go wrong是什么意思,go wrong同义词及例句

生活学习2024-03-10 09:06:45自考教育网

“go wrong是什么意思,怎么读?go wrong的用法和双语例句有哪些?还有go wrong的同义词是什么?”这些都是我们在学习英语过程中常常会遇到的问题。今天,我将为大家解答这些疑惑,并带你一起探索这个行业标题背后隐藏的奥秘。让我们一起来看看,go wrong究竟意味着什么,它又有哪些词组和同义词呢?精彩内容即将揭晓,敬请期待!

go wrong的意思是什么

1. go wrong的定义

go wrong是什么意思,go wrong同义词及例句

Go wrong是一个英语短语,意为“出错”、“失败”或“做错事情”。它可以用作及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词使用。当它作为及物动词时,通常后面会跟上一个名词或代词作宾语;而当它作为不及物动词时,则不需要宾语。

2. go wrong的同义词

- Make a mistake:意为“犯错误”,是go wrong最常见的同义表达。

- Mess up:意为“搞砸”,通常指由于自己的错误或疏忽导致事情出错。

- Go astray:意为“走错路”,也可以指做错事情。

- Slip up:意为“失误”,多用于形容小错误。

- Flub:意为“弄糟”,通常指由于缺乏经验或技能而导致失败。

3. go wrong的例句

- If you don't follow the instructions carefully, things could go wrong.


- I think something went wrong with the translation process.


- Don't worry, even if things go wrong, we can always find a solution.


- He messed up the presentation by forgetting his lines.


- I didn't mean to go astray, but I got lost in the unfamiliar city.


go wrong怎么读

1. go wrong的意思

Go wrong是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示某件事情出了问题或是出现了错误。它可以作为动词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。作为动词短语时,它的意思是“出错”、“出差错”、“做错事情”,例如:“I'm afraid something has gone wrong with the machine.”(恐怕机器出了故障。)作为名词短语时,它的意思是“错误”、“差错”,例如:“The teacher pointed out all the go wrongs in my essay.”(老师指出了我文章中所有的错误。)

2. go wrong的同义词

go wrong的同义词有:fail、make a mistake、be mistaken、go astray等。这些同义词都可以用来表示某件事情出现错误或是做错事情。

3. go wrong的例句

(1) If you don't follow the instructions, things will definitely go wrong.


(2) I'm sorry, I must have gone wrong somewhere in my calculations.


(3) Don't worry, even if things go wrong, we can always find a solution.


4. 怎么读go wrong?

go wrong的读音为/gəʊ rɒŋ/,其中“go”的发音为/gəʊ/,意思是“去”,而“wrong”的发音为/rɒŋ/,意思是“错误”。所以整个短语的意思就是“去错误的方向”,也就是表示事情出现了错误

go wrong的用法和双语例句

1. go wrong的意思是出错、出岔子,指某件事情或计划没有按照预期的方式进行。

例句:I followed the recipe, but something must have gone wrong because the cake didn't rise. (我按照食谱做了,但可能出了什么问题,蛋糕没有发起来。)

2. go astray是go wrong的同义词,也表示偏离轨道、走错方向。

例句:We took a wrong turn and our hike went astray. (我们走错了路,迷失了方向。)

3. go awry也可以用来表示go wrong,意为出差错、出问题。

例句:Our plans for the weekend went awry when it started raining. (周末的计划因为下雨而出了问题。)

4. go haywire也可以用来表示go wrong,意为变得混乱、失控。

例句:The computer system went haywire and we lost all our data. (电脑系统崩溃了,我们丢失了所有数据。)

5. go off track也是go wrong的同义词,指偏离正轨、偏离计划。

例句:Our project went off track when we encountered unexpected challenges. (我们遇到意想不到的挑战时,项目偏离了原定计划。)

6. Things can go wrong at any time, so always be prepared for the unexpected.


7. Even the best plans can go wrong, so it's important to have a backup plan.


8. When things go wrong, don't panic. Take a deep breath and think of a solution.


go wrong的词组

1. Mess up - 混乱,搞砸

例句:I didn't follow the instructions and ended up messing up the whole project.


2. Fail - 失败,不成功

例句:If you don't study, you will fail the test.


3. Flounder - 挣扎,失败

例句:The company is floundering due to poor management.


4. Go awry - 出错,出岔子

例句:Our plans for the trip went awry when our flight got cancelled.


5. Fall through - 失败,落空

例句:Our deal fell through because we couldn't agree on the terms.


6. Break down - 失败,崩溃

例句:The negotiations broke down due to lack of compromise from both sides.


7. Go downhill - 走下坡路,变得更糟糕

例句:Ever since he lost his job, his life has been going downhill.


8. Go astray - 出错,偏离正轨

例句:The project went astray when the team leader left.


9. Take a wrong turn - 走错路,做错决定

例句:I took a wrong turn and ended up getting lost in the city.


10. Go off track - 偏离轨道,走入歧途

例句:The discussion went off track when they started arguing about irrelevant topics.


go wrong同义词示例

1. Mess up:意思为搞砸、弄乱,例句:I don't want to mess up this important presentation.

2. Go astray:意思为偏离、出错,例句:His plan went astray when he forgot to factor in the weather conditions.

3. Fall through:意思为失败、落空,例句:Their business deal fell through due to a lack of funding.

4. Take a wrong turn:意思为走错路、做错决定,例句:I think we took a wrong turn and ended up in the wrong city.

5. Flounder:意思为挣扎、困惑,例句:The company floundered after their CEO resigned unexpectedly.

6. Hit a snag:意思为遇到问题、遇阻碍,例句:We hit a snag when our supplier suddenly increased their prices.

7. Go off track:意思为偏离轨道、走错方向,例句:The project went off track when the team started focusing on unnecessary details.

8. Fizzle out:意思为逐渐消失、失败,例句:Their relationship fizzled out after only a few months of dating.

9. Backfire:意思为适得其反、事与愿违,例句: His attempt to impress his boss backfired and he ended up getting fired instead.

10. Go haywire: 意思为出毛病、失控, 例句: The computer system went haywire and we lost all of our important data

go wrong是一个常用的短语,意思是出错或失败。它可以用于各种场景,如工作、生活、学习等。通过本文的介绍,相信大家对go wrong有了更深入的理解。如果你喜欢本文,欢迎关注我,我是网站编辑,将会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和信息。最后祝愿大家在使用英语时不要再让事情go wrong了!
