
生活学习2024-03-10 13:35:57自考教育网















1. graduation的意思


2. graduation的发音


3. graduation的用法

(1) 作为名词,graduation可以表示毕业典礼、毕业证书或学位证书。

例句:I'm so excited for my graduation next week!


(2) 作为动词,graduation可以表示完成学业并获得文凭或学位。

例句:She will graduate from high school next month.


4. 双语例句

(1) The graduation ceremony was held in the school's auditorium.


(2) After years of hard work, she finally achieved her goal and received her graduation certificate.


(3) Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning.


(4) We are proud to announce the graduation of our students from this prestigious university.


(5) The graduation rate of this school has increased significantly in recent years.


(6) She gave a heartfelt speech at her son's graduation ceremony.


(7) The graduation party was a great way for us to celebrate our achievements together.


(8) My parents were overjoyed when I told them about my graduation.



1. Graduation ceremony - 毕业典礼

2. Graduation cap - 毕业帽

3. Graduation gown - 毕业袍

4. Graduation party - 毕业派对

5. Graduation speech - 毕业演讲

6. Graduation certificate - 毕业证书

7. Graduation requirements - 毕业要求

8. Graduation date - 毕业日期

9. Graduation announcement - 毕业通告

10. Graduation gift - 毕业礼物

11. Graduation photo - 毕业照片

12. Graduation song - 毕业歌曲

13. High school graduation - 高中毕业

14. College graduation - 大学毕业

15. Graduate school graduation - 研究生毕业


1. Commencement - This word is often used to refer to the ceremony of graduation, but it can also be used as a synonym for graduation itself.

2. Convocation - Similar to commencement, this word is also used to describe the ceremony of graduation.

3. Graduation Day - This phrase specifically refers to the day on which students receive their diplomas or degrees.

4. Commencement Exercises - Another term for the graduation ceremony, emphasizing the formal nature of the event.

5. Graduation Ceremony - This phrase is self-explanatory and is commonly used to describe the event where students receive their diplomas or degrees.

6. Graduation Rites - This term emphasizes the traditional and ceremonial aspect of graduation.

7. Graduation Celebration - Used to describe the festivities and celebrations that often follow a graduation ceremony.

8. Graduation Commemoration - This word highlights the significance and importance of the event in marking a milestone in one's academic journey.

9. Completion - A more general term that can be used as a synonym for graduation, referring to finishing or completing one's studies.

10. Finale - This word can be used in a figurative sense to describe graduation as an end or conclusion of one's academic career.

11. Culmination - Similar to finale, this word emphasizes graduation as the climax or final stage of one's education.

12. Diploma/degree conferral - These terms specifically refer to the act of receiving a diploma or degree at a graduation ceremony.

13. Matriculation - While not exactly synonymous with graduation, this term refers to being admitted into an institution and can be seen as a precursor to graduation.

14. Valediction - A formal farewell speech given at a graduation ceremony, often by a student who has achieved high academic standing.

15. Send-off/Cap toss- These phrases are often used colloquially to refer to graduates leaving their alma mater and throwing their caps in celebration.

16. Crossing the stage - This phrase describes the moment when graduates walk across the stage to receive their diplomas or degrees.

17. Turning the tassel - A symbolic act where graduates move their tassels from one side of their caps to the other, signifying their transition from students to graduates.

18. Baccalaureate - This term is often used to describe a religious service held before a graduation ceremony, but it can also refer to the degree itself.

19. Graduation Address - The speech given by a notable figure at a graduation ceremony, often offering words of wisdom and inspiration to the graduates.

20. Commencement Speaker - Similar to graduation address, this term refers to the person who gives a speech at a graduation ceremony

