
生活学习2024-03-10 12:47:08自考教育网






1. 狗熊式服务(gou-bear service)


2. 狗屁不通(gou-pi bu tong)


3. 狗咬尾巴(gou-yao wei ba)


4. 狗眼看人低(gou-yan kan ren di)


5. 狗仔队(gou-zai dui)


6. 狗屎运(gou-shi yun)





1. 首先,让我们来看一下这个单词的发音。它的读音其实和“狗”字很相似,只是在最后一个字母上有所不同。所以,你可以把它读成“狗”的发音加上一个尾音“-u”。

2. 那么,为什么会出现这样一个奇怪的单词呢?其实,“gou-”是“狗”的谐音,在英语中也有类似的用法。比如,“cat”(猫)可以写成“kat”,“dog”(狗)可以写成“gog”。所以,“gou-”就是对“狗”的一种幽默化表达。

3. 除了作为谐音外,“gou-”还可以用来代替一些负面词汇。比如,“gou-bi”就是对“骨折”的戏谑称呼;而“gou-dan”则指的是无聊的事情。当然,这些都是非正式用法,在正式场合还是要避免使用哦。

4. 不过,最近“gou-”也开始在一些网络用语中出现,比如“gou-ni”就是对“狗妮子”的简称,指的是那些喜欢装可爱的女生。所以,如果你在网上看到这个词,就不要惊讶了。

5. 总的来说,“gou-”是一个非常有趣的词汇,在年轻人中也颇受欢迎。它既可以作为谐音使用,也可以用来代替一些负面词汇。不过,在使用时还是要注意场合和语境哦。现在你已经掌握了正确读法,快去和朋友们分享吧!


1. gou-的用法


1.1 形容词


- Gourmet(美食家):gou(好)+ met(吃)

- Gorgeous(华丽的):gou(好)+ geous(外观)


- Gouty(痛风性关节炎):gout(痛风)+ y(后缀)

- Gourmandize(暴饮暴食):gourmand(贪吃者)+ ize(后缀)

1.2 名词


- Gossip(流言蜚语):gos(假话)+ sip(喝)

- Gouda cheese(高达芝士):Gouda地区出产的芝士

1.3 动词


- Gouge out (挖出):gouge(挖)+ out(出)

- Gouge off(欺骗):gouge(挖)+ off(掉)

2. gou-的双语例句


2.1 形容词

- He is a gourmand who loves to try all kinds of food. (他是一个贪吃的人,喜欢尝试各种食物。)

- The gorgeous dress caught everyone's attention at the party. (那件华丽的连衣裙在聚会上吸引了所有人的注意力。)

2.2 名词

- Don't believe everything she says, she is just a gossip. (不要相信她说的每件事,她只是一个爱说闲话的人。)

- This cheese is made in Gouda, a small town in the Netherlands. (这种芝士是在荷兰的一个小镇Gouda制作的。)

2.3 动词

- She gouged out her own eyes after seeing something terrifying. (在看到一些可怕的东西后,她把自己的眼睛挖了出来。)

- The salesman tried to gouge off the old lady by selling her a fake product. (推销员试图通过向老太太卖假货来欺骗她。)


