
生活学习2024-03-10 13:08:03自考教育网




1. grab的基本含义

Grab是一个英语单词,动词形式为grabbed,名词形式为grabber。它的基本含义是“抓取、抓住、夺取”,常用来表示用手或爪子快速地抓取物体。例如,“He grabbed the ball and threw it back to his friend.”(他抓住球,然后把它扔回给他的朋友。)

2. grab的引申含义

除了表示物体被抓取的动作外,grab还可以表示一种强烈的行为,即“突然拿走、夺取”,常用来表示对某物的强烈兴趣或欲望。例如,“I can't wait to grab a slice of pizza.”(我迫不及待地想吃一块比萨饼。)此外,grab也可以表示“捕获、攫取”,常用来描述动物捕食的行为。

3. grab的同义词


4. grab的例句

(1) She grabbed her coat and ran out of the house.(她抓起外套,跑出了房子。)

(2) The cat grabbed the mouse with its sharp claws.(猫用锋利的爪子抓住了老鼠。)

(3) The thief tried to grab the woman's purse, but she held onto it tightly.(小偷试图抢夺那位女士的钱包,但她死死地抓住不放。)

(4) He quickly grabbed his phone to take a photo of the beautiful sunset.(他迅速拿起手机拍下美丽的日落照片。)

(5) The child was so excited to grab a toy from the store shelf.(孩子们兴奋地从商店货架上夺取玩具。)





3.同义词:seize, snatch, grasp


- She quickly grabbed the last piece of pizza.


- The company is trying to grab a larger share of the market.


- He managed to grab a few hours of sleep before the big exam.



1. grab的意思是抓住、抓取,也可以表示突然拿取或夺取。它可以作为动词或名词使用。

2. grab的同义词包括seize、snatch、grasp等,它们都有抓住的意思。

3. 以下是一些grab在双语环境中的用法和例句:

- Can you grab my phone for me? (你能帮我拿一下手机吗?)

- He grabbed the last piece of cake before anyone else could get to it. (在其他人还没来得及拿到之前,他抢到了最后一块蛋糕。)

- She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of danger. (她抓住他的手把他拉出了危险境地。)

- The thief tried to grab the woman's purse, but she held on tightly. (小偷试图抢走那位女士的钱包,但她紧紧地抓住不放。)

4. Grab也可以表示突然产生某种感情或兴趣,例如:

- I was immediately grabbed by the story's suspenseful plot. (我立刻被这个故事悬疑的情节吸引住了。)

- Her performance really grabbed the audience's attention. (她的表演真的吸引了观众的注意力。)

5. Grab也可以用来表示快速地做某事,类似于grab a bite或grab a drink。例如:

- Let's grab some lunch before the meeting. (会议前我们去吃点午餐吧。)

- I need to grab a coffee before I start my day. (我需要在开始新的一天之前喝杯咖啡。)

6. Grab也可以作为名词使用,表示抓取的动作或抓住的物品。例如:

- She made a grab for the ball, but missed. (她试图抓住球,但没有成功。)

- The child's grab at the candy caused it to fall on the floor. (孩子伸手去抓糖果,结果弄掉在地上了。)

7. 以下是一些grab在双语环境中的例句:

- The cat made a sudden grab for the mouse and caught it in its claws. (猫突然抓住老鼠,用爪子把它抓住了。)

- He reached out and made a grab for his hat as it flew off in the wind. (帽子被风吹走时,他伸手去抢回来。)

- The player's quick grab of the ball saved their team from losing the game. (球员迅速地接住球,挽救了他们队伍输掉比赛的命运。)


1. Grab hold of - 抓住,紧握

例句:He quickly grabbed hold of the rope and pulled himself up.

2. Grab a bite - 吃点东西,吃一口

例句:Let's grab a bite to eat before we go to the movie.

3. Grab someone's attention - 吸引某人的注意力

例句:The bright colors of the advertisement grabbed my attention.

4. Grab a chance/opportunity - 抓住机会

例句:You should grab this chance to travel abroad and experience new cultures.

5. Grab a seat - 占座,坐下

例句:I arrived early so I could grab a seat in the front row.

6. Grab the spotlight - 引人注目,成为焦点

例句:The new product launch grabbed the spotlight at the conference.

7. Grab a hold of - 抓住,抓紧

例句:She grabbed a hold of my arm and wouldn't let go.

8. Grab someone's arm/hand - 抓住某人的手臂/手

例句:The child grabbed my hand as we crossed the street together.

9. Grab and go - 轻松快捷地取走,拿了就走

例句:I usually just grab and go for breakfast on busy work days.

10. Grab at straws - 不顾一切地寻求希望或解决办法

例句:He was desperate for a job, so he was grabbing at straws by applying for any position he could find


1. Snatch - 抢夺

例句:He tried to snatch the book from my hands.


2. Seize - 抓住

例句:She seized the opportunity to speak in front of the crowd.


3. Grasp - 抓紧

例句:He grasped my hand tightly and wouldn't let go.


4. Grip - 紧握

例句:I could feel his hand grip mine as we walked through the dark tunnel.


5. Clasp - 紧抱

例句:The child ran to her mother and clasped her tightly.


6. Catch - 捕捉

例句:The fisherman used a net to catch the fish in the river.


7. Snag - 抓住

例句:She snagged a seat at the front of the concert hall.


