
生活学习2024-03-10 11:27:52自考教育网



1. goods的发音是[gʊdz],其中"g"发音为清音的"g",类似于汉语拼音中的"gong"。

2. "oo"发音为长音的"u",类似于汉语拼音中的"wu"。


3. "d"发音为清音的"d",与汉语拼音中的"dong"发音相似。

4. "s"发音为清音的"s",与汉语拼音中的"sang"发音相近。

5. 综合起来,goods的发音可以简单理解为“古兹”的读法。


1. goods一词最早起源于古英语中的"gōd",意为“财产”、“财富”。

2. 在现代英语中,goods通常指具有价值、可交易、可购买和可消费的物品。

3. 除了指实物商品外,goods也可以指服务、知识、技能等无形资产。

4. 在商业领域,goods也常被用来指公司或企业所经营的产品或服务。


1. goods作为商业活动中不可或缺的一环,在现代经济社会扮演着重要角色。

2. 商家通过生产和销售goods来获取利润,并满足消费者对商品和服务的需求。

3. goods也是商业竞争的重要手段,不同公司通过提供优质的goods来吸引消费者,从而获得更多市场份额。

4. 同时,goods也是国际贸易中的重要组成部分,各国通过出口和进口goods来促进经济发展和国际交流。


1. 在英语中,goods也可以用作形容词,意为“好的”、“优质的”、“有价值的”。

2. 此外,goods还可以与其他词组合使用,如"consumer goods"(消费品)、"capital goods"(生产资料)等。

2. 它不仅指实物商品,也可以指服务、知识等无形资产。

3. 在商业上,提供优质的goods对于吸引消费者、获得利润以及促进经济发展都具有重要意义。

4. 最后,请记住goods的正确发音为[gʊdz]



1. goods的基本含义


2. goods在商业领域的用法


3. goods在经济学中的含义


4. goods与services的区别


5. goods还可以用作形容词




1. goods的含义


- I have a lot of goods to sell at the market. (我有很多商品要在市场上出售。)

- The store sells a variety of goods, from food to clothing. (这家商店出售各种各样的商品,从食品到服装。)

- The company produces goods for export. (这家公司生产出口商品。)

- He is in charge of checking the quality of the goods. (他负责检查货物的质量。)

2. goods作为可数名词


- These goods are made in China. (这些商品是中国制造的。)

- We need to order more goods for the store. (我们需要为商店订购更多的商品。)

- The customs officer inspected all the goods in their luggage. (海关人员检查了他们行李中所有的商品。)

3. goods作为不可数名词


- The company specializes in importing and exporting various kinds of goods. (这家公司专门从事进出口各种类型的商品。)

- He is responsible for managing the goods in the warehouse. (他负责管理仓库中的货物。)

- The price of goods has increased due to high demand. (由于需求量大,商品价格上涨了。)

4. 双语例句

- The store offers a variety of goods, from groceries to household items. (这家商店提供各种各样的商品,从食品杂货到家居用品。)

- The quality of the goods is guaranteed by the manufacturer. (厂家保证货物的质量。)

- You can find all kinds of goods at this market, from clothing to electronics. (你可以在这个市场找到各种各样的商品,从服装到电子产品。)

- The customs officers are responsible for checking all the goods that enter or leave the country. (海关人员负责检查进出口的所有货物。)


1. Good goods: 好货,指质量优良的商品。

2. Second-hand goods: 二手货,指已经使用过的商品。

3. Consumer goods: 消费品,指供消费者日常使用的商品。

4. Luxury goods: 奢侈品,指价格昂贵、品质高档的商品。

5. Household goods: 家用品,指居家生活必需的商品。

6. Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG): 快速消费品,指日常生活中消耗快、销售量大的商品。

7. Branded goods: 品牌货,指具有知名度和较高价值的商品。

8. Electronic goods: 电子产品,指使用电力或电子技术制造的商品。

9. Perishable goods: 易腐败商品,指保存时间短、易变质的商品。

10. Green goods: 环保产品,指符合环保要求、对环境友好的商品


1. Merchandise

- Definition: items that are bought and sold in a business or store

- Example: The store offers a variety of merchandise, including clothing, electronics, and household goods.

2. Commodities

- Definition: goods that are produced to be sold or traded

- Example: The country's main exports are agricultural commodities such as wheat, rice, and cotton.

3. Products

- Definition: items that are made or grown to be sold

- Example: The company is known for its high-quality beauty products.

4. Wares

- Definition: goods that are manufactured or traded by a particular country or industry

- Example: The fair showcased the latest wares from various local businesses.

5. Articles

- Definition: objects or things that are used for a specific purpose

- Example: The store sells articles for home decoration and organization.

6. Assets

- Definition: valuable items owned by a person or company that can be used to generate income

- Example: The company's assets include real estate, equipment, and inventory.

7. Merchandize

- Definition: another term for merchandise

- Example: The store offers a wide range of merchandize at competitive prices.

8. Stock

- Definition: the goods kept on hand by a business for sale or distribution

- Example: The warehouse is fully stocked with the latest products for the holiday season.

9. Inventory

- Definition: the complete list of goods and materials held in stock by a business

- Example: The store conducts regular inventory checks to ensure accurate stock levels.

10. Supplies

- Definition: materials or goods needed to carry out a specific activity or task

- Example: The office manager ordered new supplies such as paper, pens, and ink cartridges