1. Gou-ji: 沟通机,指用于沟通的工具或设备。

2. Gou-xiang: 沟向,指沟通的方向或目标。

3. Gou-tong: 沟通,指双方或多方之间交流信息、意见等的行为。

4. Gou-jian: 沟建,指通过沟通建立联系或关系。

5. Gou-xi: 沟系,指通过沟通形成的联系或关联。

6. Gou-shi: 沟市,指通过沟通达成交易或协议的过程。

7. Gou-yu: 沟语,指用于沟通的语言或方式。

8. Gou-zuo: 沟作,指通过沟通合作完成某项任务或工作。

9. Gou-liao: 沟聊,指在沟通中进行轻松愉快的交谈。

10. Gou-huo: 沟能,指通过沟通获得新知识、新信息等有益的收获。

11. Gou-jin: 沟能力,指通过沟通获得新知识、新信息等的能力和技巧。

12. Gou-xin: 沟能心态,指在沟能过程中保持积极乐观的心态和态度。

13. Gou-guan: 沟能观念,指对于沟能重要性和方法的认识和看法。

14. Gou-xiao: 沟能效果,指通过沟能达到的预期效果和目标。

15. Gou-jie: 沟能界限,指沟通的范围和限制。

16. Gou-zhan: 沟能展,指通过沟通实现个人或组织的发展和进步。

17. Gou-sheng: 沟能升级,指通过沟通提升自身的能力和水平。

18. Gou-xiang: 沟能享受,指在沟能中获得乐趣和满足感。

19. Gou-shi: 沟能实践,指通过沟通将理论知识付诸实践。

20. Gou-qing: 沟能情感,指在沟通中产生的情感交流和共鸣。

21. Gou-hui: 沟能回馈,指通过沟通获得的反馈信息和建议。

22. Gou-yong: 沟能用途,指沟通可以用于解决问题、改善关系等方面的作用。

23. Gou-lian: 沟能联结,指通过沟通建立人与人、人与事物之间的联系。

24. Gou-ke: 沟能客观性,指在沟通中保持客观、公正的态度和观点。

25. Gou-ti: 沟能体验,指通过沟通获得的互动体验和感悟。

26. Gou-jia: 沟能价值,指沟通对于个人和社会的重要意义和价值。

27. Gou-yi: 沟能意义,指沟通对于个人和社会的意义和影响。

28. Gou-xin: 沟能心理,指沟通对于个人心理的影响和作用。

29. Gou-hua: 沟能化解,指通过沟通解决冲突、消除误解等问题。

30. Gou-qi: 沟能气质,指在沟通中表现出来的气质和魅力。

31. Gou-shen: 沟能深度,指沟通所达到的程度和层次。

32. Gou-yuan: 沟能源泉,指通过沟通获得灵感、启发等的来源。

33. Gou-dao: 沟能导向,指通过沟通引导他人思考、行动等方面的作用。

34. Gou-zhi: 沟能智慧,指通过沟通获得的知识、见识等方面的智慧。

35. Gou-sheng: 沟能声誉,指通过良好的沟通建立起来的声誉和形象。

36. Gou-ping: 沟能评估,指通过反馈信息评估自身在沟通中表现的情况。

37. Gou-jing: 沟能竞争,指在沟通中展现出的竞争力和优势。

38. Gou-yi: 沟能意识,指对于沟通重要性和技巧的认识和理解。

39. Gou-xie: 沟能协调,指通过沟通达成共识、解决冲突等方面的作用。

40. Gou-shi: 沟能实施,指通过沟通将计划、想法付诸行动。

41. Gou-jue: 沟能觉悟,指通过沟通提高个人的认知和思考能力。

42. Gou-yan: 沟能言语,指用于沟通的语言表达能力和技巧。

43. Gou-zheng: 沟能整合,指通过沟通整合资源、思想等方面的作用。

44. Gou-liang: 沟能量化,指通过数据统计等方式量化沟通效果和成果。

45. Gou-kuai: 沟能快捷,指通过有效的沟通方式可以节省时间和精力。

46. Gou-cheng: 沟能成长,指通过沟通获得个人成长和进步。

47. Gou-tan: 沟能探讨,指在沟通中进行深入探讨、交流和讨论。

48. Gou-yu: 沟能预测,指通过沟通预测未来的发展趋势和变化。

49. Gou-zao: 沟能造就,指通过沟通培养个人的能力和素质。

50. Gou-yi: 沟能异同,指在沟通中发现和理解不同观点和看法


1. Canine - This is a scientific term used to refer to the dog family, including wolves, foxes, and domestic dogs. It is derived from the Latin word "canis," meaning dog.

2. Pooch - This is a colloquial term for a dog, often used in an affectionate or playful manner.

3. Fido - A common name for a dog, often used as a generic name for any dog. It comes from the Latin word "fidus," meaning faithful.

4. Hound - This refers to a type of hunting dog, known for their keen sense of smell and ability to track prey.

5. Rover - Another common name for a dog, often used in literature and media. It can also be used as a verb meaning to wander or roam.

6. Pup - A term commonly used for young dogs or puppies.

7. Canid - This is the scientific term for any animal belonging to the dog family, including wolves and foxes.

8. Bow-wow - An onomatopoeic term used to mimic the sound of a barking dog, often used in children's books and songs.

9. Mutt - A colloquial term for a mixed-breed dog with no specific breed lineage.

10. Man's best friend - A phrase commonly used to describe dogs due to their loyal and loving nature towards humans.

11. Doggo - A popular internet slang term for a cute or good-natured dog.

12. Poochie - Similar to "pooch," this is another affectionate term for a dog.

13. Furry friend - A phrase often used to refer to dogs as beloved companions with soft fur coats.

14. Canine companion- A descriptive phrase that highlights the close relationship between humans and dogs as companions.

15. Woofers - Another playful way of referring to dogs, derived from the sound they make.

16. Poochini - A humorous combination of the words "pooch" and "Picasso," often used to describe a particularly artistic or creative dog.

17. Doggy - A term commonly used to refer to dogs, often used in a cute or endearing manner.

18. Canine pal - Similar to "companion," this phrase emphasizes the friendship and bond between humans and dogs.

19. Spot - A common name for a dog, often used in media and literature.

20. Pawsome - A playful portmanteau of "paws" and "awesome," often used to describe dogs with impressive abilities or qualities.

21. Furry family member - This phrase highlights the role of dogs as beloved members of a family.

22. Canine chum - Another way of referring to a dog as a close friend or companion.

23. Poochie-pie - A term that combines "poochie" and "sweetie pie," often used as an affectionate nickname for a dog.

24. Doggie darling - Similar to "darling," this phrase is another endearing way of referring to a dog.

25. Barking buddy - This phrase highlights the tendency of dogs to bark, while also emphasizing their role as companions.

26. Canine cutie - An alliterative phrase that describes an adorable dog.

27. Woof woofers - Another playful variation on the word "woof," often used as a nickname for dogs.

28. Four-legged friend - This phrase highlights the physical characteristics of dogs while also emphasizing their role as friends and companions.

29. Pupster - A combination of "pup" and "hipster," this term is often used to describe trendy or fashionable dogs.

30. Doggo dearest - A sweet way of referring to a beloved dog, similar to terms like "dearest darling" or "dearest love."

