go across是什么意思,go across同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 11:58:31自考教育网

你是否曾经在阅读英文文章时,遇到过不认识的词汇,比如“go across”?它是什么意思呢?今天我们就来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。通过下面的内容,让我们一起探索“go across”的拼音、读音、用法及双语例句,还有它的常用词组和同义词示例。不要错过这篇文章,让我们一起来学习吧!

go across的拼音

go across的拼音是[goh uh-kraws, kros]

go across是什么意思,go across同义词及例句

go across的同义词包括:cross, pass over, traverse


1. I need to go across the bridge to get to the other side of the river.


2. We will go across the country on our road trip.


3. The teacher asked us to go across the street and buy some snacks for the class.


go across怎么读

你一定听说过“go across”这个词,但是你知道它怎么读吗?别担心,让我来为你解答吧!

1. 读音:[ɡəʊ əˈkrɒs],其中重点在第一个单词的发音,注意不要把“go”读成[ɡoʊ]。

2. 同义词:cross,pass through,transverse

3. 例句:He went across the river on a boat.(他乘船过了河。)

4. 这个词的意思其实很简单,就是“穿过、横穿”的意思。它可以用来描述人或物体从一个地方到达另一个地方的动作。

5. 那么,“go across”可以用在哪些场景呢?比如说,你可以用它来描述自己去旅行时穿过一座大桥、横穿一片森林或者通过一条街道。也可以用来形容人们跨越障碍、克服困难。

6. 不仅仅是物理上的穿越,在情感上也可以使用这个短语。比如说,“go across one's mind”就表示某个念头闪过脑海。

7. 总之,“go across”是一个非常常用且多功能的短语,在日常生活中经常会遇到。希望本次介绍能帮助你更好地理解它,也欢迎你在平时多多使用哦!

go across的用法和双语例句

1. go across的意思

go across是一个动词短语,意为“穿过,横跨”。它通常用来描述从一边到另一边的移动或跨越,可以指物体、人或思想等的移动。例如:

- The bridge allows people to go across the river easily. (这座桥方便人们穿过河流)

- We need to go across the field to get to the other side. (我们需要穿过那片田地才能到达另一边)

2. go across的同义词

go over, cross, pass through

3. 双语例句

- The tourists went across the desert on camels. (游客们乘骆驼穿过了沙漠)

- Can you help me carry this heavy box and go across the room? (你能帮我抬着这个重箱子走过房间吗?)

- The teacher asked the students to go over their notes before the exam. (老师要求学生们在考试前复习笔记)

- The hikers crossed the river by stepping on rocks. (徒步旅行者们通过踩岩石穿过了河流)

go across的词组

1. Traverse: 横跨,穿越

例句:We need to traverse the river to get to the other side.


2. Cross over: 跨过,越过

例句:We had to cross over the mountain to reach the village.


3. Pass through: 穿过,经过

例句:We will pass through several small towns on our road trip.


4. Go through: 经历,经受

例句:I don't want to go through another heartbreak.


5. Walk across: 走过,横穿

例句:We can walk across the park to get to the other side of town.


6. Journey across: 穿越旅程

例句:He embarked on a journey across the desert, facing many challenges along the way.


go across同义词示例

1. Cross - "go across"的最常见同义词,指横跨或穿过某物。例如:The bridge allows people to cross the river.(这座桥使人们能够穿过河流。)

2. Traverse - 指横跨或横穿某物,通常用于描述长距离的旅行或移动。例如:They traversed the entire country by foot.(他们步行穿越了整个国家。)

3. Transit - 指通过某物或区域,通常用于交通工具。例如:We will transit through London on our way to Paris.(我们将在去巴黎的路上经过伦敦。)

4. Pass over/through - 分别指横跨和穿过某物,强调通过的动作。例如:The hikers passed through the dense forest to reach the summit.(徒步旅行者穿过茂密的森林到达山顶。)

5. Cross over - 指从一边到另一边,通常用于描述移动方向的改变。例如:We need to cross over to the other side of the road to get to the store.(我们需要穿过马路去到商店那边。)

6. Journey across - 指旅行或移动过程中横跨多个地点或区域。例如:They journeyed across the desert for days before reaching an oasis.(他们在沙漠中旅行了几天才到达一个绿洲。)

7. Span - 指横跨某物的长度或时间,强调跨度。例如:The bridge spans over 2 kilometers.(这座桥横跨2公里。)

8. Move across - 指移动到另一边,通常用于描述物体或人的移动。例如:The cat moved across the room to get closer to the window.(猫咪移动到房间的另一边靠近窗户。)

9. Cross through - 指穿过某物,强调通过的过程。例如:They crossed through the narrow tunnel to escape the cave.(他们穿过狭窄的隧道逃离了洞穴。)

10. Cut across - 指横穿某物,强调动作的迅速和直接性。例如:He cut across the field to catch up with his friends.(他横穿田野赶上他的朋友们。)

本文为大家介绍了go across的拼音、读法、用法和词组,以及同义词示例。希望通过阅读本文,读者们对go across有了更深入的了解,并能够在日常生活中正确使用。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我,我将为您带来更多有趣、实用的知识。我是网站编辑,感谢您的阅读!
