
生活学习2024-03-10 13:26:59自考教育网





同义词方面,gradually可以替换为slowly、steadily、progressively等。例如:“She gradually became more confident in her abilities.”(她逐渐对自己的能力变得更有信心。)

除了表示时间上的逐步变化外,gradually也可以用来描述程度上的递增或减少。例如:“The temperature gradually dropped as the sun set.”(随着太阳下山,温度逐渐下降。)


1. 发音:[ˈɡrædʒuəli],重音在第一个音节。

2. 读法:gra-DU-ally。

3. 同义词:slowly, steadily, gradually.

4. 例句:She gradually became more confident in her abilities as she gained more experience. (她随着经验的积累逐渐变得更加自信。)


1. gradually的意思


2. gradually的发音


3. gradually的同义词

gradually的同义词有:slowly(慢慢地),step by step(一步一步地),little by little(逐渐地),progressively(逐步地),steadily(稳定地)等。

4. gradually的例句

- The snow is gradually melting in the warm sun.


- She is gradually getting used to her new job.


- The city has gradually expanded over the years.


- With practice, you will gradually improve your skills.


5. 用法提示

(1) 在句子中,gradually通常放在动词之后。

(2) 如果需要强调程度,可以使用“more and more gradually”或“gradually but surely”的结构。

(3) gradually也可以与“”搭配使用,表示从一个阶段到另一个阶段的逐步变化。

6. gradually的中文翻译


7. 双语例句

- The number of students in the class is gradually increasing.


- She is gradually losing interest in her job.


- The old man's health is gradually deteriorating.


- We are making progress, albeit slowly and gradually.



1. Slowly

例句:He gradually realized that he had made a mistake.

2. Progressively

例句:Her health has been deteriorating gradually.

3. Steadily

例句:The company's profits have been increasing steadily over the years.

4. Gradation

例句:The colors of the sunset changed gradually from orange to pink.

5. Incrementally

例句:The project was completed incrementally, with each step building upon the previous one.

6. Bit by bit

例句:She saved up for her dream vacation bit by bit, until she finally had enough money to go.

7. Step by step

例句:With patience and determination, he climbed the ladder of success step by step.

8. Slowly but surely

例句:Through hard work and dedication, she slowly but surely achieved her goals.

9. Little by little

例句:By studying a little bit every day, he was able to improve his English skills little by little.

10. Gradually but steadily

例句:The company's sales have been increasing gradually but steadily over the past year


1. 直接地:直接地意为“直截了当地”,是gradually的反义词。例如:“He didn't gradually tell me the truth, he just said it directly.”(他没有逐渐告诉我真相,他直接说了出来。)

2. 急剧地:急剧地意为“突然而急速地”,是gradually的反义词。例如:“The temperature dropped rapidly, instead of gradually like the weather forecast predicted.”(气温急剧下降,而不是像天气预报预测的那样逐渐下降。)

3. 突然地:突然地意为“突然发生,毫无征兆”,是gradually的反义词。例如:“He suddenly stopped talking, instead of gradually stopping as he usually does.”(他突然停止说话,而不是像平时那样逐渐停止。)

4. 迅速地:迅速地意为“快速进行,没有延迟”,是gradually的反义词。例如:“The project was completed quickly, instead of gradually like we planned.”(这个项目完成得很快,而不是像我们计划的那样逐渐完成。)

5. 紧急地:紧急地意为“立即需要处理,不能延迟”,是gradually的反义词。例如:“We need to take action urgently, instead of gradually like we have been doing.”(我们需要紧急行动,而不是像我们一直做的那样逐渐行动。)

