
生活学习2024-03-10 11:54:03自考教育网


The pronunciation of goon



1. 意思


2. 发音


3. 同义词


4. 例句

- Don't be such a goon, you know that's not how it works.

- That guy is a total goon, he can't even tie his own shoes.

- The goons in the gang were causing trouble again last night

Is goon an idiom?

1. 什么是乌鸦?


2. goon的同义词


3. goon的例句

- He was acting like a goon when he got drunk at the party.


- The goons were causing trouble in the neighborhood again.


- Don't be such a goon, think before you act.


4. Is goon an idiom?


5. goon的文化背景

goon最早出现在英国的俚语中,指代那些粗野、粗暴的人。随着时间的推移,它也被用来形容那些愚蠢、笨拙或缺乏常识的人。在英国流行文化中,goon也经常被用来指代一类表现不佳或失败的运动员,如“足球乌鸦”(football goon)。

6. goon的使用场景

除了在英语中直接使用goon来形容一个人外,它还可以与其他词组合成新词来表示不同的含义。例如,“goon squad”指代一群暴徒或恶棍,“gooning off”指代无意义地闲逛或浪费时间,“goony”则表示某人看起来很愚蠢或可笑

Usage and examples of goon

1. What does "goon" mean?

Goon is a slang term that can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a foolish or stupid person, a hired thug or enforcer, or simply a friend or companion.

2. How do you pronounce "goon"?

"Goon" is pronounced as "goon" with a hard "g" sound, similar to the word "good". Some people may also pronounce it as "guun" with a soft "g" sound.

3. Synonyms for goon

Some synonyms for goon include: henchman, lackey, muscle, tough guy, and sidekick.

4. Examples of goon in sentences

- Don't be such a goon and just do your homework.

- The boss sent his goons to intimidate the witnesses.

- My best friend is my goon, we've been through everything together.

- He's just a hired goon, he doesn't have any real power in the company.

- The movie was filled with action scenes featuring the hero taking down the villain's goons one by one

Antonyms and synonyms of goon

1. Antonyms of goon

- Gentleman: A goon is often seen as the opposite of a gentleman, someone who is rough, uncivilized and lacks manners.

- Pacifist: A goon is known for their violent and aggressive behavior, while a pacifist is someone who believes in non-violent solutions and peace.

- Intellectual: A goon is not known for their intelligence or critical thinking skills, whereas an intellectual is highly educated and values knowledge.

- Hero: A goon is often portrayed as the villain or antagonist in stories, while a hero is seen as the protagonist and savior.

2. Synonyms of goon

- Thug: This word has a similar connotation to goon, referring to someone who engages in violent or criminal behavior.

- Bully: Like a goon, a bully uses intimidation and force to harm others.

- Henchman: This term specifically refers to a loyal follower or subordinate of a powerful figure, often involved in criminal activities.

- Brute: A brute is someone who uses physical strength and violence to get what they want, similar to how a goon behaves.

3. Example sentences using "goon"

- The movie's main antagonist was a ruthless goon hired by the evil mastermind.

- The protesters were met with violence from the company's hired goons.

- He was known as the neighborhood's biggest goon, always causing trouble and picking fights.

- The politician was accused of using his political power to protect his gang of goons from facing consequences for their crimes.

In conclusion, "goon" can be described as an aggressive and violent person who lacks manners or intelligence. Its antonyms include gentleman, pacifist, intellectual, and hero; while its synonyms include thug, bully, henchman, and brute. These words can help provide a better understanding of the meaning and connotations of "goon."

Explanation of goon's meaning

1. Goon的含义


2. Goon的发音


3. Goon的同义词


4. Goon在例句中的使用

- He's always hanging out with a bunch of goons.


- Don't be such a goon, you know you're not supposed to do that.


- The goons tried to intimidate us, but we stood our ground.


In conclusion, we have explored the pronunciation, usage, and meaning of goon. Now you can confidently use this word in your daily conversations. Whether you are a native speaker or just learning English, goon is a fun and versatile word to add to your vocabulary. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to follow me for more language tips and tricks. As the editor of this website, I am dedicated to helping readers improve their English skills and expand their knowledge of the language. Thank you for reading and happy learning!
