
生活学习2024-03-10 15:32:39自考教育网



1. 什么是greatest?



2. greatest的发音及读音


3. greatest同义词及例句

- Synonyms: supreme, paramount, preeminent, foremost, topmost, best, highest, most excellent

- Example sentences:

- She is considered the greatest scientist of our time.

- The greatest challenge in life is to find true happiness.

- This city has the greatest number of museums in the country.

- He is widely recognized as one of the greatest musicians in history.

4. 最伟大的人或事物

Greatest一般用来形容那些在某个领域内享有盛誉、影响力和地位的人或事物。比如,我们常说“the greatest athlete”(最伟大的运动员)、“the greatest leader”(最伟大的领导者)、“the greatest invention”(最伟大的发明)等等。

5. 最重要的事情或问题

除了形容人或事物,greatest也可以用来指代某个时期、事件或问题中最为重要的部分。比如,“the greatest challenge of our time”(我们这个时代最大的挑战)、“the greatest achievement in human history”(人类历史上最伟大的成就)等等。

6. 最高级别、程度或数量

在某些情况下,greatest也可以用来表示某种属性或特质在同类中达到了最高级别、程度或数量。比如,“the greatest height”(最大的高度)、“the greatest extent”(最大的范围)、“the greatest number of participants”(参与者最多)等等





greatest一般被翻译为“最伟大的”、“最重要的”,它可以用来形容人、事物或者概念。比如,“Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists in history.”(爱因斯坦是历史上最伟大的科学家之一。)“The greatest lesson I've learned is to never give up.”(我学到的最重要的一课就是永远不要放弃。)



1. greatest的意思是什么?


2. greatest怎么读?


3. greatest的同义词有哪些?


4. greatest双语例句

- He is considered one of the greatest writers of our time.


- This is the greatest achievement in the history of our company.


- She has the greatest respect for her teachers.


- The greatest challenge for us now is to find a solution to this problem.


- He showed the greatest courage in the face of danger.


- This painting is considered one of the artist's greatest works.



1. the greatest of all time:有史以来最伟大的

例句:Michael Jordan is considered the greatest of all time in basketball.

2. the greatest achievement:最伟大的成就

例句:Winning an Olympic gold medal is often seen as the greatest achievement for athletes.

3. the greatest challenge:最大的挑战

例句:Overcoming poverty and achieving success was her greatest challenge in life.

4. the greatest potential:最大的潜力

例句:As a young prodigy, he showed the greatest potential in his field of study.

5. one of the greatest:最伟大的之一

例句:Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers in history.

6. at its greatest extent:在其最大范围内

例句:The Roman Empire was at its greatest extent during Emperor Trajan's reign.

7. the world's greatest:世界上最伟大的

例句:The Taj Mahal is often referred to as one of the world's greatest architectural wonders.

8. achieve greatness:取得伟大成就

例句:With hard work and determination, anyone can achieve greatness in their chosen field.

9. among the greatest ever:在有史以来最伟大之列

例句: Shakespeare is among the greatest writers ever to have lived.

10. reach their full potential:发挥出全部潜力

例句: With proper guidance and support, students can reach their full potential and achieve greatness in their academic pursuits


1. Best:最好的

例句:He is the best player on the team.(他是球队中最好的球员。)

2. Supreme:至高无上的

例句:She is considered the supreme authority in the company.(她被认为是公司中至高无上的权威。)

3. Superior:优秀的,卓越的

例句:Her performance in the competition was superior to all others.(她在比赛中的表现优秀于其他所有人。)

4. Finest:最精美的,最出色的

例句:The finest wine in the world comes from France.(世界上最精美的葡萄酒来自法国。)

5. Greatest:最伟大的

例句:He is considered one of the greatest artists of all time.(他被认为是有史以来最伟大的艺术家之一。)

6. Optimal:最佳的,最理想的

例句:The optimal solution to this problem has not been found yet.(这个问题的最佳解决方案还没有被找到。)

7. Premier:首屈一指的,卓越的

例句:This hotel is known for its premier service and amenities.(这家酒店以其首屈一指的服务和设施而闻名。)

8. Top-notch:顶尖水平的,一流的

例句:They only hire top-notch professionals for their company.(他们只雇用顶尖的专业人士来为公司服务。)

9. Unrivaled:无与伦比的,无可匹敌的

例句:Her beauty is unrivaled by anyone else.(她的美丽无与伦比。)

10. Exemplary:典范的,模范的

例句:His exemplary behavior has earned him the respect of his peers.(他模范的行为赢得了同龄人的尊重。)

