fall in love是什么意思,fall in love同义词及例句

生活学习2024-03-08 14:30:03自考教育网

你是否曾经遇到过一个让你心动的人,让你感觉仿佛坠入情网,无法自拔?如果是的话,那么你可能已经“fall in love”了。那么,“fall in love”究竟是什么意思呢?它又有哪些同义词和常用短语呢?让我们一起来探索一下吧!在这篇文章中,我将为你介绍“fall in love”的含义、发音及读法、用法和双语例句,以及它的同义词示例。准备好迎接爱情的甜蜜冲击吧!

fall in love的含义

1. 爱上某人:fall in love指的是对某个人产生爱情的感觉,通常是指一种强烈的感情,让人无法自拔。

fall in love是什么意思,fall in love同义词及例句

例句:She fell in love with him at first sight.(她一见钟情于他。)

2. 爱上某物:除了指爱上某个人,fall in love也可以用来形容对某物的喜爱或迷恋。

例句:I fell in love with this book and couldn't put it down.(我迷恋这本书,无法放下。)

3. 倾心、迷恋:除了指爱情,fall in love也可以表示对某件事情或活动的热爱和投入。

例句:She fell in love with dancing and now it's her passion.(她倾心于舞蹈,现在已经成为她的热情所在。)

4. 陷入爱河:这个词组也可以用来形容陷入一段浪漫的恋爱关系中。

例句:They fell deeply in love and got married after a year of dating.(他们深深地相爱,在约会一年后结婚了。)

5. 着迷、着魔:fall in love还可以表示对某件事物或人格魅力的着迷和欣赏。

例句:I fell in love with her voice the first time I heard it.(我第一次听到她的声音就着迷了。)

6. 爱情降临:fall in love也可以用来指爱情突然降临,让人无法抗拒。

例句:They never expected to fall in love, but it happened unexpectedly.(他们从未想过会陷入爱河,但却意外地发生了。)

7. 深深地喜欢:除了指爱情,fall in love也可以表示对某件事物的深深喜欢和认同。

例句:I fell in love with this city the moment I arrived.(我一到这个城市就深深地喜欢上它。)

fall in love的发音及读法

1. 发音及读法

"Fall in love"的发音为/fɔːl ɪn lʌv/,其中"fɔːl"发音为英语中的长音"o",读作/fɔːl/,而"ɪn"发音为短音"i",读作/ɪn/。最后的"lʌv"则发音为英语中的长音"a",读作/lʌv/。整个词组的重音在第一个单词上,即"FALL in love"。

2. 同义词及例句

除了常用的表达方式之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表示“fall in love”,比如:

- Be smitten with:被迷住、着迷于

- Be head over heels for:深深爱上

- Be enamored with:被迷恋、倾心于


- They fell in love at first sight and have been together ever since.


- He was smitten with her beauty and couldn't take his eyes off her.


- She's head over heels for him and can't stop talking about him.


- He's completely enamored with her and will do anything to make her happy.


fall in love的用法和双语例句

1. fall in love的意思是“坠入爱河”,表示对某人产生强烈的爱情感觉。它通常用于描述两个人之间的感情,也可以用来形容对某件事物或活动的热爱。

2. 同义词:

- Be in love:与fall in love意思相同,都表示陷入爱情。

- Fall for:也表示对某人产生强烈的感情,但有时也可以用来指被欺骗或受骗。

- Develop feelings for:指逐渐对某人产生感情。

- Catch feelings:口语中常用的表达方式,意为“被某人吸引”。

3. 例句:

- I fell in love with him the moment I saw him.


- She has fallen for her colleague and they are now dating.


- He developed feelings for his best friend's sister.


