
生活学习2024-03-10 14:04:32自考教育网



1. 发音:[grændz],注意读音中的“s”发音为[z]而不是[s]。


2. 拼写:单词“grands”的拼写是g-r-a-n-d-s,其中字母“a”和“n”之间有一个连接符号“-”,不要忽略这个符号哦。

3. 同义词:grands的同义词包括grandparents、elders、ancestors等,它们都指代年长的人或祖辈。

4. 例句:a) My grands always spoil me with gifts during the holidays.

b) He is very respectful towards his grands and always listens to their advice.

c) In some cultures, it is customary to live with your grands in old age


1. 含义


2. 定义


3. 同义词

在不同语境下,可以使用不同的单词来替换Grands。例如,在指代具有社会地位或权力的人时,可以使用words like “magnate”、“tycoon”、“baron”等;在强调某事物具有重大影响力或令人印象深刻时,可以使用words like “monumental”、“impressive”、“grandiose”等。

4. 例句

- As one of the richest men in the country, he was considered a grand in the business world.


- The grandeur of the palace left a deep impression on me.


- The grand opening ceremony attracted many important figures from various industries.



1. 意思:grands是法语中“大”的意思,常用来形容规模宏大、重要性高的事物。

2. 发音:grands的读音为[ɡrændz],可以简单理解为“grands”的英文发音。

3. 同义词:grand、big、large等词都可以用来表示“大”的意思,但它们的语气可能没有grands那么强烈。

4. 例句:

- The concert was a big success, with grands decorations and a star-studded lineup.


- The company's annual report showed grands profits, indicating a strong financial performance.


- The grands finale of the fireworks display left the audience in awe.



1. 大型的 (large)

例如:The event was held in a grandscale, with thousands of people attending.

2. 宏伟的 (magnificent)

例如:The palace was a grandstructure, with intricate designs and luxurious decorations.

3. 雄伟的 (majestic)

例如:The mountain range had a grandview from the top, with breathtaking scenery.

4. 壮观的 (impressive)

例如:The fireworks display was truly grand, leaving the audience in awe.

5. 雄大的 (grandiose)

例如:The plan for the new building was quite grand, with multiple floors and extravagant features.

6. 重大的 (significant)

例如:Winning the championship was a grandachievement for the team, after years of hard work and dedication.

7. 伟大的 (great)

例如:He had a grandvision for his company, and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.

8. 高贵的 (noble)

例如:The queen's coronation ceremony was a grandevent, full of pomp and splendor.

9. 重要的 (important)

例如:It is crucial to have a grandstrategy in place before starting any business venture.

10. 豪华的 (luxurious)

例如:The hotel suite was nothing short of grand, with plush furnishings and stunning views of the city skyline


1. Petit (小的):grands的反义词,意为“小的”,例如:小气的人总是喜欢计较每一分每一毫,跟他们相处真是累人。

2. Modeste (谦虚的):grands的反义词,意为“谦虚的”,例如:这位艺术家虽然名气很大,但他仍然保持着谦逊的态度。

3. Simple (简单的):grands的反义词,意为“简单的”,例如:他并不追求奢华生活,只希望过着简单平凡的日子。

4. Modeste (适度的):grands的反义词,意为“适度的”,例如:在这个消费主义盛行的社会,我们需要学会控制自己,过着适度而满足的生活。

5. Humble (谦卑的):grands的反义词,意为“谦卑的”,例如:即使成就非凡,他也保持着谦卑和平易近人的态度

