
生活学习2024-03-10 14:24:30自考教育网





1. 首先,让我们来看看这个词的发音。grapevine的发音为[greyp-vahyn],其中“grape”一词中的“a”发音为长元音/ey/,而“vine”一词中的“i”发音为短元音/ih/。

2. 但是,如果你听到有人念成了[greyp-vin],也不要觉得奇怪。因为在英语中,“vine”的发音也可以是/vin/,所以两种发音都是可以接受的。

3. 那么,grapevine到底是什么意思呢?它其实指的就是葡萄藤。而这个词也常常被用于比喻性地指代消息传播或者流言蜚语。

4. 想象一下,在一个葡萄园里,葡萄藤缠绕着整个地区。当有人说了一句话后,很快就会通过葡萄藤传遍整个园子。同样地,在我们生活中,消息也会像葡萄藤一样迅速传播开来,这就是grapevine的意思。

5. 不过,你也许会问,为什么要用这样一个词来比喻消息传播呢?其实,这个词的来源还可以追溯到古希腊神话中的一位女神。据说,她会把人类的秘密告诉给葡萄藤,并通过它们传播出去。

6. 所以,grapevine不仅仅是一个普通的词语,它还有着深刻的文化内涵。而现在你也已经知道了它的发音和意思,是不是感觉更加充实了呢?

7. 最后,如果你想要在和朋友聊天时使用这个词,可以说:“Hey, have you heard the latest news on the grapevine?”(嘿,你听说最新的消息了吗?)相信这样一句话也会让你显得更加酷哦!



1. 原始含义:grapevine是指葡萄藤,但在英语中也有“小道消息”的意思。

2. 传播渠道:grapevine通常指非正式的信息传播渠道,如朋友之间的谈话、社交媒体等。

3. 可靠性:由于信息传播过程中可能会出现变形、夸大或失真,所以grapevine传播的信息可靠性并不高。

4. 适用场景:grapevine通常用于描述私密、敏感或不确定的消息,如公司内部人事调动、明星绯闻等。

5. 幽默解读:可以把grapevine理解为“葡萄藤上结出来的谣言”,既有趣味性又能准确地表达其含义


1. grapevine的定义:指消息传播的渠道,通常是指不经过正式渠道而通过人际关系传播的消息。

例句:I heard through the grapevine that our boss is planning to promote someone from our team.

2. grapevine的来源:这个词来自于葡萄树上密集的藤蔓,类似于人际关系网络中信息传播的情况。

例句:The grapevine in our office is always buzzing with rumors and gossip.

3. “通过葡萄藤”和“听说”之间的联系:在英语中,我们经常用“heard it through the grapevine”来表示从非官方渠道得知某件事情。

例句:I didn't get the job, but I heard it through the grapevine that they hired someone with more experience.

4. grapevine也可以用作动词,意为“通过谣言或非官方途径传播消息”。

例句:The news of their breakup was quickly grapevined throughout the school.

5. 使用grapevine可以避免直接问询或确认,保护隐私。

例句:Instead of asking her directly, I decided to wait and see if I hear anything through the grapevine.

6. 在商业领域中,grapevine也被称为“公司内部通讯”,指内部员工之间通过非正式渠道交流信息。

例句:We should be careful about what we say on the company's internal grapevine, as it can affect our reputation.

7. 不要完全相信grapevine传来的消息,因为它可能是不准确或夸大的。

例句:I wouldn't trust everything you hear through the grapevine, it's always exaggerated.

8. grapevine也可以指某个特定的人际关系网络,比如某个社区或行业内部的信息传播渠道。

例句:If you want to know the latest fashion trends, you should tap into the grapevine of fashion bloggers and influencers.

9. 在社交媒体时代,grapevine也可以指通过社交平台传播的消息。

例句:The celebrity's tweet started a grapevine about their upcoming album release.

10. 总结:grapevine是一种非正式的信息传播渠道,在日常生活和商业领域都有广泛应用。但是要谨慎相信通过grapevine得到的消息,因为它可能不准确或夸大


1. "spread like wildfire" - 迅速传播,如野火般蔓延

2. "hear it through the grapevine" - 从小道消息中听到,听说

3. "vine of rumors" - 谣言之藤,指流言蜚语的来源

4. "grapevine telegraph" - 葡萄藤电报,指通过传言传递信息

5. "rumor mill" - 谣言工厂,指不断产生流言的地方

6. "word on the street" - 街头传闻,指社会上流传的消息

7. "gossip chain" - 八卦链条,指通过八卦传递信息的过程

8. "whispers on the grapevine" - 葡萄藤上的耳语,指小道消息和谣言

9. "grapevine network" - 葡萄藤网络,指通过人际关系传递消息的方式

10. "grapevine communication" - 葡萄藤沟通,指通过非正式渠道进行沟通和交流


1. Rumor

- 同义词:gossip, hearsay, buzz, word of mouth

- 解释:Rumor指的是流传的消息或传闻,通常没有经过证实,可能是虚假的。

- 示例:The grapevine has been buzzing with rumors about the company's financial troubles.

2. Gossip

- 同义词:rumor, hearsay, chitchat, talk

- 解释:Gossip指的是闲言碎语,通常是关于别人私生活或秘密的谈论。

- 示例:The grapevine is full of gossip about the new couple in town.

3. Hearsay

- 同义词:rumor, gossip, word of mouth, speculation

- 解释:Hearsay指的是未经证实的消息或谣言,通常来自第三方。

- 示例:Don't believe everything you hear on the grapevine – it's just hearsay.

4. Buzz

- 同义词:rumor, gossip, excitement, hype

- 解释:Buzz指的是兴奋、热议或轰动,通常与某个话题或事件相关。

- 示例:There's a lot of buzz on the grapevine about the upcoming product launch.

5. Word of Mouth

- 同义词:rumor, gossip, hearsay, buzz

- 解释:Word of Mouth指通过口头传播来宣传或传递消息,通常基于个人经验和感受。

- 示例:The success of the new restaurant is largely due to positive word of mouth on the grapevine.

6. Speculation

- 同义词:rumor, hearsay, conjecture, guesswork

- 解释:Speculation指的是推测、猜测或猜想,通常基于不确定的信息。

- 示例:The grapevine is full of speculation about the company's new CEO.

7. Chatter

- 同义词:gossip, talk, babble, prattle

- 解释:Chatter指的是闲谈、喋喋不休或胡言乱语。

- 示例:The grapevine is always abuzz with chatter about the latest celebrity scandal.

8. Scuttlebutt

- 同义词:rumor, gossip, hearsay, buzz

- 解释:Scuttlebutt指的是流言蜚语或小道消息,通常来自内部人士。

- 示例:The grapevine has been spreading scuttlebutt about potential layoffs at the company.

9. Tittle-tattle

- 同义词:gossip, rumor, hearsay, chitchat

- 解释:Tittle-tattle指的是琐碎的闲言碎语,通常没有重要性。

- 示例:Don't pay attention to the tittle-tattle on the grapevine – it's just idle gossip.

10. Whispers

- 同义词:rumors, murmurs, secrets, hush-hush

- 解释:Whispers指的是低声说话或私下传播消息,通常有神秘感。

- 示例:There have been whispers on the grapevine about a potential merger between the two companies

