
生活学习2024-03-10 11:21:53自考教育网



1. goodies的含义:goodies是英语中常用的一个词汇,它的意思是“好东西”、“礼物”、“小礼物”等。通常用来指那些小巧精致、有趣好玩的东西,也可以指美食、零食等。


2. goodies的定义:根据牛津词典,goodies被定义为“有吸引力或价值的东西,特别是作为礼物或赠品”。它可以用来形容任何令人愉悦、令人满意的事物。

3. goodies怎么读:goodies的发音为[ɡʊdiz],其中第一个音节读作短元音/u/,第二个音节读作长元音/i:/。

4. goodies同义词:goodies的同义词包括treats、delicacies、treasures、prizes等。它们都可以表示“好东西”、“礼物”等含义。

5. goodies例句:

- I always look forward to the goodies my mom sends me from home.


- The store is filled with all kinds of goodies, it's hard to choose just one.


- Don't forget to bring some goodies for the kids at the party.



1. 发音:[ˈɡʊdiːz],读作“古迪兹”。

2. 读法:goodies是一个复数名词,指的是“好东西”、“礼物”、“小玩意儿”等。它的单数形式为goodie,读作“古迪”。

3. 同义词:treats、delicacies、treasures。

4. 例句:

- I always look forward to the goodies my grandma sends me from her hometown.


- The goodie bags at the party were filled with all kinds of treats.



1. goodies的意思


2. goodies的发音及读音


3. goodies同义词

1) treats:指令人愉悦或满足的食品或物品。

例句:The party was full of delicious treats, including cakes, cookies and candies.


2) treasures:指珍贵或珍藏品。

例句:The antique shop is filled with all kinds of treasures from different eras.


3) delights:指令人高兴或满意的事物。

例句:The children's faces were filled with delight as they opened their Christmas presents.


4) goodies的例句

1) I always look forward to the goodies my grandmother sends me from her garden.


2) The store is having a sale on all kinds of goodies, from snacks to toys.


3) My new job comes with a lot of goodies, including a company car and paid vacation time.


4) The children were thrilled when they saw the goodie bags at the end of the birthday party.


5) The bakery is known for its delicious goodies, especially their famous chocolate chip cookies.



1. Treats - goodies are small treats that bring joy or pleasure.

例句:My mom always has a jar of goodies on the kitchen counter for us to snack on.

2. Delicacies - goodies can refer to delicious and special foods or drinks.

例句:The bakery is known for its homemade goodies like cakes and pastries.

3. Souvenirs - goodies can also be used to describe small gifts or keepsakes.

例句:I bought some local goodies from the souvenir shop as gifts for my friends back home.

4. Treasures - goodies can be seen as valuable or precious items, often with sentimental value.

例句:My grandma's recipe book is filled with family recipes that are true treasures, especially her famous chocolate chip cookie recipe.

5. Surprises - goodies can be unexpected treats or surprises that bring happiness.

例句:My friend always brings me little goodies when she comes back from her travels, and it's always a nice surprise


1. 意思:goodies的意思是“好东西”或“小礼物”,通常指令人喜爱的物品或令人惊喜的东西。

2. 读音:goodies的发音为[ˈɡʊdiːz],其中的oo发音为/u:/,dies发音为/diːz/。

3. 同义词:goodies的同义词包括treats、delights、treasures等,都指令人愉悦的物品。

4. 例句:

- I can't wait to see what goodies are in this gift bag!


- The store is filled with all kinds of goodies, it's hard to choose just one.


- My grandma always has a jar of goodies on her kitchen counter for us to snack on.


1. 相关词汇:

- treat: 款待、款待品

- delight: 高兴、使人愉快的事物

- treasure: 珍宝、宝藏

2. 相关短语:

- goodies bag: 礼物袋、礼袋

- goodies jar: 零食罐

- goodies basket: 小礼物篮

- goodies box: 糖果盒

- goodies galore: 大量好东西、丰富多彩的物品

