
生活学习2024-03-10 16:02:11自考教育网



1. 什么是greetings?



2. 如何读greetings?


3. greetings的同义词有哪些?


4. greetings的例句有哪些?

(1) Greetings from New York! 来自纽约的问候!

(2) Please give my greetings to your family. 请向你的家人致以我的问候。

(3) The president greeted the crowd with a warm welcome. 总统向人群致以热烈欢迎。

(4) I received a greeting card from my friend on my birthday. 我在生日时收到了朋友送来的贺卡。



1. "greetings"的发音


2. "greetings"的读法


3. "greetings"与其他单词的同义词


- hello:表示问候或打招呼。

- hi:与hello意思相同。

- hey:表示惊讶或打招呼。

- good day:表示祝愿对方有一个愉快的一天。

- welcome:表示欢迎。

4. "greetings"的例句


- Greetings from New York! (来自纽约的问候!)

- He gave me a warm greeting. (他给了我一个热情的问候。)

- Greetings to all of you! (向你们所有人问候!)

- I received your greetings. (我收到了你的祝福。)

- The president delivered a speech of welcome and greetings. (总统发表了一篇欢迎和祝福的演讲。)



1. greetings的意思


2. greetings的读音


3. greetings的同义词


4. greetings作为名词的用法和例句


- I received many birthday greetings from my friends.


- The president sent his greetings to all the attendees.


5. greetings作为动词的用法和例句


- She greeted me with a warm smile.


- When I arrived, they greeted me at the door.


6. 例句:

a) Greetings from London!


b) He sent his season's greetings to all his clients.


c) The students greeted their teacher with a song.


d) My grandparents always send me greetings on my birthday.


e) The host greeted the guests at the door with a warm welcome.



1. Salutations

示例:He greeted his guests with warm salutations.

2. Welcome

示例:The host gave a warm welcome to his guests.

3. Greet

示例:She greeted her friend with a hug and a smile.

4. Hello

示例:Hello, how are you?

5. Good day

示例:Good day, it's nice to see you again.

6. Hey

示例:Hey, what's up?

7. Hi

示例:Hi there, how have you been?

8. Howdy

示例:Howdy partner, long time no see!

9. Salute

示例:The soldiers gave a salute to their commander.

10. Hail

示例:Hail and well met, my friend!

11. Cheers

示例:Cheers to our friendship!

12. Blessings

示例:Blessings upon your home and family.

13. Felicitations

示例:Felicitations on your new job!

14. Regards

示例:Best regards to you and your family.

15. Compliments

示例:My compliments to the chef for this delicious meal.

16. Wishes

示例: Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


示例: The warmth of her greeting made me feel at ease.


示例: The friendliness of the locals was heartwarming.


示例: Her kindness in welcoming us into her home was greatly appreciated.


示例: The happiness on their faces as they greeted each other was infectious


1. Greetings from (某地/某人):来自(某地/某人)的问候

例句:Greetings from New York! 从纽约问候你们!

2. Warm greetings:热情的问候

例句:I send you warm greetings from across the ocean. 我从大洋彼岸给你们送去热情的问候。

3. Season's greetings:节日问候

例句:Season's greetings to all our friends and family! 向所有的朋友和家人致以节日的问候!

4. Greetings card:贺卡

例句:I received a beautiful greetings card from my pen pal in Japan. 我收到了一张来自日本笔友的漂亮贺卡。

5. Greetings and salutations:问候和祝福语

例句:Greetings and salutations to the newlyweds! 向新婚夫妇致以问候和祝福!

6. Exchange greetings/exchange pleasantries:交换问候/寒暄

例句:We exchanged greetings before the meeting started. 在会议开始前我们交换了问候。

7. Greetings to someone/something:向某人/某事致敬

例句:He gave his warmest greetings to all the volunteers who helped with the charity event. 他向所有帮助慈善活动的志愿者致以最诚挚的敬意。

8. Extend greetings to someone:向某人致以问候

例句:Please extend my greetings to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好。

9. Greetings to the world:向全世界问候

例句:She stood on the stage and gave greetings to the world in different languages. 她站在舞台上用不同的语言向全世界问好。

10. Greetings and handshakes:问候和握手

例句:The two leaders exchanged greetings and handshakes before starting their meeting. 两位领导人在开始会议前交换了问候和握手

