
生活学习2024-03-10 12:54:25自考教育网




1. 发音

"governments"一词的发音为 [ˈɡʌvə(r)nmənts],其中"gov"发音为 [ɡʌv],"ern"发音为 [ərn],"ments"发音为 [mənts]。重音在第一个"s"上,读作 [ˈɡʌvə(r)nments]。

2. 同义词


3. 例句

- The governments of different countries have different policies on environmental protection.


- The new government has promised to improve the economy and create more job opportunities.


- The current regime has been in power for over 20 years.


- The authorities have declared a state of emergency due to the natural disaster.


- The administrations of these two countries have been in conflict for years.



1. 发音指南


2. 同义词及用法


3. 例句解析

a. The governments of different countries have different policies towards immigration.


b. The new government promised to reduce taxes and increase public spending.


c. The collapse of the government led to chaos and unrest in the country.


4. 注意事项


5. 总结回顾

a. “governments”的正确发音为[guhv-ern-muhnts],重点是第一个音节的重读。

b. 该词是名词“government”的复数形式,表示“政府”,与之意思相近的词汇还有“administration”、“regime”、“authority”等。

c. 该词可作为可数名词使用,表示多个政府机构,也可以作为单数名词使用,表示某一具体的政府。

d. 在句子中的用法灵活多样,可以作主语、宾语或定语等。

6. 结束语



1. 怎么读:governments的读音为/gʌvərnments/,重音在第一音节。

2. 同义词:governments的同义词包括authorities、regimes、administrations等。

3. 例句:

- The governments of the two countries have reached a trade agreement.


- The role of governments in regulating the economy is crucial.



1. Central governments - 中央政府

例句:The central governments of different countries have different policies on immigration.

2. Local governments - 地方政府

例句:The local governments are responsible for maintaining public services in their respective areas.

3. Federal governments - 联邦政府

例句:The federal governments of the United States and Canada have different structures and powers.

4. State governments - 州政府

例句:State governments have the authority to make laws and regulations within their own states.

5. National governments - 国家政府

例句:The national government is responsible for making decisions that affect the entire country.

6. Democratic governments - 民主政府

例句:Many countries around the world have adopted democratic governments in recent years.

7. Authoritarian governments - 权威政府

例句:Authoritarian governments often restrict the rights and freedoms of their citizens.

8. Parliamentary governments - 议会制度政府

例句:Parliamentary governments are common in European countries, where the legislative and executive branches are closely linked.

9. Presidential governments - 总统制度政府

例句:Presidential governments, like that of the United States, have a separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.

10. Unitary governments - 单一制度政府

例句:Unitary government systems give all power to a central government, with little autonomy for local or regional authorities.

11. Coalition governments - 联合政府

例句:In some countries, coalition governments are formed when no single party has a majority in parliament.

12. Monarchies - 君主制度政府

例句:Monarchies have a king or queen as the head of state, with varying levels of power and influence.

13. Dictatorships - 独裁政府

例句:Dictatorships are characterized by a single leader with absolute control over the government and its policies.

14. Theocracy - 神权政府

例句:In a theocracy, religious leaders hold the ultimate authority in governing the country.

15. Oligarchy - 寡头政府

例句:An oligarchy is a form of government where power is held by a small group of individuals or families.

16. Anarchy - 无政府状态

例句:Anarchy is a state of disorder and chaos due to the absence of any form of government or authority.

17. Separation of powers - 权力分立

例句:The principle of separation of powers ensures that no single branch of government has too much control.

18. Checks and balances - 互相制衡

例句:Checks and balances are used to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

19. Executive branch - 行政部门

例句:The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws passed by the legislative branch.

20. Legislative branch - 立法部门

例句:The legislative branch is responsible for making laws and representing the interests of their constituents.

21. Judicial branch - 司法部门

例句:The judicial branch interprets laws and settles disputes through the court system.

22. Bureaucracy - 官僚机构

例句:Bureaucracy refers to the complex system of rules, regulations, and procedures that govern how a government operates.

23. Public policy - 公共政策

例句:Public policy refers to the decisions and actions taken by a government to address issues and provide services for its citizens.

24. Separation of church and state - 政教分离

例句:The separation of church and state is the principle that governments should not be influenced by or interfere with religious institutions.

25. Sovereignty - 主权

例句:Sovereignty is the authority of a government to govern itself independently without interference from external forces


1. Authorities

例句:The governments of both countries have agreed to work together to address the issue of climate change.

2. Regimes

例句:The new government has promised to implement economic reforms in order to improve the country's struggling economy.

3. Administrations

例句:The current administration has been criticized for its handling of the immigration crisis.

4. Leadership

例句:Under the leadership of President Johnson, the government was able to pass significant civil rights legislation.

5. Rule

例句:The citizens were unhappy with the strict rule of their government and staged protests in the streets.

6. Governance

例句:Good governance is essential for a stable and prosperous society.

7. Regency

例句:During the regency period, the government was controlled by a council of advisors until the new king came of age.

8. Authority

例句:The government has the authority to enforce laws and maintain order within its borders.

9. Administration

例句:The current administration has been working towards improving healthcare accessibility for all citizens.

10. Regimen

例句:The new government has implemented a strict regimen for controlling inflation and stabilizing the economy


