grasp 是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-10 14:43:42自考教育网

大家是否曾经遇到过看到一个单词,却不知道它的意思?今天我们就来揭开一个行业标题的谜团——“grasp 是什么意思”?难道是指抓住什么东西吗?或者是掌握某种技能?让我们一起来探索一下吧!通过grasp的拼音、读音、用法和例句,以及相关词组和同义词示例,相信你会对这个单词有更深入的了解。敬请期待!

grasp 是什么意思


1. "grasp"的拼音是"g-r-a-s-p",其中"g"发音为/ji/,"r"发音为/r/, "a"发音为/æ/, "s"发音为/s/, "p"发音为/p/。

2. "grasp"是一个英语单词,意思是抓住、掌握、理解等。它可以作动词或名词使用。

3. 作动词时,它的意思是用手抓住或紧握某物,也可以表示理解或掌握某事物。例如:"She grasped the rope tightly."(她紧紧抓住绳子。) "I couldn't grasp the meaning of the poem."(我无法理解这首诗的意思。)

4. 作名词时,它的意思是抓取、掌握能力或技巧。例如:"He has a good grasp of mathematics."(他对数学有很好的掌握能力。) "The child has a firm grasp on the monkey bars."(那个孩子牢牢抓住了猴架。)

5. "grasp"还可以用来表示把握机会、情况或事态等。例如:"He quickly grasped the opportunity to speak with the CEO."(他迅速抓住机会与CEO交谈。) "We must grasp the situation and act accordingly."(我们必须把握形势并做出相应的行动。)

6. "grasp"还可以表示紧密地掌握或理解某事物。例如:"He has a firm grasp on the subject."(他对这个课题有很牢固的理解。) "She has a good grasp of the English language."(她对英语有很好的掌握。)

7. 总的来说,"grasp"是一个非常常用且多义的单词,它可以表示抓住、掌握、理解、把握等含义,具体取决于上下文和使用场景。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词





比如说,如果你在描述一个人对某件事情的掌握程度很高,就可以说他“has a good grasp of it”。或者当你想表达自己已经完全理解了某个概念时,也可以说“I finally grasp the concept”


1. grasp的基本含义


2. grasp的用法

(1) grasp作为及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。例如:

- He grasped my hand tightly.


- I can't grasp the meaning of this sentence.


(2) grasp也可作为不及物动词,后接介词at或for。例如:

- The little boy grasped at the cookie eagerly.


- She grasped for the railing as she slipped on the ice.


(3) 另外,grasp还可以作名词使用,意为“理解、掌握能力”。例如:

- He has a good grasp of English grammar.


3. grasp的例句

(1) The little girl struggled to grasp the handle of the heavy suitcase.


(2) It took me a while to fully grasp the concept of quantum mechanics.


(3) The politician tried to grasp at any opportunity to gain more power.


(4) She has a good grasp of the situation and knows how to handle it.


(5) With his quick grasp of new technologies, he became a valuable asset to the company.


4. grasp的常见搭配

- grasp the opportunity 捕捉机会

- grasp the concept 理解概念

- have a firm grasp on something 对某事有牢固的掌握

- lose one's grasp 失去控制力

- take someone by the hand and guide them 接手指导某人


1. Get a grasp on: 掌握,了解

例如:Before starting the project, make sure you get a grasp on all the necessary information.

2. Grasp at straws: 抓住稻草,拼命寻找希望

例如:He was so desperate for a job that he was grasping at straws, applying to any position he could find.

3. Grasp the concept: 理解概念

例如:It took me a while to grasp the concept of quantum physics, but now I find it fascinating.

4. Within one's grasp: 在某人掌握之中,可实现的

例如:With hard work and determination, success is within your grasp.

5. Grasp the opportunity: 抓住机会

例如:Don't let fear hold you back, grasp the opportunity and go for it!

6. Keep a firm grasp on: 牢牢抓住,控制

例如:Parents need to keep a firm grasp on their children's internet usage to ensure their safety online.

7. Lose one's grasp: 失去控制,无法理解

例如:As she got older, her grandmother began to lose her grasp on reality and often forgot things.

8. Grasp the nettle: 勇敢面对困难或危险的局面

例如:Instead of avoiding the issue, we need to grasp the nettle and address it head on.

9. Have a good grasp of: 对...有很好的理解,掌握

例如:In order to be successful in this field, you need to have a good grasp of the latest technology.

10. Grasping at opportunities: 抓住机会

例如:She was always grasping at opportunities and never missed a chance to better herself


1. Understand: 明白,领会,理解

例如:Do you grasp the concept of this new technology?


2. Comprehend: 理解,领会,包含

例如:It takes time to fully comprehend the complexity of this issue.


3. Grapple: 摸索,努力应对,抓住

例如:He grappled with the difficult task for hours.


4. Grasp hold of: 抓住,掌握

例如:She grasped hold of his hand tightly as they walked through the dark alley.


5. Seize: 抓住,夺取,捕获

例如:The police were able to seize the criminal before he could escape.


6. Clutch: 抓紧,紧抱,掌握

例如:He clutched the edge of the cliff, afraid of falling.


7. Grasp at straws: 抓住稻草,不顾一切求生存

例如:The struggling company is grasping at straws to stay afloat.


8. Understand intuitively: 直觉地理解

例如:She has a talent for understanding things intuitively.


9. Fathom: 理解,探究,测量深度

例如:I can't fathom why he would do such a thing.


10. Grasp the nettle: 勇敢面对困难,果断处理问题

例如:It's time to grasp the nettle and confront the issue head on.


