
生活学习2024-03-10 14:56:34自考教育网



What does grass mean?

1. 概述:关于grass,你需要知道的一切

2. grass的含义:从植物到俚语,grass有多重含义

3. 如何读音grass:是gr-æs还是grɑːs?让我们来解答这个问题

4. 同义词:除了grass,还有哪些词可以代替它?

5. 例句欣赏:看看如何在句子中使用grass,让你更加了解它的用法

How do you pronounce grass?

Are you tired of constantly stumbling over the pronunciation of "grass"? Well, fear not my fellow language learners, for I am here to guide you through the correct way to say this word and its various synonyms.

1. What does "grass" mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "grass" refers to any plant belonging to the family Gramineae, which includes cereal crops, turf grass, and bamboo. In simpler terms, it is a type of green plant that covers the ground.

2. How do you say "grass"?

Now onto the important question - how do you pronounce it? The word is pronounced as "gras", with a short "a" sound. Think of it as saying "gas" but with an "r" in place of the "s". Easy enough, right?

3. Synonyms for "grass"

If you want to mix up your vocabulary and avoid using the same word repeatedly, here are some synonyms for "grass":

- Herbage: This refers to any type of vegetation or plants in general.

- Sod: This is a section of grass-covered surface soil held together by matted roots.

- Lawn: This is an area covered with short grass that is regularly cut and maintained.

- Meadow: This refers to a field or pasture where grass grows naturally.

4. Example sentences

To help you further understand how to use these words in context, here are a few example sentences:

- The cows grazed on the lush green grass in the meadow.

- We played catch on the soft lawn in our backyard.

- The herbage was trampled by hikers on the trail.

- The landscaper laid down new sod in our front yard.

So there you have it - now you can confidently say that you know how to pronounce "grass" and have learned some new words along the way! Happy learning!

Usage and examples of grass

1. What does "grass" mean?

- "Grass" is a noun that refers to a common plant with narrow green leaves that grows on the ground. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of covering an area with grass.

2. How do you pronounce "grass"?

- The word "grass" is pronounced as /ɡræs/ in American English and /ɡrɑːs/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for "grass"

- Some synonyms for "grass" include turf, lawn, meadow, sod, and pasture.

4. Examples of using "grass"

- I love walking barefoot on the soft grass in my backyard.

- The cows were grazing peacefully in the lush green grass.

- We need to mow the grass before it gets too long.

- He was caught smoking weed behind the school gym and now he's grounded until he's green in the gills from pulling weeds and mowing grass.

5. Other meanings of "grass"

- In slang, "grass" can also refer to marijuana or cannabis.

- In sports, "grass" can refer to a playing field covered with natural or artificial grass.

- In British slang, "grass" can mean to inform on someone or betray them.

6. Examples of using "grass" in different contexts

- My friends and I are going to smoke some grass tonight.

(Slang meaning: marijuana)

- The football team played their best game on the new grass field.

(Sports meaning: playing field)

- I can't believe she would grass on her own brother like that.

(British slang meaning: inform on)

Phrases with grass

1. "Get off my grass!" - 意思是"离开我的草坪!",用于警告别人不要踩到自己的草坪上。

例句:"Hey, you kids! Get off my grass! Can't you read the sign?" (嘿,你们这些孩子!离开我的草坪!你们看不见牌子吗?)

2. "The grass is always greener on the other side" - 意思是"对别人的事物总是觉得更好",用于形容人们常常羡慕别人的生活。

例句:"I used to think that living in a big city would be so much better, but now I realize that the grass is always greener on the other side." (我曾经认为住在大城市会更好,但现在我意识到对别人的事物总是觉得更好。)

3. "Smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish, and eat like a horse" - 意思是"抽烟如抽烟囱,喝酒如鱼儿,吃饭如马一样多",用于形容一个人吸烟、喝酒、吃饭都很多。

例句:"My grandfather lived to be 100 years old and he smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish, and ate like a horse." (我的祖父活到了100岁,他抽烟如抽烟囱,喝酒如鱼儿,吃饭如马一样多。)

4. "Let's not beat around the bush" - 意思是"不要拐弯抹角了",用于表示直接说话或做事。

例句:"Let's not beat around the bush. We need to have a serious talk about this problem." (不要拐弯抹角了。我们需要认真讨论一下这个问题。)

5. "A snake in the grass" - 意思是"草丛中的蛇",用于形容隐藏的危险或背叛的人。

例句:"Be careful who you trust. There may be a snake in the grass waiting to take advantage of you." (小心你信任谁。可能会有一个躲在草丛中等着利用你的人。)

6. "Grassroots movement" - 意思是"基层运动",用于指代由普通民众发起的运动。

例句:"The protest started as a grassroots movement, but it gained support from people all over the country." (这次抗议活动最初是由普通民众发起的,但后来得到了全国各地人们的支持。)

7. "Don't let the grass grow under your feet" - 意思是"不要懒散无为,要积极行动",用于鼓励别人不要懒惰。

例句:"Come on, don't let the grass grow under your feet! We have a lot of work to do." (快点,不要懒散无为!我们有很多工作要做。)

8. "The grass roots" - 意思是"基层民众",用于指代普通人。

例句:"This policy will benefit the grass roots, not just the wealthy elite." (这项政策将惠及基层民众,而不仅仅是富裕的精英阶层。)

Synonyms of grass with examples

1. Synonyms of grass

- Herbage

- Turf

- Sward

- Vegetation

- Plants

2. Examples:

a) The field was covered in lush herbage.

b) The cows grazed on the green turf.

c) The golf course had a perfectly manicured sward.

d) The meadow was filled with various types of vegetation.

e) The farmer planted different types of grasses to improve the soil.

3. Explanation:

Grass is a common term used to refer to plants that have narrow leaves, hollow stems, and produce seeds. It is also used to describe the ground cover made up of these plants. However, there are various synonyms for grass that can be used depending on the context.

Herbage refers to a collection of plants that are suitable for grazing or browsing by animals. It can also refer to the green parts of a plant used for medicinal purposes.

Turf specifically refers to the surface layer of earth containing matted roots and grass, often used as a playing surface for sports such as football or golf.

Sward is another term for turf, often used in British English. It can also refer to an area covered with grass or other low-growing plants.

Vegetation is a broader term that encompasses all types of plant life, including trees, shrubs, and grasses. It can also refer to the process of growing plants in an area.

Plants is the most general term for any living organism that has roots, stems, and leaves and produces its own food through photosynthesis. This includes all types of vegetation, including grass.

4. Conclusion:

In conclusion, while grass is a commonly used term for plants with narrow leaves and hollow stems, there are several synonyms that can be used depending on the context. These include herbage, turf, sward, vegetation, and plants. Understanding these synonyms can help us better describe and appreciate the diverse plant life around us

grass是指草,它是自然界中最常见的植物之一。它不仅可以作为饲料,也可以用来装饰花园和公园。在英语中,grass的发音是/græs/。在日常生活中,我们可以用各种各样的短语来描述grass,比如green grass(绿草)、freshly cut grass(新鲜的割草)、tall grass(高大的草)等等。
