go out是什么意思

生活学习2024-02-14 12:15:20自考教育网

你是否曾经听说过"Go Out"这个词?它是什么意思呢?或许你会想到一些可能的猜测,但是它的含义远不止于此。今天,我将带你一起探索这个行业标题背后的奥秘。从如何正确读音到具体的用法和例句,再到常见的短语搭配和同义词示例,让我们一起来揭开"Go Out"的神秘面纱吧!敬请期待。

"Go Out"的含义

1. "Go Out"的词源

"Go Out"这个短语源自英语中的动词"go out",其中"go"是动词"go"的原形,意为“去”,而"out"则是副词,意为“出去”。因此,可以将"go out"理解为“出去”的动作,或者更具体地说,是指离开某个地方。

go out是什么意思

2. "Go Out"的基本含义

根据上述词源分析,我们可以得出"go out"的基本含义:离开一个地方。这里的地方可以指家、办公室、学校等任何具体的场所。当我们使用"go out"时,通常是指某人暂时离开某个地方,而不是永久性离开。

3. "Go Out"的进一步含义

除了基本含义外,在不同语境下,“go out”还可以有其他含义:

- 离开家外出:比如,“I usually go out for a walk after dinner.”(我通常在晚饭后出去散步。)

- 外出购物、娱乐等活动:比如,“Let's go out and have some fun tonight!”(今晚我们出去玩吧!)

- 与朋友约会:比如,“I'm going to go out with my friends this weekend.”(我这周末要和朋友们约会。)

- 停止使用或存在:比如,“The lights went out suddenly.”(灯突然熄灭了。)

- 出版、发行:比如,“The new edition of the book will go out next month.”(这本书的新版本将在下个月出版。)

4. "Go Out"的常见用法

在日常交流中,我们可以使用"go out"来表达以下含义:

- 出门:比如,“I'm going to go out to buy some groceries.”(我要出去买些杂货。)

- 离开某个地方:比如,“He went out of the room without saying a word.”(他一言不发地离开了房间。)

- 与朋友或对象约会:比如,“They have been going out for three months now.”(他们已经约会三个月了。)

- 停止工作或运行:比如,“The power went out during the storm.”(暴风雨期间停电了。)

5. "Go Out"的常见搭配

除了以上常见用法外,"go out"还可以与其他词组合使用,形成不同的意思:

- Go out of style: 过时

- Go out of business: 倒闭

- Go all out: 全力以赴

- Go for a walk: 散步

- Go on a trip: 出去旅行

6. "Go Out"的同义词和反义词

"go out"的同义词包括leave、depart、exit等,而反义词则有stay、remain等。

7. "Go Out"的常见误用

在使用"go out"时,有时会出现以下误用情况:

- 与"go outside"混淆:"go outside"是指去室外,而"go out"则是离开某个地方,两者含义不同。

- 与"go out of"搭配错误:有些动词需要与"go out of"搭配使用,比如"go out of business"(倒闭),而不能单独使用"go out"。

- 与其他动词搭配错误:有些动词需要搭配特定的介词才能表达正确的含义,比如"go to work"(上班),而不能直接使用"go work"。


如何读音"Go Out"

1. "Go Out"的发音

"Go Out"是一个由两个单词组成的短语,其中"go"是一个动词,意为“去”,而"out"是一个副词,意为“出去”。因此,整个短语的发音应该分别读作/gəʊ/和/aʊt/。

2. 元音音标解读

在英语中,元音字母有多种发音方式,而且不同的发音方式可能会改变单词的意思。因此,在学习如何正确读音"go out"之前,我们先来了解一下它们各自的元音音标。

- "go": 这个单词的元音发音为/dʒəʊ/,它是一个长元音,在发声时需要将嘴唇张开并向前突出。

- "out": 这个单词的元音发音为/aʊt/,它是一个双元音,在发声时需要先将嘴唇圆起来,并向外伸出舌头。

3. 重点注意

在正式学习如何读准"go out"之前,有几点需要特别注意:

- 音调:英语中有重读和轻读之分,在"go out"这个短语中,“go”这个单词应该重读,“out”则属于轻读。因此,在发声时要注意强调"go"这个单词。

- 连读:在英语中,相邻的单词可能会发生连读,即两个单词的边界不明显,而是将它们的发音连在一起。在"go out"这个短语中,"go"和"out"之间就会发生连读,变成/gəʊʊt/的发音。

4. 正确读音示范

现在让我们来尝试一下如何正确读音"go out"。首先,我们要注意把重点放在"go"这个单词上,并强调它的发音。然后,在发声时要将嘴唇向前突出,并保持舌头放平。最后,在读到“out”这个单词时,要将嘴唇圆起来,并向外伸出舌头

"Go Out"的用法和例句

1. "Go Out"的基本含义

"Go Out"是一个常用的英语短语,其基本含义是“外出”,指离开家或其他室内地方去外面的地方。它可以用作及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词使用。

2. "Go Out"作为及物动词

当"Go Out"作为及物动词时,它通常需要搭配一个地点,表示离开某个地方去另外一个地方。例如:

