
生活学习2024-03-10 13:56:35自考教育网



1. Grandmaster的正确发音是[ɡrændˈmæstər],其中的“a”读作短音,重音在第二个音节上。

2. Grandmaster的同义词包括champion、expert、maestro等,都表示某一领域的顶尖人物。


3. 例如,在国际象棋界,Magnus Carlsen被公认为Grandmaster(世界冠军)。

4. 在围棋界,AlphaGo也被称为Grandmaster(人工智能围棋大师)。

5. 在武术界,Bruce Lee被誉为Grandmaster(功夫大师)。

6. 总之,Grandmaster是指那些在特定领域内具有卓越成就和无可匹敌技艺的人


1. Grandmaster的含义


2. Grandmaster的同义词


3. Grandmaster的例句

(1) He is a grandmaster in the field of mathematics.


(2) The chef is a grandmaster at creating exquisite dishes.


(3) She has been recognized as a grandmaster of chess.


(4) As a grandmaster in martial arts, he has won numerous championships.


(5) The company's CEO is a grandmaster in business strategy.




1. Grandmaster的发音:[ˈɡrændˌmæstər],读作“格兰德马斯特”。

2. Grandmaster的同义词:expert, master, specialist, authority。

3. 例句1:He is a grandmaster in the field of chess and has won numerous international tournaments.

4. 例句2:As a grandmaster of martial arts, he has mastered various techniques and is highly respected in the community.

5. 例句3:She is considered a grandmaster in the art of cooking and has published several successful cookbooks.

6. 例句4:The company hired a grandmaster in marketing to develop their new advertising campaign.

7. 例句5:He was recognized as a grandmaster in the field of medicine for his groundbreaking research and discoveries.

8. 例句6:The young prodigy showed incredible skills in music and was soon hailed as a grandmaster in playing the piano.

9. 例句7:She became a grandmaster in fashion design after her collection received critical acclaim from top designers.

10. 例句8:His expertise and knowledge in economics have earned him the title of grandmaster among his colleagues.

11. 例句9:The legendary singer is known as the grandmaster of soul music, with a career spanning over five decades.

12. 例句10:He was honored with the title of grandmaster by his peers for his contributions to the field of architecture


1. Grandmaster的发音

- Grandmaster的正确发音为[ˈɡrændˌmæstər],其中重音在第一个音节。

- 可以简写为GM,发音为[jiː ɛm]。

2. Grandmaster的同义词

- Master:意为“大师”,也可以表示“高手”、“专家”等。例如:He is a master of chess.(他是国际象棋大师。)

- Champion:意为“冠军”,也可以表示“优胜者”、“领袖”等。例如:She is the champion of this year's tournament.(她是今年比赛的冠军。)

- Expert:意为“专家”,也可以表示“熟练的人”、“内行”。例如:He is an expert in martial arts.(他是武术专家。)

3. Grandmaster的例句

- He is widely recognized as a grandmaster in the field of mathematics.


- The grandmaster of martial arts demonstrated his skills at the competition.


- She was hailed as the grandmaster of fashion design by the industry.


4. Grandmaster相关短语

- Chess grandmaster:国际象棋大师,指在国际象棋领域具有非凡成就的人。

- Grandmaster level:大师级别,指在某一领域达到非常高的水平。

- Grandmaster title:大师称号,指获得某一领域大师级别的荣誉称号。

5. Grandmaster相关表达方式

- Be a grandmaster in something:在某一领域成为大师。例如:He is a grandmaster in the art of cooking.(他是烹饪艺术的大师。)

- Hold the title of grandmaster:拥有大师称号。例如:She holds the title of grandmaster in fashion design.(她拥有时尚设计界的大师称号。)

- Achieve the status of grandmaster:达到大师级别的地位。例如:He has achieved the status of grandmaster in martial arts.(他已经在武术界达到了大师级别的地位。)

Grandmaster是一个表示“大师”、“高手”的词语,常用于国际象棋、武术等领域,也可以泛指其他领域的专家、冠军等。除了常见的同义词外,我们还可以使用相关短语和表达方式来描述Grandmaster这一概念。在发音上要注意重音在第一个音节,可以简写为GM,发音为[jiː ɛm]


1. Master - Grandmaster的同义词,指的是在某一领域具有非凡能力和知识的人。例如:He is a grandmaster in the field of chess.(他是国际象棋领域的大师。)

2. Expert - 与Grandmaster相似,指的是在某一领域具有专业知识和技能的人。例如:She is an expert in the field of medicine.(她是医学领域的专家。)

3. Guru - 源自印度教传统,指的是在某一领域具有深厚知识和经验的导师或领袖。例如:He is considered a guru in the world of yoga.(他被认为是瑜伽界的大师。)

4. Maestro - 源自意大利语,指的是在艺术或音乐领域具有卓越才华和技巧的大师。例如:She is a maestro in playing the violin.(她在拉小提琴方面是个大师。)

5. Virtuoso - 与Maestro相似,指的是在艺术或音乐领域具有非凡天赋和技巧的人。例如:He is a virtuoso on the piano.(他在钢琴上有着非凡天赋。)

6. Sage - 指智慧和经验丰富的人,特别是在哲学和精神领域。例如:He is a sage in the world of meditation.(他是冥想界的智者。)

7. Luminary - 指在某一领域具有卓越成就和影响力的人。例如:She is a luminary in the world of fashion.(她是时尚界的权威人物。)

8. Connoisseur - 指对某一领域有深入了解和鉴赏能力的人。例如:He is a connoisseur of fine wines.(他是葡萄酒方面的行家。)

9. Champion - 指在比赛或竞争中获胜并取得冠军地位的人。例如:He is a champion in the world of martial arts.(他是武术界的冠军。)

10. Luminary - 指在某一领域具有卓越成就和影响力的人。例如:She is a luminary in the world of fashion.(她是时尚界的权威人物。)

