
生活学习2024-03-10 14:11:24自考教育网




1. 音标:/ˈɡræntɪd/

2. 发音:gr-an-ted

3. “granted”一词是一个动词,过去式为“granted”,过去分词为“granted”。它的基本含义是指授予或同意给予某人某物或某种权利。

4. 在英语中,“granted”一词也可以作为一个形容词使用,表示“被允许的”或“被承认的”。

5. “granted”的发音可以分为两个部分来理解。首先是重读音节“grant”的发音,它的元音组合为/a/和/æ/,发音时嘴唇要稍微张开,舌头放平,气流从喉部发出。然后是非重读音节“-ed”的发音,它可以读作/d/、/t/或者/id/。在单词“granted”中,“-ed”读作/t/。

6. 如果在句子中,“granted”作为动词使用,则应该注意其时态和语态的变化。例如:

- 现在时:I grant you this privilege.(我给予你这个特权。)

- 过去时:He granted me the permission to leave early.(他同意我提前离开。)

- 将来时:We will grant you an extension for the deadline.(我们将给你延长截止日期。)

- 被动语态:The request was granted by the committee.(委员会批准了这个请求。)

7. 如果“granted”作为形容词使用,则可以用来描述某种情况或状态。例如:

- Granted, it's not the most ideal solution, but it's better than nothing.(虽然不是最理想的解决方案,但总比没有好。)

- She was granted a scholarship to study abroad.(她获得了一笔留学奖学金。)

8. 总的来说,“granted”是一个常用的词汇,它可以用来表示授予、同意、允许等含义。在口语和书面语中都很常见,需要根据具体的语境来理解其含义。

9. 注意:在英式英语中,“granted”一词也可以作为连词使用,相当于“尽管”。例如:

- Granted, she has no experience, but she is a quick learner.(尽管她没有经验,但她学习能力很强。)

- Granted, the weather is bad, we still have to go to work.(虽然天气不好,但我们还是得去上班。)

10. 总之,“granted”的音标和发音并不复杂,但需要注意时态和语态的变化以及它作为连词时的用法。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词汇


1. 词性:动词

2. 词义解释:被允许或给予的,通常指特定的权利、机会或好处。也可以表示默认、承认或认为是事实。

3. 示例:

- You have been granted permission to enter the restricted area.


- The scholarship granted her the opportunity to study abroad.


- Granted, he is talented, but he lacks experience.


- Granted, the weather is bad, but that's no excuse for being late.



1. granted的基本含义


2. granted的常见用法

a. 作为谓语动词:在这种情况下,granted通常与主语一起构成简单句,表示某事已经被允许或承认了。例如:The permission was granted by the authorities.(权限已经被当局批准了。)

b. 作为介词短语:在这种情况下,granted通常与名词、代词或者动名词构成短语,表示某事被授予给某人或某物。例如:The scholarship was granted to the top students.(奖学金被授予给顶尖学生们。)

3. granted的双语例句

a. The request for an extension of deadline was granted by the professor.


b. The company has been granted a patent for their innovative product.


c. The government has granted citizenship to thousands of refugees.


d. The judge granted the defendant bail until the trial.


e. The scholarship was granted to students who excelled in their studies.


4. granted的常见搭配

a. take something for granted:认为某事理所当然

b. granted that:假定,假设

c. grant permission/approval:给予许可/批准

d. grant a request/demand:满足请求/要求


1. take for granted:认为理所当然,不加珍惜

例句:We often take for granted the love and support of our family and friends.

2. granted that:假设,承认

例句:Granted that the task is difficult, but it's not impossible to complete.

3. granted permission:获得许可

例句:She was granted permission to enter the restricted area.

4. grant someone's request:满足某人的请求

例句:The teacher granted the student's request for an extension on the assignment.

5. grant funding:拨款资助

例句:The government has granted funding for a new research project on climate change.

6. grant an interview:接受采访

例句:The celebrity only grants interviews to a select few media outlets.

7. grant a wish:实现一个愿望

例句:The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses.

8. take something for granted:把某物视为理所当然,不重视

例句:We often take our health for granted until we get sick.

9. by no means guaranteed/granted:绝非保证/肯定的事情

例句:Success is by no means guaranteed, it takes hard work and determination.

10. grant of land/property/rights: 土地/财产/权利的授予

例句: The king made a grant of land to his loyal knight as a reward for his service


1. 近义词:bestowed、conferred、given、presented、awarded

例句:The award was bestowed upon the winner of the competition. (该奖项被授予了比赛的获胜者。)

The title was conferred upon him for his outstanding achievements. (这个头衔是因为他的杰出成就而授予他的。)

She was given a medal for her bravery. (她因勇气被授予了一枚勋章。)

The certificate was presented to him at the ceremony. (证书在仪式上向他颁发。)

He was awarded a scholarship for his academic excellence. (他因学业优异被授予了奖学金。)

2. 反义词:denied、refused、rejected、withheld、withdrawn

例句:His request for an extension was denied by the professor. (教授拒绝了他延期申请。)

She refused to accept the job offer due to personal reasons. (她因个人原因拒绝接受这份工作邀请。)

His application for a loan was rejected by the bank. (银行拒绝了他的贷款申请。)

The information was withheld from the public for security reasons. (出于安全考虑,这些信息被隐瞒不公开。)

He has withdrawn his support for the project due to financial concerns. (由于财务问题,他已经撤回对这个项目的支持。)

