
生活学习2024-03-10 15:46:52自考教育网



What does Greek mean?

1. 简介


2. 意思解释

根据牛津英语词典,Greek作为名词的意思是“希腊人”或“希腊语言”,作为形容词则表示“与希腊相关的”。它源自古英语中的“Grec”, 源自拉丁语“Graecus”,最终来源于古希腊语中的“Graikos”。

3. 发音

Greek这个单词有两种发音方式:/griːk/ 和 /ɡriːk/。前者是美式英语发音,后者是英式英语发音。你可以根据自己所处的环境选择使用哪种发音。

4. 同义词

- Hellenic: 这个单词也可以用来指代希腊人或与希腊相关的事物。

- Grecian: 这个单词通常用来修饰艺术、建筑等领域中受希腊文化影响的作品。

- Grecophone: 这个词指代使用希腊语的人或地区。

5. 例句

- Greek is a beautiful language with a rich history. (希腊语是一门美丽的语言,拥有悠久的历史。)

- The Greek people are known for their hospitality and warm culture. (希腊人以热情好客和温暖的文化闻名。)

- The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to philosophy, mathematics, and literature. (古希腊人在哲学、数学和文学方面做出了重大贡献。)

- The Parthenon is a famous Grecian temple in Athens. (巴特农神庙是雅典著名的希腊式神庙。)

How do you pronounce Greek?





1. She is a Greek, born and raised in Athens. (她是一个雅典出生长大的希腊人。)

2. I'm learning Greek because I want to visit Greece next year. (我正在学习希腊语,因为明年想要去希腊旅行。)

3. The Hellenic culture has greatly influenced the Western world. (古希腊文化对西方世界有着巨大的影响。)

4. The Hellenistic period saw the rise of great philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. (希腊化时期见证了伟大的哲学家如柏拉图和亚里士多德的崛起。)

Usage and examples of Greek

1. Greek的含义是什么?


2. 如何正确发音Greek?


3. Greek的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句1:I love learning about Greek mythology.


5. 例句2:The restaurant serves authentic Greek cuisine.


6. 例句3:The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to philosophy and mathematics.


Phrases with Greek

1. Greek mythology: 希腊神话

例句:Greek mythology is full of fascinating stories about gods and goddesses.

2. Greek alphabet: 希腊字母表

例句:The Greek alphabet has 24 letters, including alpha, beta, and gamma.

3. Greek cuisine: 希腊美食

例句:I love trying different dishes from around the world, and Greek cuisine is one of my favorites.

4. Greek tragedy: 希腊悲剧

例句:Sophocles' play "Oedipus Rex" is considered a classic example of Greek tragedy.

5. Greek chorus: 希腊合唱团

例句:The Greek chorus in the play provided commentary on the actions of the main characters.

6. Greek fire: 希腊火

例句:Greek fire was a powerful weapon used by the Byzantine Empire in medieval times.

7. Greek revival: 希腊复兴风格

例句:The White House in Washington D.C. is an example of architecture with a Greek revival style.

8. Going Greek: 加入希腊社团(大学)

例句:Many students choose to go Greek and join fraternities or sororities during their college years.

9. It's all Greek to me: 我听不懂,一头雾水(表示不理解)

例句:I tried to read that scientific article, but it was all Greek to me.

10. In someone's good graces: 受某人青睐,得到某人的欢心

例句:After helping her with the project, I was back in my boss's good graces.

11. Greek gift: 希腊礼物(指有害的礼物)

例句:Be careful, sometimes compliments can be a Greek gift.

12. Greek to me: 对我来说很难理解

例句:I tried to fix my computer, but all the technical jargon was Greek to me.

13. It's all Greek and Latin: 难懂的语言或文字

例句:I'm having trouble understanding this legal document, it's all Greek and Latin to me.

14. Speak like a Greek: 说一口流利的希腊语

例句:After studying abroad for a year, she could speak like a Greek.

15. A Trojan horse: 特洛伊木马(指带有隐藏意图的东西)

例句:The new software update turned out to be a Trojan horse that caused major issues for our computers.

16. To have the Midas touch: 拥有点金手指(指成功能力)

例句:Everything he invests in turns to gold, he truly has the Midas touch.

17. Between Scylla and Charybdis: 在两难之间(源自希腊神话)

例句:I'm stuck between Scylla and Charybdis, either way I'll lose something important.

18. The Achilles' heel: 脆弱之处(源自希腊神话)

例句:Her perfectionism is her Achilles' heel, it often leads to burnout and stress.

19. To carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders: 承担巨大的责任(源自希腊神话)

例句:As the CEO, she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders and makes tough decisions for the company.

20. A Herculean task: 艰巨的任务(源自希腊神话)

例句:Cleaning out the garage was a Herculean task, it took us all day to finish

Synonyms for Greek with examples

1. What does Greek mean? How do you pronounce it?

- What's the meaning of Greek? How do you say it?

- What is the definition of Greek? How do you pronounce it?

2. Synonyms for Greek

- Hellenic: The ancient Greeks referred to themselves as "Hellenes".

- Grecian: This term is often used to describe anything related to Greece or its culture.

- Hellenistic: This refers to the period after Alexander the Great's conquests, when Greek culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world.

3. Examples of using Greek in a sentence

- I've always been fascinated by Greek mythology.

- The restaurant specializes in traditional Greek cuisine.

- My grandfather can still speak fluent Greek, even though he left Greece decades ago.

- The play was written in ancient Greek and was later translated into English.

4. Other words related to Greek

- Hellas: This is another name for Greece, derived from the ancient word "Ellas".

- Philhellene: Someone who loves or admires Greece and its culture.

- Panhellenic: Referring to anything that involves or relates to all of Greece or its people.

5. How do you say "Greek" in other languages?

- Spanish: Griego

- French: Grec

- German: Griechisch

In conclusion, Greek is a fascinating language with a rich history and cultural significance. Its unique pronunciation and usage make it a valuable addition to anyone's linguistic repertoire. So whether you're interested in learning the language or just curious about its meaning and pronunciation, we hope this article has provided you with some helpful information.

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