
生活学习2024-03-10 15:09:59自考教育网




1. gravel的发音是什么?


2. 先来说说它的基本发音。


3. 但是在实际生活中,我们经常会遇到一些变体发音。


4. 除了国家和地区之外,还有一些行业也会对gravel的发音有所影响。


5. 总的来说,gravel的发音并没有固定的标准,所以不用太过纠结。


6. 最后,我们还可以通过一些在线发音网站来学习和练习gravel的发音。


7. 希望今天的小标题内容能够帮助到你,在遇到gravel这个单词时不再感到困惑。记住,语言是活生生的东西,没有必要拘泥于某种“正确”的发音方式。重要的是能够有效地传达信息,并与人顺利沟通


1. gravel是一个名词,指的是小石子或碎石。

2. 它通常用来铺路或作为建筑材料,也可以用来填充土壤以改善排水性能。

3. 在英语中,gravel也可以用作动词,意为“用碎石铺路”或“使变得坚硬”。

4. 除了在建筑和农业领域使用外,gravel还有时被用作装饰材料,如在花园中铺设小径或做为花盆的底部材料。

5. 总的来说,gravel是一个多功能的词汇,在不同场景下拥有不同的含义和用法


1. gravel的含义


2. gravel的用途


3. gravel对环境的影响


4. gravel的习语用法

除了作为名词使用外,gravel也可以用作动词,表示“使...铺满碎石”。例如,“The workers are graveling the road.”(工人们正在铺设碎石路面。)此外,gravel还有一个常见的习语用法,即“gravel voice”,指嗓音沙哑的声音。例如,“After shouting all day, his voice became gravel.”(连续大声喊叫一整天后,他的嗓音变得沙哑。)



1. "The driveway was covered in gravel, making it difficult to walk on in high heels."


2. "The construction workers used gravel as a base for the road, ensuring a smooth and sturdy surface."


3. "The riverbed was filled with small pieces of gravel, creating a soothing sound as the water flowed over them."


4. "We had to use a gravel path to reach the top of the mountain, as it was too steep for regular hiking trails."


5. "The children had a blast playing in the gravel pit at the park, digging and building with their toy trucks."


6. "The farmer spread gravel over his fields to prevent erosion and help with drainage during heavy rains."


7. "The sound of gravel crunching under the car's tires was a familiar one for those who lived on a gravel road."


8. "The hiker slipped on the loose gravel and tumbled down the hill, luckily only suffering minor scrapes and bruises."


9. "The driveway was lined with colorful gravel, adding a unique touch to the otherwise plain-looking house."


10. "The geologist studied the different types of gravel found in the river, identifying their composition and origins."



1. Pebbles

Pebbles are small, rounded stones that are commonly found on beaches and riverbeds. They are similar to gravel in size and shape, but they tend to be smoother and more polished due to the constant action of water. Like gravel, pebbles can also be used for construction purposes or as decorative elements in landscaping.

2. Shingle

Shingle is another term for small, smooth stones that are often found on beaches or in rivers. It is commonly used as a synonym for gravel, especially when referring to smaller-sized stones. However, shingle can also refer specifically to small, flat stones that are used for paving or roofing.

3. Crushed stone

Crushed stone is a type of gravel that has been mechanically broken into smaller pieces. It is commonly used in construction projects as a base material for roads, driveways, and walkways. Crushed stone can also be used as a decorative element in gardens or landscaping.

4. Chippings

Chippings are small pieces of stone that have been chipped or broken off from larger rocks. They are often used as a synonym for gravel when referring to smaller-sized stones. Chippings can also refer specifically to small pieces of stone that are used for surfacing roads or paths.

5. Grit

Grit is a type of coarse sand that is often mixed with gravel to create a rough surface for roads or pathways. It can also be used as an abrasive material in industrial processes or for polishing surfaces.

6. Ballast

Ballast refers to any type of material that is used to stabilize and support railway tracks or other structures. Gravel is commonly used as ballast due to its durability and ability to drain water away from the tracks.

7. Aggregates

Aggregates refer to any type of granular material such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, or slag that is used in construction. Gravel is considered an aggregate, along with other types of stone and sand, and is used to create concrete or asphalt for building projects.

8. Gritstone

Gritstone is a type of sedimentary rock that is composed of coarse sand or gravel-sized particles. It is commonly used as a building material due to its strength and durability.

9. Chips

Chips are small pieces of stone that have been broken off from larger rocks. They are often used as a synonym for gravel when referring to smaller-sized stones. Chips can also refer specifically to small pieces of stone that are used for surfacing roads or paths.

10. Screenings

Screenings are small particles of stone that have been sifted through a screen or sieve. They are often used as a base material for paving or landscaping projects and can be made from various types of stone, including gravel.

Gravel的同义词示例包括pebbles、shingle、crushed stone、chippings、grit、ballast、aggregates、gritstone、chips和screenings。这些词语在不同的语境下可以替换使用,但都指代类似的物质,即小块状的石料。了解这些同义词可以帮助我们更加准确地理解和使用“gravel”的含义

