
生活学习2024-03-10 13:15:59自考教育网



The pronunciation of grace







除了上面提到的意思外,grace还有很多同义词可以替换使用。比如,“charm”(魅力)、 “elegance”(优雅)、 “beauty”(美丽)等。例如,“Her grace and charm captivated the audience.”(她的优雅和魅力迷住了观众。)

Is grace an idiom?

1. Grace is a word that has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. It can refer to elegance, charm, or politeness.

2. In the English language, grace is pronounced as "greys" with a silent "e" at the end. It is also commonly used as a name for girls.

3. Synonyms for grace include poise, finesse, and graciousness. These words all convey a sense of elegance and charm.

4. An example sentence using grace could be "She moved with grace and confidence on the dance floor."

5. However, in some cases, grace can also be used as an idiom to mean forgiveness or mercy. For example, "He showed her grace by forgiving her mistakes."

6. This usage of grace comes from its origin in Christianity where it refers to God's unmerited favor or forgiveness towards humans.

7. Other idiomatic expressions using grace include "fall from grace" which means to lose one's good reputation or standing in society.

8. Another common phrase is "grace under pressure" which describes someone who remains calm and composed in difficult situations.

9. It is important to note that not all uses of the word grace are idiomatic, but it can be helpful to understand this particular meaning when encountering it in context.

10. So, while grace may have different meanings and pronunciations, it adds beauty and depth to the English language and should be embraced with poise and finesse - just like its definition suggests

Usage and examples of grace

1. What does grace mean?

Grace can be defined as elegance, charm, or beauty in movement, appearance, or behavior. It can also refer to a sense of divine favor or mercy.

2. How do you pronounce grace?

Grace is pronounced as "greys" with a long "a" sound and a soft "s" at the end.

3. Synonyms for grace

Some synonyms for grace include poise, finesse, sophistication, and graciousness.

4. Examples of using grace in a sentence

- She moved with such grace and fluidity on the dance floor.

- Despite her difficult circumstances, she always carried herself with grace and dignity.

- The actress's performance was praised for its natural grace and charm.

- The priest spoke about the importance of God's grace in our lives.

- The singer's voice was filled with emotion and touched everyone with its pure grace.

5. Grace in everyday life

Grace is not just limited to physical movements or religious beliefs. It can also be seen in everyday interactions and behaviors. For example:

- Holding the door open for someone is an act of grace.

- Showing forgiveness towards others is an expression of grace.

- Being kind and considerate towards others shows one's inner grace.

- Saying "thank you" sincerely is a way of showing gratitude and grace.

6. Grace in different cultures

The concept of grace may vary across different cultures but it generally remains as a positive attribute. In Western cultures, it may be associated with elegance and refinement while in Eastern cultures it may be seen as a form of inner strength and composure.

7. Grace as a name

The name Grace has been popular throughout history and has been used by many notable figures such as Princess Grace Kelly and author Grace Coddington.

In conclusion, whether it's through physical movements or inner qualities, grace is something that adds beauty and positivity to our lives. It can be expressed in various forms and is a quality that is admired and appreciated by many

Antonyms and synonyms of grace


1. Clumsiness: Grace is the opposite of clumsiness, which refers to a lack of coordination or awkward movements. Example: She moved with grace and elegance, unlike her sister who was known for her clumsiness.

2. Disgrace: While grace is associated with honor and dignity, disgrace is the opposite and refers to shame or loss of respect. Example: His behavior at the party was a disgrace, unlike his sister who handled herself with grace.

3. Awkwardness: Similar to clumsiness, awkwardness refers to a lack of smoothness or gracefulness in one's movements or actions. Example: The new student felt a sense of awkwardness as she tried to fit in with her classmates.


1. Elegance: Grace and elegance are often used interchangeably as they both refer to beauty and refinement in movement or behavior. Example: The ballerina danced with grace and elegance, captivating the audience.

2. Charm: This synonym for grace has a more subtle connotation and refers to an attractive quality that makes someone likable or appealing. Example: Her natural charm and grace made her popular among her colleagues.

3. Poise: Poise emphasizes composure and self-assurance, which are also characteristics associated with gracefulness. Example: Despite the difficult situation, she maintained her poise and handled it with grace.

Overall, grace can be described as an effortless beauty in movement or behavior that exudes charm, elegance, and poise while avoiding clumsiness or disgraceful actions. It is a quality that many strive for but only few possess naturally

Explanation of grace

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1. She danced with such grace and beauty that everyone was mesmerized.


2. The grace of God is infinite and unconditional.


3. He graced us with his presence at the party.


4. The ballerina moved with grace and precision, captivating the audience.


