
生活学习2024-02-28 08:22:27自考教育网



1. apian的发音是[ˈeɪpiən],其中的重音在第一个音节上。

2. 这个单词的发音可以分为两部分来学习:ap-和-ian。在英语中,字母a通常发[ə]的音,而字母i则发[i]的音。因此,apian这个词的前半部分可以读作[əp]。后半部分-ian则读作[iən]。


3. 在英语中,字母e有时也会发[ɛ]的音,但在apian中,它并不是重要的音节,因此发音为[e]。

4. 如果你想更准确地学习apian这个单词的发音,可以通过一些在线英语学习工具来练习。比如说,在Merriam-Webster Dictionary网站上,你可以找到apian这个单词,并点击“Listen to the pronunciation”按钮来听其发音。

5. 另外,在一些在线英语词典中也提供了类似功能。比如说,在Cambridge Dictionary网站上,你可以找到apian这个单词,并点击右侧的喇叭图标来听其发音。

6. 如果你想更加系统地学习英语单词的发音规律,可以参考一些专门针对英语发音的教材或者视频教程。

7. 除了正式学习外,你也可以通过听英语歌曲、看英语电影等方式来提高自己的发音能力。尝试模仿原声,反复练习,相信你的发音会越来越准确。

8. 最后,记住要保持耐心和勤奋,学习发音是一个需要长期坚持的过程。只要你不断练习,就一定能够掌握apian这个单词的正确发音



作为名词,apian指的是蜂类动物,特别是蜜蜂。它可以用来描述一群蜜蜂或者蜂巢。例如:“The apian swarm was buzzing around the hive.”(那群蜂正围绕着蜂巢嗡嗡叫。)

作为形容词,apian则表示与蜂有关的。例如:“The apian honey was sweet and delicious.”(这种与蜂有关的蜂蜜又甜又美味。)

除了这些基本含义外,apian还可以引申出其他意思。例如,在文学作品中,它可以被用来比喻人们像蜂一样忙碌、勤奋或有组织性。例如:“The students were all busy as bees, studying for their exams.”(学生们都像忙碌的小蜂一样,为考试而学习。)此外,在医学术语中,apian也可以指代与皮肤有关的疾病。


1. The apian society in the beehive is a well-oiled machine, with each bee playing a specific role.


2. The apian workers tirelessly collect nectar from flowers to make honey for their hive.


3. The apian sting can be quite painful, but it is also a necessary defense mechanism for bees.



1. apian是什么意思?


2. apian怎么读?


3. apian的同义词有哪些?


4. apian的例句

- Her dress was adorned with delicate apian patterns, making her look like a queen bee.


- The apian buzzing of the bees in the garden was a soothing background noise for reading.


- His sweet words were like apian nectar, attracting all the girls around him.



1. "apian buzz" - apian的嗡嗡声,指蜂鸣声。

例句:The apian buzz in the garden was a sign of spring's arrival.

2. "apian instincts" - apian的本能,指蜂类的天性。

例句:The beekeeper had to understand the apian instincts in order to successfully manage his hives.

3. "apian society" - apian的社会,指蜂群。

例句:The study of apian society has revealed complex communication and hierarchy within bee colonies.

4. "apian workforce" - apian的劳动力,指蜂群中的工蜂。

例句:The queen bee relies on her loyal apian workforce to maintain the hive and collect nectar for honey production.

5. "apian architecture" - apian的建筑,指蜂巢结构。

例句:The intricate apian architecture of a beehive is designed for maximum efficiency and storage space.

6. "apian pollination" - apian的授粉,指蜜蜂为植物进行授粉作用。

例句:The key role of bees in apian pollination is vital for the growth and reproduction of many plant species.

7. "apian dance" - apian的舞蹈,指蜜蜂在传递信息时所做的舞蹈动作。

例句:Through their unique apian dance, honeybees are able to communicate the location of food sources to other members of the hive.

8. "apian delicacy" - apian的美味,指蜂蜜。

例句:The apian delicacy of fresh honey straight from the hive is a favorite treat for many people.

9. "apian stinger" - apian的刺针,指蜜蜂的尾部毒刺。

例句:Be careful not to get too close to a bee's apian stinger, as it can cause painful reactions in humans.

10. "apian harmony" - apian的和谐,指蜂群中各个成员之间的和谐相处。

例句:The success of a beehive relies on the apian harmony between the queen, workers, and drones


1. Bee-like

"Apian" is an adjective that means "bee-like." It is used to describe something that resembles or relates to bees in some way. For example, "The apian design of the honeycomb pattern on the dress was quite eye-catching."

2. Beeish

Similar to "bee-like," "beeish" is another word that can be used as a synonym for "apian." It also refers to something that has characteristics or qualities of bees. For instance, "The buzzing sound coming from the beehive had a beeish quality to it."

3. Apiarian

"Apiarian" is an adjective that means "relating to bees or beekeeping." It can also refer to someone who keeps bees or works with them. An example sentence could be, "The apiarian society organized a workshop on sustainable beekeeping practices."

4. Hymenopterous

This word is more technical and refers specifically to insects of the order Hymenoptera, which includes bees, wasps, and ants. It can be used as a synonym for "apian," but it may not be as commonly known or used in everyday language.

5. Melliferous

"Melliferous" means producing or yielding honey, and it can also refer to things related to honey-making or honey-producing insects like bees. For example, "The melliferous flowers in the garden attracted a large number of apian visitors."

6. Apicultural

This adjective describes something related to beekeeping or the management of bees for their products (such as honey). It can also refer to the study of beekeeping practices and techniques. A sentence using this word could be, "The apicultural society conducted research on the effects of pesticides on apian colonies."

7. Beelike

Similar to "bee-like," this word describes something that has qualities resembling those of bees. It can also be used to describe someone who acts or moves in a way that resembles bees. For instance, "The beelike movements of the dancer were mesmerizing to watch."

8. Buzzing

While not a direct synonym for "apian," "buzzing" can be used to describe the sound made by bees and their movements. It can also refer to a feeling of excitement or activity, similar to the busy and productive nature of bees. An example sentence could be, "The buzzing atmosphere of the apiary was infectious."

9. Hivelike

This adjective means resembling or relating to a hive, which is where bees live and store their honey. It can also refer to something that is organized or structured like a hive. For example, "The hivelike structure of the company's departments ensured efficient communication and collaboration."

10. Pollen-gathering

As bees are known for gathering pollen from flowers, this phrase can be used as a synonym for "apian." It refers to the act of collecting pollen and is often used in relation to bee behavior or activities. A sentence using this phrase could be, "The apian workers were busy with their pollen-gathering duties."

