car is insured by GMAC Insurance, they have great coverage options."

7. In the finance world, you may come across the phrase "GMAC mortgage", which refers to mortgages offered by General Motors Acceptance Corporation.

8. Example sentence: "I'm considering getting a GMAC mortgage for my new house, their interest rates are competitive."

9. Another commonly used phrase is "GMAC bank", which is a subsidiary of Ally Financial Inc., offering banking services such as checking accounts and savings accounts.

10. Example sentence: "I opened a savings account with GMAC bank because they have high interest rates."

Synonyms for GMAC with examples

1. GMAC的含义:GMAC是General Motors Acceptance Corporation的缩写,意为“通用汽车金融公司”。

2. GMAC的发音:GMAC的读音为[jee-mak],可以简单地读作“吉马克”。

3. GMAC的同义词:除了GMAC之外,还有一些同义词可以代替它,比如:

- General Motors Finance

- GM Financial

- General Motors Credit Corporation

- GMAC Financial Services

4. 同义词例句:

- My car loan is through GMAC, so I make my monthly payments to them.


- I applied for financing through General Motors Finance and got approved for a loan.


- My credit score wasn't high enough to qualify for a loan from GM Financial.

(我的信用分数不够高,无法获得GM Financial的贷款资格。)

- The dealership offered me a special financing deal through General Motors Credit Corporation.


- I had some issues with my car payments, so I called GMAC Financial Services to discuss my options.


