
生活学习2024-03-10 15:38:19自考教育网





首先,让我们来看一下“great”的字面意思。它是一个形容词,意为“伟大的”,可以用来形容人、事物或概念。例如,“He is a great leader.”(他是一个伟大的领袖。)“The Great Wall”(长城)也是一个常见的例子。

除了字面意思外,我们还可以根据上下文来理解“great”的含义。它可以表示某事物非常好、令人满意或令人惊叹。例如,“This is a great movie.”(这是一部很棒的电影。)“She has a great voice.”(她有一副很棒的嗓子。)

此外,“great”还可以用来表示数量上的大、多或强烈。例如,“There was a great crowd at the concert.”(演唱会上有很多人。)“I have great respect for him.”(我对他非常尊敬。)



1. "great"是一个形容词,读作/ɡreɪt/,意思是“伟大的”、“出色的”、“重要的”等。

2. 在口语中,也可以用作感叹词,表示赞叹或兴奋的情绪。

3. 同义词包括:amazing、excellent、fantastic、wonderful等。

4. 例如:“The Great Wall is a great symbol of China's long history and culture.”(长城是中国悠久历史和文化的伟大象征。)

5. “Wow, that performance was great!”(哇,那场表演太棒了!)


1. great的意思是“伟大的”,可以用来形容人、事物或概念。

2. great的读音为/ɡreɪt/,注意发音时要将舌头放平,不要卷起来。

3. 同义词包括:excellent, outstanding, remarkable等。

4. 例句1:She is a great leader who inspires her team to achieve success.


5. 例句2:The concert was a great success, with thousands of people attending.



1. Great job: 做得好,干得漂亮

例句:You did a great job on the presentation. 你做的演讲太棒了。

2. Great idea: 好主意,妙计

例句:That's a great idea! 那是个好主意!

3. Great news: 好消息,喜讯

例句:I have some great news to share with you. 我有些好消息要和你分享。

4. Great opportunity: 绝佳机会,良机

例句:This is a great opportunity for us to expand our business. 这是一个我们扩大业务的绝佳机会。

5. Great potential: 潜力巨大,发展空间大

例句:This project has great potential for growth in the future. 这个项目未来有着巨大的发展潜力。

6. Great success: 大获成功,取得巨大成就

例句:The concert was a great success, everyone loved it! 这场音乐会取得了巨大成功,每个人都喜欢它!

7. Great achievement: 伟大成就,重大功绩

例句:Her research is considered a great achievement in the field of medicine. 她的研究被认为是医学领域的伟大成就。

8. Great experience: 非凡经历,难忘经历

例句:Traveling to different countries was such a great experience for me. 去不同的国家旅行是我非常难忘的经历。

9. Great effort: 巨大努力,艰苦奋斗

例句:It took great effort to finish this project on time. 完成这个项目需要巨大的努力才能按时完成。

10. Great potential: 潜力巨大,发展空间大

例句:This company has great potential to become a leader in the industry. 这个公司有潜力成为行业领军者


1. Amazing - This word is often used to describe something or someone that is truly impressive or extraordinary. For example, "The view from the top of the mountain was simply amazing."

2. Fantastic - Similar to "amazing," this word can also be used to express admiration or excitement. For instance, "The new restaurant in town has fantastic food and service."

3. Wonderful - This word conveys a sense of delight and pleasure, and can be used to describe something that brings joy or happiness. For example, "I had a wonderful time at the concert last night."

4. Terrific - Often used to express enthusiasm or approval, this word can also mean excellent or great. For instance, "The team's performance was terrific and they won the game."

5. Superb - This word is often used to describe something that is of the highest quality or standard. For example, "The hotel we stayed at had superb amenities and service."

6. Marvelous - Similar to "wonderful," this word expresses a feeling of amazement or admiration for something or someone. For instance, "The exhibit at the museum was truly marvelous."

7. Splendid - This word conveys a sense of grandeur and magnificence, and can be used to describe something that is impressive or beautiful. For example, "The castle's architecture was splendid."

8. Excellent - A commonly used synonym for great, this word can be used to describe something that is of high quality or superior in some way. For instance, "She did an excellent job on her presentation."

9. Outstanding - Similar to "excellent," this word can also mean exceptional or remarkable in some way. For example, "The company's profits were outstanding this quarter."

10. Phenomenal - This word conveys a sense of wonder and amazement, and can be used to describe something that is truly extraordinary or impressive. For instance, "The special effects in the movie were phenomenal."

great是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以表示“伟大的、出色的、重要的”,同时也可以作为形容词和副词使用。它的读音是/ɡreɪt/,在口语中经常会缩短为/ɡrət/。除此之外,great还有许多相关词组,如great job(干得好)、feel great(感觉很棒)等。如果你想要增加自己的词汇量,不妨多多使用这个词汇,并且尝试用它的同义词来替换。最后,我是网站编辑小李,在此感谢大家阅读本文,并希望能给您带来一些帮助。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢!
