good lucky是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-10 11:10:17自考教育网

你是否曾经听说过“good lucky”这个词汇?它的意思是什么呢?或许你已经猜到了,它其实是“好运”的意思。但是,除此之外,它还有哪些含义呢?让我们一起来探究一下吧。在本文中,我们将为你揭开好运的英文翻译、拼音、读音以及使用方法和例句。同时,还会给出一些与good lucky相关的词组和同义词示例。敬请期待!

good lucky是什么意思

good lucky是什么意思的英文翻译

1. What does "good lucky" mean?

In the translation and interpretation industry, "good lucky" is a phrase that is often used to express good wishes or blessings. It can also be seen as a variation of the phrase "good luck," which is commonly used to wish someone success or good fortune.

2. Definition of "good lucky"

According to the Oxford Dictionary, "good" means having the desired qualities or characteristics, while "lucky" means having or bringing good luck. Therefore, "good lucky" can be interpreted as something or someone that possesses positive qualities and brings good luck.

3. Origin of "good lucky"

The exact origin of this phrase is unclear, but it is believed to have originated from the combination of two separate phrases - "good luck" and "lucky charm." Over time, these two phrases merged together to form the commonly used expression "good lucky."

4. Examples of usage

- I wish you all the good lucky in your new job.

- Having a rabbit's foot is considered a symbol of good lucky.

- He always seems to have good lucky in everything he does.

5. Cultural significance

In many cultures, there are various beliefs and superstitions surrounding luck and good fortune. The concept of good lucky can be seen as a reflection of these beliefs and serves as a way to express hope for positive outcomes in different situations.

6. Alternative translations

There are several possible translations for "good lucky," depending on the context and intended meaning:

- 幸运的 (xìng yùn de) - This is the direct translation of "lucky" in Chinese.

- 好运 (hǎo yùn) - This translates to "good luck," which is similar to the original English phrase.

- 祝你好运 (zhù nǐ hǎo yùn) - This is a common way to express "good luck" in Chinese, which can also be used as an alternative translation for "good lucky."

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, "good lucky" is a phrase commonly used to express good wishes or blessings, and it can be seen as a variation of the phrase "good luck." Its exact origin is unclear, but it holds cultural significance and has various translations in different languages

good lucky的拼音

好运(good lucky)是指一种积极的心态,相信自己会有好的结果。它的拼音为"gōod lùcky",其中"gōod"发音为[ɡʊd],表示“好的”、“优秀的”,而"lùcky"发音为[ˈlʌki],意为“幸运的”。结合起来,good lucky就是“好运”的意思。

当我们遇到困难或挑战时,常常会听到别人说“good lucky”,这句话其实就是在祝福我们能够顺利克服困难,获得成功。在当下年轻人中,“good lucky”也常被用来表示对他人的支持和鼓励。


除了在日常生活中使用外,在商业领域,“good lucky”也经常被用来祝愿商业伙伴们取得成功。例如,在签订合同或达成重要协议时,我们常常会说“good lucky”,希望双方都能获得好运,共同取得成功

good lucky怎么读

1. "good lucky"是一个词组,由两个单词组成。

2. 第一个单词"good"的发音为/gʊd/,读作"gud",意为“好的”、“优秀的”。

3. 第二个单词"lucky"的发音为/ˈlʌki/,读作"luh-kee",意为“幸运的”、“吉利的”。

4. 因此,整个词组的发音为/gʊd ˈlʌki/,读作"gud luh-kee"。

5. 在英语中,有时也会将第一个单词缩写为“gd”,因此也可以将这个词组缩写为“gd luh-kee”来表示“good lucky”

good lucky的用法和例句

1. 用法:good lucky是一种祝福的表达方式,通常用于希望对方在某件事情上能够获得好运或成功。可以在口语和书面语中使用。

2. 例句:

- Good lucky on your job interview tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do great.


- I heard you're taking a big test next week. Good lucky with that!


- My friend is competing in a marathon this weekend. Good lucky to her!


good lucky的词组

1. "Good luck" - 常用的祝福语,意为“好运”、“祝你好运”。

2. "Lucky charm" - 幸运符,指带来好运的物品或符号。

3. "Lucky break" - 幸运的机会或突破,通常指在困境中获得幸运的转机。

4. "Stroke of luck" - 一次幸运的事件或巧合。

5. "Lucky streak" - 连续的幸运状态,指在一段时间内连续获得好运。

6. "Lucky draw" - 幸运抽奖,指通过抽奖获得奖品或机会。

7. "Good fortune" - 好运气,也可以用来表示财富和成功。

8. "Fortunate coincidence" - 幸运的巧合,指两件事情同时发生但并非有意安排的情况。

9. "Blessed with good luck" - 被赐予好运气,表示某人一直处于幸运状态。

10. "Luck of the draw" - 抽签决定的结果,通常指没有控制力量而产生的结果

good lucky同义词示例

1. 幸运的 (lucky)

好运的 (fortunate)

2. 好命的 (lucky)

顺利的 (smooth)

3. 幸运儿 (lucky person)

幸运星 (lucky star)

4. 万事如意 (good luck in everything)

一帆风顺 (smooth sailing)

5. 好运连连 (good luck all the way)

福气满满 (full of blessings)

6. 五福临门 (five blessings arrive at the door)

吉祥如意 (auspicious and smooth)

7. 大吉大利 (great luck and great profit)

财源广进 (abundance of wealth and good fortune)

good lucky是一种祝福和祝愿的表达,常用于英文中。它的拼音为[gʊd ˈlʌki],读起来很简单。它可以用于各种场合,如祝福他人成功、幸运或者表达自己的好运。例如,“Good lucky with your exam!”(考试顺利!)“I wish you good lucky on your new journey.”(祝你在新的旅程中好运!)除此之外,good lucky还可以与其他词组搭配使用,如good luck charm(幸运符)、wish someone good luck(祝某人好运)等。同义词示例包括best of luck、good fortune等。作为网站编辑,我非常喜欢与大家分享有趣的知识和文化,并希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更深入地了解good lucky这个词汇。如果你也喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我们一起探索更多有趣的内容吧!