- She caught feelings for her dance partner during rehearsals.


fall in love的同义词示例

1. Be in love: 意为“陷入爱河”,与fall in love意思相同,常用于表达对某人的强烈爱意。

例句:She is completely in love with him.(她完全陷入了他的爱河。)

2. Fall for: 意为“爱上,迷恋”,也是fall in love的同义词,强调对某人或某事物的强烈吸引和喜欢。

例句:He fell for her the moment he saw her.(他一见到她就迷上了她。)

3. Develop feelings for: 意为“对某人产生感情”,与fall in love含义相近,指逐渐产生深厚的感情。

例句:They have been friends for years, but recently she developed feelings for him.(他们多年来都是朋友,但最近她对他产生了感情。)

4. Catch feelings: 意为“被感情所困扰”,也可以理解为“陷入爱河”,常用于年轻人之间的口语表达。

例句:I think I'm catching feelings for my best friend.(我觉得我开始喜欢上我最好的朋友了。)

5. Fall head over heels: 意为“头脑被爱冲昏”,形容一种激烈、疯狂地爱上某人的状态。

例句:He fell head over heels for her the moment he met her.(他一见到她就疯狂地爱上了她。)

6. Be smitten with: 意为“被迷住,着迷”,也可以理解为“陷入爱河”,强调对某人的深深喜欢。

例句:She was smitten with him from the first time they met.(他们第一次见面时,她就被他迷住了。)

7. Have a crush on: 意为“暗恋,喜欢”,常用于形容暗中对某人产生的爱意。

例句:I've had a crush on her since high school.(我从高中就暗恋她。)

8. Fall head over heels in love: 意为“疯狂地坠入爱河”,强调对某人的极度爱意。

例句:He fell head over heels in love with her and couldn't imagine his life without her.(他疯狂地爱上了她,无法想象没有她的生活。)

9. Be enamored with: 意为“被迷住,倾心于”,强调对某人的深深喜欢和倾心。

例句:She was completely enamored with him and couldn't resist his charm.(她完全被他迷住了,无法抵挡他的魅力。)

10. Fall deeply in love: 意为“深深地陷入爱河”,强调对某人的强烈爱意。

例句:They fell deeply in love with each other and knew they were meant to be together.(他们深深地爱上了彼此,知道他们注定要在一起。)

fall in love常用短语

1. To fall head over heels in love – 爱得死去活来

例句:She fell head over heels in love with him at first sight.

2. To be smitten with someone – 对某人一见钟情

例句:He was smitten with her beauty and charm.

3. To have a crush on someone – 暗恋某人

例句:I've had a crush on him since high school.

4. To be lovestruck – 被爱情冲昏头脑

例句:She was completely lovestruck and couldn't think of anything else.

5. To be madly in love – 疯狂地爱着

例句:They are madly in love and can't keep their hands off each other.

6. To be head over heels for someone – 对某人深深地爱着

例句:He is head over heels for her and would do anything for her.

7. To have butterflies in one's stomach – 心里有蝴蝶飞舞(形容紧张和兴奋)

例句:Every time I see him, I get butterflies in my stomach.

8. To be swept off one's feet – 被迷得神魂颠倒

例句:She was swept off her feet by his romantic gestures.

9. To be infatuated with someone – 对某人迷恋

例句:He is infatuated with her and can't stop thinking about her.

10. To be head over heels in love with someone – 深深地爱着某人

例句:She is head over heels in love with him and can't imagine her life without him.

11. To be crazy about someone – 对某人疯狂地爱着

例句:He is crazy about her and would do anything for her.

12. To be hopelessly in love – 深深地爱着,无法自拔

例句:She is hopelessly in love with him and can't imagine being with anyone else.

13. To have a soft spot for someone – 对某人有特殊的感情

例句:He has always had a soft spot for her and can't resist her charm.

14. To be head over heels for someone – 对某人深深地爱着

例句:He is head over heels for her and would do anything to make her happy.

15. To be deeply in love – 深深地爱着

例句:They are deeply in love and nothing can come between them.

16. To have a deep connection with someone – 与某人有深厚的感情

例句:They have a deep connection with each other that goes beyond words.

17. To be consumed by love – 被爱所包围

例句:She was consumed by love for him and couldn't think of anyone else.

18. To be enamored with someone – 对某人倾心,迷恋

例句:He is completely enamored with her and would do anything to win her heart.

19. To have fallen hard for someone – 对某人一见钟情,坠入爱河

例句:She has fallen hard for him and can't imagine her life without him.

20. To be deeply devoted to someone – 对某人深深地忠诚

例句:He is deeply devoted to her and would do anything for her happiness

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