
生活学习2024-03-10 09:57:17自考教育网





1. 神的定义


2. god的发音


3. 同义词及例句


- deity: 指任何被崇拜或信奉的神明。

例句:The ancient Greeks believed in many deities, including Zeus and Athena.

- divine: 形容词,意为“神圣的”。

例句:The holy book is considered to be a divine text by many believers.

- lord: 指基督教中上帝或耶稣。

例句:Praise the Lord for his mercy and grace.

- idol: 指被崇拜或迷恋的人或物。

例句:Many teenagers have idols in the form of celebrities or musicians.

- creator: 指创造宇宙和生命的神。

例句:According to some religions, God is the ultimate creator of all things


1. god的读音


2. god的词性及词源



3. god的同义词

- deity:指任何被崇拜或信仰为神圣存在的事物。

- divinity:指任何具有超自然力量或属性的存在。

- supreme being:指任何被认为是最高、最强大、最完美的存在。

- lord:指有权势和统治力量的人或者神。

4. god在例句中的用法

- In many religions, god is seen as the creator of the universe.


- She believes that god will guide and protect her.


- He is considered a god in the world of sports.


- The new CEO is seen as a god in the business world.



1. God的意思


- 上帝:在基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教中,God通常指代唯一的神,被认为是宇宙的创造者和统治者。

- 神灵:在古希腊罗马神话中,God可以指代众神中的某一个特定神灵。

- 崇拜对象:在一些宗教或信仰体系中,God也可以指代被崇拜的对象,如佛教中的“佛”、“菩萨”等。

- 强大无比的力量:在日常用语中,God也可以用来形容某种超乎人类力量所能及的强大力量。

2. God的发音

根据英语语言学家约翰·C·威尔金森(John C. Wells)提出的“威尔金森法则”,英语单词“god”的读音应为/gɒd/。其中,“g”发/k/音,“o”发/ɒ/音,“d”发/d/音。

3. God的同义词


- Deity:指上帝或神灵,在宗教语境中使用较多。

- Divinity:也是指上帝或神灵,在文学作品中常用来表示神性。

- Lord:在基督教中,指耶稣基督;在古希腊罗马神话中,指众神的统治者。

- Almighty:意为“全能的”,通常用来形容上帝的无穷大和无限力量。

4. God的例句


- God created the world in six days according to the Bible.(上帝根据《圣经》在六天内创造了世界。)

- The ancient Greeks believed in multiple gods and goddesses.(古希腊人相信存在多位神和女神。)

- In Buddhism, Buddha is not considered a god, but a teacher and guide.(在佛教中,佛陀不被视为神,而是一位教师和指引者。)

- The hurricane was so powerful, it seemed like an act of God.(飓风威力强大,宛如上天之手。)


1. 神祗 (shén zī)

例句:The ancient Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses. (古希腊人信仰许多神祗。)

2. 主宰 (zhǔ zǎi)

例句:The belief in God as the ultimate creator and ruler of the universe is common among many religions. (许多宗教都有信仰上帝为宇宙的最终创造者和统治者。)

3. 天父 (tiān fù)

例句:In Christianity, God is often referred to as the Heavenly Father. (基督教中,上帝常被称为天父。)

4. 耶和华 (yē hé huá)

例句:Jehovah is a name used for God in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament. (耶和华是圣经中用来指代上帝的名字,尤其是在旧约中。)

5. 上帝之子 (shàng dì zhī zǐ)

例句:Jesus is often referred to as the Son of God in Christianity. (基督教中,耶稣常被称为上帝之子。)

6. 全能者 (quán néng zhě)

例句:God is often described as omnipotent, meaning all-powerful and able to do anything. (上帝常被描述为全能的,意思是无所不能、万能。)

7. 主耶稣基督 (zhǔ yē sū jī dū)

例句:In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the Son of God and the savior of mankind. (基督教中,耶稣被认为是上帝之子和人类的救世主。)

8. 天堂之父 (tiān táng zhī fù)

例句:In some religions, God is seen as the Father of Heaven, the ruler of the afterlife. (在一些宗教中,上帝被视为天堂之父,来世的统治者。)

9. 道 (dào)

例句:In Chinese traditional religion, God is often referred to as the Dao, meaning the way or path. (在中国传统宗教中,上帝常被称为道,意思是道路或路径。)

10. 宇宙之主 (yǔ zhòu zhī zhǔ)

例句:God is often seen as the supreme ruler and creator of the universe in many religions. (在许多宗教中,上帝常被视为宇宙的至高统治者和创造者。)


1. Deity - "God" is often used as a synonym for deity, meaning a divine being or god-like figure. For example, "The ancient Greeks believed in multiple deities, such as Zeus and Athena."

2. Divine - This word can also be used to describe something god-like or of a divine nature. For instance, "The sunset over the ocean was truly divine."

3. Almighty - This term emphasizes the all-powerful nature of God. It is often used in religious texts and prayers, such as "We pray to the Almighty for guidance and strength."

4. Creator - As the creator of all things, God is often referred to as the Creator. An example sentence could be: "According to many religions, God is the ultimate Creator of the universe."

5. Lord - This title is often used in Christianity to refer to God as the ruler and master of all things. For example, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."

6. Supreme Being - This phrase emphasizes the idea that God is above all other beings and has ultimate power and authority. A possible sentence could be: "Many believe that God is the supreme being who created and oversees everything in existence."

7. Higher Power - In some spiritual or recovery settings, this term may be used as a synonym for God or a higher force guiding one's life.

8. Heavenly Father/Mother - These terms are often used in Christianity to address God as a loving parent figure who watches over his/her children.

9. The Almighty/All-knowing/Omnipotent/Omniscient - These adjectives are often used to describe God's all-powerful and all-knowing nature.

10. The Divine One/The Holy One/The Creator of All Things - These titles highlight different aspects of God's identity and role in various religions.

11. Supreme Ruler/Supreme Being/Supreme Deity - These titles emphasize God's position as the ultimate authority and ruler over all things.

12. The Almighty God/The Everlasting God/The Eternal One - These phrases emphasize the eternal and unchanging nature of God.

13. The Great Spirit/The Higher Power/The Ultimate Truth - These terms may be used in spiritual or philosophical contexts to refer to a higher force or guiding principle in life.

14. The Most High/The Lord of Lords/King of Kings - These titles highlight God's supremacy and majesty.

15. The Alpha and Omega/The Beginning and the End - These phrases come from the Bible and refer to God's eternal nature as the first and last, the beginning and end of all things

