go forth是什么意思,go forth同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 12:08:51自考教育网

今天我们要介绍的主题是“go forth是什么意思,go forth同义词及例句”。在英语中,有许多词汇都有着多种含义和用法,而“go forth”也不例外。它是一个动词短语,但它的意思却不止一种。那么,你知道“go forth”的具体词性和词义吗?它的发音和读音又是怎样的呢?让我们一起来探究一下吧!除此之外,还会为大家介绍一些与“go forth”相关的词组和搭配,以及同义词示例。让我们跟随着这篇文章的脚步,一起去了解这个有趣的词汇吧!

go forth是什么意思,go forth同义词及例句

go forth的词性和词义解释

1. 词性:动词

2. 词义解释:

- go forth是指“向前走”或“出发”,常用于鼓励或命令某人前进或行动。

- 同时,go forth也可以表示“传播”或“散布”,强调信息、想法或影响的扩散。

3. 同义词:

- set out: 出发,启程

- depart: 离开,出发

- embark: 上船,开始从事某项活动

- move forward: 向前移动,继续前进

4. 例句:

- The coach told the team to go forth and give their best effort in the game.


- The company decided to go forth with their plan to expand into international markets.


- The new policy aims to go forth and spread awareness about environmental protection.


go forth的发音和读音

1. 发音:go forth的发音为/gəʊ fɔːθ/,其中g和f都是清辅音,而o的发音为开放前不圆唇元音,r的发音为舌尖卷起,th的发音为清辅音组合。

2. 读音:go forth的读音可以分为两部分,即go和forth。go的读音为/gəʊ/,意思是“前往”,而forth的读音为/fɔːθ/,意思是“向前”或“继续进行”。

3. 同义词:根据上述发音和读音,可以推断出go forth的同义词可能包括:advance、proceed、move forward等。这些词都有着类似的意思,即“向前行进”或“继续进行”。

4. 例句:

(1) He encouraged his team to go forth and achieve their goals.


(2) The soldiers were ordered to go forth and defend their country.


(3) Despite the challenges, we must go forth and overcome them.


go forth的用法和例句

1. go forth的意思是向前走,继续前进。它可以用来表示行动、前进或迈出下一步的意思。

例句:It's time to go forth and chase your dreams.(现在是时候前进,追逐你的梦想了。)

2. go forth的同义词包括advance、move forward、proceed等。它们都表示向前行动或继续发展。

例句:The team is ready to advance to the next round of the competition.(团队已准备好进入比赛的下一轮。)

3. go forth也可以用来指发出或传播信息、观点等。

例句:The company's new advertising campaign will go forth on social media tomorrow.(公司的新广告活动明天将在社交媒体上发布。)

4. 同样地,go forth也可以指开始做某件事情或采取某种行动。

例句:I'm ready to go forth and start my own business.(我已准备好开始自己的事业了。)

5. 另外,go forth也可以用来表示离开某个地方。

例句:He said goodbye to his family and went forth into the unknown world.(他向家人道别,踏上了未知的旅程。)

go forth的相关词组和搭配

1. 出发 (set off):Go forth的最常见同义词,表示开始前往某个地方。

例句:It's time to go forth on our journey.

2. 踏上旅程 (embark on a journey):强调开始一段旅程,通常指长途旅行或冒险。

例句:We are ready to go forth and embark on our adventure.

3. 迈出第一步 (take the first step):指开始做某件事情的第一步,也可以表示迈向新的起点。

例句:If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to go forth and take the first step.

4. 踏上征程 (set out on a journey):类似于go forth和embark on a journey,强调开始一段旅程或冒险。

例句:We are excited to set out on our journey and explore new places.

5. 开始前进 (start moving forward):表示开始朝着某个目标或方向前进。

例句:It's time for us to go forth and start moving forward towards success.

6. 走向未来 (move towards the future):强调朝着未来发展或进步,也可以表示走出过去的阴影。

例句:Let go of the past and go forth, moving towards a brighter future.

7. 勇往直前 (forge ahead):表示勇敢地向前行进,不畏惧困难和挑战。

例句:We must go forth and forge ahead, no matter what obstacles we may face.

8. 踏上新的旅程 (embark on a new journey):指开始一段新的旅程,可以是生活、事业或感情上的新起点。

例句:After graduating, I am ready to go forth and embark on a new journey.

9. 迈向更好的未来 (move towards a better future):表示朝着更美好的未来发展和进步。

例句:We must go forth and move towards a better future for ourselves and our loved ones.

10. 前往未知 (journey into the unknown):指前往未知的领域或探索未知的事物。

例句:It takes courage to go forth and journey into the unknown, but the rewards are worth it

go forth的同义词示例

1. Proceed

例句:He decided to proceed with his plan despite the challenges.


2. Advance

例句:The company is advancing into new markets.


3. Move forward

例句:It's time to move forward and leave the past behind.


4. Forge ahead

例句:Despite the setbacks, we will continue to forge ahead.


5. Make progress

例句:She has made great progress in her studies.


6. Press on

例句:We must press on and not give up.


7. Move onward

例句:Let's move onward to the next phase of the project.


8. Go ahead

例句:You have my permission to go ahead with the plan.


9. Carry on

例句: We must carry on with our work despite the challenges.

翻译: 尽管面临挑战,我们还是要继续工作。

10. Push forward

例句: We need to push forward and make things happen.

翻译: 我们需要继续努力,让事情发生

go forth是一个非常有用的短语,它可以表示出发、前进、继续等含义,而且还有许多同义词可以替换使用。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们能够更加清楚地了解go forth的意思和用法,并在日常生活中灵活运用。如果你喜欢本文,欢迎关注我,我将会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识。我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读和支持!
