
生活学习2024-03-10 15:16:39自考教育网


The pronunciation of gravitas



1. gravitas的含义


2. 如何发音gravitas


3. gravitas的同义词


4. gravitas的例句

- His gravitas and confidence made him a natural leader.

- The actor's performance was full of gravitas, earning him critical acclaim.

- The politician's lack of gravitas cost him the election

Is gravitas an idiom?





Usage and examples of gravitas

1. What does gravitas mean?

Gravitas is a Latin word that refers to a sense of seriousness, dignity, and importance. It is often used to describe someone who carries themselves with a certain level of authority and weight.

2. How do you pronounce gravitas?

Gravitas is pronounced as "gruh-vee-tahs" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for gravitas

Some synonyms for gravitas include solemnity, dignity, seriousness, weightiness, and importance.

4. Examples of gravitas in use

- The politician's speech was filled with gravitas as he addressed the nation about the current crisis.

- The CEO's presence commanded respect and exuded gravitas during the board meeting.

- The actor's performance had a certain gravitas that captivated the audience.

- In order to be taken seriously in the business world, one must have a sense of gravitas.

- The professor's lectures were always filled with gravitas and left a lasting impression on his students.

5. Why is gravitas important?

Having a sense of gravitas can help individuals command respect and be taken seriously in various situations. It can also add weight and credibility to one's words and actions.

6. How can you develop your own sense of gravitas?

- Practice speaking with confidence and authority.

- Pay attention to your body language and posture.

- Educate yourself on various topics to have more knowledge and confidence when speaking about them.

- Take on leadership roles or responsibilities to gain experience in handling important matters.

- Surround yourself with people who exude gravitas and observe their behavior.

In conclusion, having a sense of gravitas can greatly benefit individuals in their personal and professional lives. It is an important quality that can be developed through practice, experience, and self-awareness. So go ahead, embrace your inner gravity!

Antonyms and synonyms for gravitas


1. Levity: 轻浮,轻松

2. Frivolity: 轻佻,轻浮

3. Humor: 幽默,诙谐


1. Dignity: 庄重,威严

2. Poise: 沉着,镇定

3. Seriousness: 严肃,认真

Example sentences:

1. His gravitas commanded respect from everyone in the room.

2. She spoke with such gravitas that no one dared to interrupt her.

3. The comedian's levity was a refreshing change from the usual seriousness of the event.

4. The CEO's poise and gravitas made him a natural leader.

5. Despite his young age, he spoke with great dignity and gravitas on important issues.

6. Her frivolity often caused her to be underestimated, but she was actually quite intelligent.

7. The humor in his speech helped to lighten the mood and engage the audience.

8. The politician's lack of gravitas made it difficult for people to take him seriously.

9. His seriousness about his work earned him a reputation for having great gravitas.

10. It takes a certain amount of levity to balance out the weight of gravitas in a person's character

Explanation of gravitas

1. Gravitas的意思


2. Gravitas的发音


3. Gravitas的同义词


4. Gravitas的例句

(1) His gravitas and eloquence made him a respected leader among his colleagues.


(2) The actor's gravitas added depth to his performance, making it more impactful.


(3) The politician's gravitas and charisma helped him win the election.


