
生活学习2024-03-10 14:39:02自考教育网



1. graphics的读音为[ˈɡræfɪks],可以简写为grafs。


2. graphics一词源于希腊语graphikos,意为“绘画的”,因此也可以拼音为grafeeks。

3. 同义词包括:visuals、images、pictures等。

4. 例句:The presentation was enhanced with colorful graphics and animations. (这次演讲加入了丰富多彩的图形和动画效果。)


1. “graphics”是什么意思?


2. 如何读音“graphics”?


3. “graphics”的同义词有哪些?


- images:指代静态的视觉表现形式,比如图片、照片等。

- visuals:泛指视觉表现形式,既包括静态的也包括动态的。

- illustrations:特指插图、图解等用于说明和说明的绘画作品。

4. 例句:

- The graphics in this video game are amazing.


- The presentation was full of colorful graphics and charts.


- She is a talented artist who specializes in digital graphics.



1. graphics的意思


2. graphics的发音


3. graphics的同义词


4. graphics的双语例句

- Can you help me design the graphics for the new brochure?


- The company is looking for a graphic designer to create eye-catching visuals for their advertisements.


- She has a great talent for creating stunning graphics and illustrations.


- The game's graphics are so realistic, it feels like you're actually in the virtual world.


- The presentation was filled with colorful and engaging graphics that kept the audience interested.



1. Computer graphics - 计算机图形学

2. Graphic design - 平面设计

3. Graphic artist - 平面艺术家

4. Graphic novel - 图像小说

5. Graphic language - 图形语言

6. Graphic user interface (GUI) - 图形用户界面

7. Graphic equalizer - 图形均衡器

8. Graphic organizer - 图表组织者

9. Graphic representation - 图示表示法

10. Graphic symbol - 图形符号

11. Vector graphics - 矢量图形

12. Raster graphics - 光栅图形

13. 3D graphics - 三维图形

14. Interactive graphics - 交互式图形

15. Animated graphics - 动画图像

16. Digital graphics - 数字图像

17. Web graphics - 网页图像

18. Print graphics- 印刷图像

19. Visual graphics- 视觉图像

20.Graphic communication- 图文传播

21.Graphic designer- 平面设计师

22.Graphic art- 平面艺术

23.Graphic illustration- 平面插画

24.Graphic style- 平面风格

25.Graphic layout- 平面布局

26.Graphic effect- 平面效果

27.Graphic software- 平面软件

28.Graphic tablet- 绘画板

29.Graphic pen- 绘画笔

30.Graphics card- 显卡

31.Graphics tablet- 数位板

32.Graphics editing software- 图像编辑软件

33.Graphics processing unit (GPU)- 图形处理器

34.Graphics mode- 图形模式

35.Graphics driver- 图形驱动程序

36.Graphics library- 图形库

37.Graphics pipeline- 图形管线

38.Graphics rendering- 图像渲染

39.Graphics tablet pen- 数位板笔

40.Graphics tablet pressure sensitivity- 数位板压感


1. Visuals

例句:The presentation was filled with colorful graphics and visuals that kept the audience engaged.

2. Images

例句:The website designer used high-quality images and graphics to make the page visually appealing.

3. Illustrations

例句:The book was filled with beautiful illustrations and graphics that enhanced the story.

4. Artwork

例句:The museum had a special exhibit featuring the latest digital artwork and graphics.

5. Designs

例句:The graphic designer created unique designs for the company's branding materials.

6. Charts

例句:The report included various charts and graphics to help explain the data.

7. Diagrams

例句:The science textbook had detailed diagrams and graphics to help students understand complex concepts.

8. Visual aids

例句:The teacher used different visual aids, such as videos and graphics, to make the lesson more interesting.

9. Infographics

例句:The magazine article included informative infographics and graphics to illustrate statistics and data.

10. Figures

例句:The presentation slides were filled with figures, charts, and graphics to support the speaker's points

