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What does goddamn mean?


首先,让我们来看看它的意思。goddamn是一个粗俗的词语,通常被用作感叹词或动词。作为感叹词时,它的意思类似于“该死的”或“见鬼”,用来表达愤怒、厌恶或惊讶。例如:“Goddamn it!我把钥匙弄丢了!”作为动词时,它的意思是“咒骂”或“咒骂某人”。例如:“他老是goddamn我,真让我火大。”





How to pronounce goddamn?

1. What does goddamn mean?

Goddamn is a slang term that is used to express anger, frustration or annoyance. It is often used as an exclamation or an intensifier to emphasize a statement.

2. How do you pronounce goddamn?

Goddamn is pronounced as "god-damn" with the emphasis on the second syllable. Some people may also pronounce it as "gawd-damn" or "gahd-damn".

3. Synonyms for goddamn

Other words that can be used in place of goddamn include damn, darn, bloody, freaking, and effing. These words are also considered to be slang and may not be appropriate in formal settings.

4. Examples of using goddamn in a sentence

- Goddamn it, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!

- This goddamn traffic is making me late for work.

- She's always complaining about her goddamn job.

- I'm so sick of this goddamn weather, when will it finally stop raining?

In conclusion, goddamn is a slang term that is used to express strong emotions and can be pronounced as "god-damn" or "gawd-damn". It has similar meanings to other slang words like damn and darn. However, it should be used sparingly and with caution as it may be considered offensive by some people

Examples and usage of goddamn

1. Definition of goddamn

Goddamn is a swear word used to express anger, frustration, or annoyance. It is considered a profanity and is often used as an intensifier in phrases such as "goddamn it" or "goddamn it all."

2. Pronunciation of goddamn

The word goddamn is pronounced as /ˈɡɒd.dæm/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "o" in god is pronounced like the "o" in "hot," while the "a" in damn is pronounced like the "a" in "father."

3. Synonyms for goddamn

There are several synonyms for goddamn, including:

- Damn: This is a milder version of goddamn and can be used in similar contexts.

- Bloody: This British slang term has a similar meaning to goddamn and can also be used to express annoyance or anger.

- Cursed: This adjective means deserving of a curse and can be used to describe someone or something that brings bad luck.

- Accursed: Similar to cursed, this adjective means under a curse or doomed.

4. Examples of usage

Here are some examples of how goddamn can be used in sentences:

- That goddamn dog won't stop barking!

- I'm so sick of this goddamn traffic.

- He's always late, that goddamn son of a gun.

- I can't believe I forgot my keys again, goddamnit!

- The weather has been so damn hot lately.

5. Usage notes

Goddamn is considered offensive and should not be used in polite or formal settings. It may also be considered blasphemous by some religious individuals, as it combines the words "God" and "damn." Therefore, it's important to use this word with caution and only in appropriate situations.

6. In popular culture

Goddamn is a commonly used swear word in movies, TV shows, and music. It has also been featured in book titles, such as "Goddamn This War!" by T. J. Murphy and "Goddamn These War Thieves" by Donald W. Duncan.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, goddamn is a profane word used to express anger or frustration. It has synonyms such as damn, bloody, cursed, and accursed. While it is commonly used in popular culture, it should be used with caution and only in appropriate situations due to its offensive nature

Phrases with goddamn

1. Definition of goddamn

- Goddamn is an exclamation used to express anger, frustration, or surprise.

- It can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone that is extremely annoying or unpleasant.

2. How to pronounce goddamn

- The word goddamn is pronounced as "god-damn" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

- It is often said with a strong emphasis and a harsh tone, reflecting the strong emotion behind it.

3. Synonyms for goddamn

- Some common synonyms for goddamn include: damn, darn, bloody, cursed, blasted, effing (slang), freaking (slang), and many more.

- These words can be used interchangeably with goddamn depending on the context and the level of intensity needed.

4. Examples of phrases using goddamn

- "Goddamn it! I can't believe I missed my flight."

- "That goddamn dog won't stop barking."

- "I am so sick of this goddamn traffic."

- "He's always making these goddamn excuses."

- "I will never work for that goddamn company again."

5. Common phrases using goddamn

- Goddamn it: Used to express frustration or anger towards a specific situation or person.

- Goddamned (adj): Used to describe something or someone that is extremely annoying or unpleasant.

- Goddamned if you do, damned if you don't: Used to describe a situation where no matter what choice you make, there will be negative consequences.

- Goddamned right: Used to show strong agreement or approval.

- Goddamnedest (adj): Used to describe something or someone that is extremely strange or unusual.

6. Variations of goddamn

There are many variations of the word goddamn that are commonly used in everyday language. Some examples include:

- Goshdarn: Used as a less offensive alternative to goddamn.

- Goshdang: Another alternative to goddamn, often used in a playful or humorous way.

- Goshdarnit: A combination of goshdarn and damn, used as an expression of frustration.

- Goddamnit: A more intense version of goddamn, often used in moments of extreme anger or frustration.

7. Using goddamn in different contexts

- In literature and media: The word goddamn is often used in books, movies, and TV shows to add emphasis or to portray a character's strong emotions.

- In everyday conversations: Goddamn is commonly used among friends and family members as an expression of annoyance or frustration.

- In formal settings: The use of goddamn is considered inappropriate and should be avoided in formal settings such as the workplace or professional gatherings.

In conclusion, goddamn is a versatile word that can be used as an exclamation or adjective to express strong emotions. It has many synonyms and variations that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. However, it should be used with caution as it may be considered offensive in certain situations

Synonyms for goddamn with examples

1. Definition of goddamn

Goddamn is a slang term that is used to express anger, frustration, or annoyance. It is often used as an intensifier in a negative sentence, similar to the word "damn". It can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone as annoying or frustrating.

2. Pronunciation of goddamn

The word goddamn is pronounced as "god-damn" with the emphasis on the first syllable. The "a" in damn is pronounced like the "a" in apple.

3. Synonyms for goddamn

- Damn: This word has a similar meaning to goddamn and can be used interchangeably in most cases.

Example: "This goddamn traffic is making me late for work." / "This damn traffic is making me late for work."

- Bloody: This British slang term can also be used as an intensifier to express frustration or annoyance.

Example: "I can't stand this goddamn weather." / "I can't stand this bloody weather."

- Cursed: This word has a more religious connotation and can be used to express anger towards someone or something.

Example: "I curse this goddamn computer for crashing right before my presentation."

- Blasted: This word has a similar meaning to cursed and can also be used to show frustration or anger.

Example: "I'm so sick of this blasted project."

4. Examples of using goddamn in sentences:

- I'm tired of your goddamn excuses.

- That was a goddamn waste of time.

- Why do I always get stuck with this goddamn job?

- I swear, if he says one more goddamn thing, I'm going to lose it.

5. How not to use goddamn:

It's important to note that while goddamn may be commonly used in spoken language, it should not be used in formal writing or professional settings. It can be seen as offensive or inappropriate, so it's best to avoid using it in these situations.

6. Conclusion:

In conclusion, goddamn is a slang term that is used to express anger, frustration, or annoyance. It has several synonyms such as damn, bloody, cursed, and blasted. However, it should be used with caution and not in formal settings

In summary, goddamn is a common swear word that can be used to express anger, frustration, or emphasis. It can be pronounced as "god-damn" or "gahd-damn" and has various synonyms such as damn, bloody, and freaking. Remember to use it carefully and appropriately in different situations.

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