- I'm going out to the store.(我要出门去商店。)

- She went out for a walk.(她出去散步了。)

- They went out for dinner last night.(他们昨晚出去吃了晚饭。)

3. "Go Out"作为不及物动词

当"Go Out"作为不及物动词时,它通常表示离开家或其他室内地方去外面的地方,但没有指定具体的目的地。例如:

- She goes out every evening to take a walk.(她每天晚上都会出门散步。)

- They always go out for a drink on Friday nights.(他们每周五晚上都会出去喝一杯。)

- He doesn't like to go out in bad weather.(他不喜欢在恶劣的天气里出门。)

4. "Go Out"引申义

除了基本含义之外,"Go Out"还可以引申出其他意思。例如:

- "Go Out"也可以表示熄灭,如:The fire went out.(火灭了。)

- "Go Out"还可以表示结束,如:Their relationship went out with a bang.(他们的关系以轰轰烈烈的方式结束了。)

- "Go Out"也可以表示流行或受欢迎,如:This style of music is really going out right now.(这种音乐风格现在很流行。)

5. "Go Out"的用法注意事项

在使用"Go Out"时,需要注意以下几点:

- 它通常用于口语和非正式场合。

- 如果要表达去参加某个活动的意思,通常会使用"go out to + 动词原形"的结构,如"go out to eat"(出去吃饭)、"go out to dance"(出去跳舞)等。

- 如果要表达某物被用完或耗尽的意思,通常会使用"go out of + 名词/代词/物主代词 + 名词复数/不可数名词"的结构,如"The milk has gone out of date."(牛奶过期了。)

6. "Go Out"的例句

为了更好地理解和掌握“go out”的用法,下面列举几个例句:

- She's going out with her friends tonight.(今晚她要和朋友们出去。)

- The candle went out before we finished dinner.(蜡烛在我们吃完饭前就熄灭了。)

- They went out of business last year.(他们去年倒闭了。)

- The sun has gone out and it's getting dark.(太阳落山了,天色渐暗。)

"Go Out"的短语搭配

1. "Go out for a walk" - 出去散步

2. "Go out to eat" - 出去吃饭

3. "Go out with friends" - 和朋友出去玩

4. "Go out on a date" - 出去约会

5. "Go out of town" - 出城旅行

6. "Go out of style" - 不再流行

7. "Go all out" - 全力以赴

8. "Go out of your way" - 特意做某事

9. "Go out for drinks" - 出去喝酒

10. "Go out with a bang" - 喧闹地结束某事

"Go Out"的同义词示例

1. Leave - 离开

例如:He decided to leave the party early and go out for a walk.

2. Exit - 出去

例如:She asked her boss for permission to exit the office and go out for lunch.

3. Depart - 离开

例如:The train will depart at 5pm, so make sure you go out of the house on time.

4. Step out - 走出去

例如:I need to step out of the office for a moment and go out to buy some coffee.

5. Head out - 出发,离开

例如:They decided to head out of town for the weekend and go camping in the mountains.

6. Venture outside - 冒险外出

例如:After being stuck at home for days, she finally decided to venture outside and go out for a walk.

7. Go away - 走开,离开

例如:The dog wouldn't stop barking, so I had to go away from my house and go out for a drive.

8. Egress - 离开,出去

例如:The emergency exit is located on the left side of the building, please use it to egress safely.

9. Go forth - 前往,出发

例如:He was excited to finally go forth on his journey and go out into the world.

10. Get away - 逃离,远离

例如:I needed to get away from all the stress, so I decided to pack my bags and go out on a solo trip.

11. Make an exit - 退出,离开

例如:After giving his speech, he quickly made an exit from the stage and went out of sight.

12. Set off - 出发,启程

例如:They set off on their bikes to go out and explore the city.

13. Walk out - 走出去,离开

例如:She couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to walk out of the meeting and go out for some fresh air.

14. Move out - 搬出去,离开

例如:After graduating, she had to move out of her dorm and go out into the real world.

15. Clear out - 清空,离开

例如:The police asked everyone to clear out of the building as there was a fire alarm and they needed to go out safely.

16. Take off - 起飞,离开

例如:The plane will take off in an hour, so make sure you go out of the airport and explore before then.

17. Go outside - 出外面,外出

例如:It's a beautiful day, let's go outside and have a picnic in the park.

18. Get out - 出来,离开

例如:I couldn't wait to get out of my office and finally go out for a vacation.

19. Withdraw - 撤退,离开

例如:After losing the game, they had to withdraw from the tournament and go back home.

20. Abscond - 逃跑,逃走

例如:The prisoner managed to abscond from prison and go out on the run for several days before being caught again

通过以上内容的介绍,相信大家对于“Go Out”的含义已经有了更深入的了解。不仅如此,“Go Out”还有着丰富的用法和短语搭配,可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。作为网站编辑,我非常感谢大家的阅读,如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。最后,祝愿大家每天都能“Go Out”并充满活力!
