
生活学习2024-03-10 16:22:48自考教育网



The pronunciation of greyhound

1. Greyhound的意思


2. Greyhound的发音


3. Greyhound的同义词及例句

- 同义词:灰狗、赛狗、追踪犬

- 例句:

a) The greyhounds raced around the track at lightning speed.


b) The hunter used his greyhounds to chase after the rabbit.


c) I took a greyhound bus from New York to Boston.


4. Greyhound的其他用法


a) The greyhound car sped down the highway.


b) The greyhound athlete broke the world record.



Is greyhound an idiom?

1. Greyhound的含义


2. Greyhound怎么读


3. Greyhound是否属于习语?


4. Greyhound同义词及例句


- Hound:这个词可以用来泛指各种猎狗。

- Sighthound:这个词用来形容那些以视觉为主要狩猎方式的猎犬,如greyhound、whippet等。

- Fast as a greyhound:这个表达方式用来形容某人或某物非常快速,就像灰狗一样。

- Take the greyhound:这个表达方式指乘坐长途客运汽车。


- My neighbor has a beautiful greyhound that loves to run in the park.


- The sighthound was bred for its exceptional speed and agility.


- She ran as fast as a greyhound to catch the last train.


- Let's take the greyhound to New York instead of driving.



Usage and examples of greyhound

1. Understanding the meaning of greyhound

- Greyhound is a noun that refers to a breed of tall, slender and swift dogs used for hunting or racing.

- It can also be used to describe a bus line or company that provides fast and long-distance transportation services.

- In slang terms, greyhound can mean a person who is very thin and lanky.

2. Pronunciation of greyhound

- The word "greyhound" is pronounced as "gray-hound", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

- It is important to note that the spelling of this word includes the letter "e" after "grey", which is often mistaken for being silent.

3. Synonyms for greyhound

- Some common synonyms for greyhound include sighthound, gazehound, and levanter.

- In terms of transportation, other synonyms for greyhound are coach, bus, or motorcoach.

4. Examples of using greyhound in sentences

- We saw a beautiful greyhound at the dog show last weekend.

- The greyhound won the race by a large margin due to its incredible speed.

- I prefer taking a greyhound over flying when traveling long distances as it is more comfortable and affordable.

- The new coach company aims to provide services similar to those offered by Greyhound.

- She's so tall and thin, she could pass off as a greyhound.

5. Additional information about greyhounds

- Greyhounds are known for their speed and have been used in hunting since ancient times.

- They have a unique body structure that allows them to reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour in just six strides.

- Despite their athletic abilities, they are also known for being gentle and affectionate pets.

- Greyhounds are often used in racing competitions but there has been controversy surrounding their treatment in the industry

Antonyms and synonyms of greyhound

1. Greyhound的含义


2. Greyhound的读音


3. Greyhound的同义词

除了greyhound本身,还有哪些词可以用来形容这种狗呢?首先就是它们最常见的同类犬种——whippet、saluki和borzoi。此外,也可以使用诸如sighthound、hunting dog等词汇来指代greyhound。

4. Greyhound的反义词


5. Greyhound在句子中的用法


- The greyhound gracefully chased after the rabbit in the field.


- My friend's greyhound won the race and earned a trophy.


- Unlike other dogs, greyhounds are not suitable for guarding or protecting duties.



Explanation of the meaning of greyhound





In conclusion, greyhound is a commonly used word in English with a simple pronunciation and multiple usage. It is not an idiom, but rather a noun that refers to a specific type of dog known for its speed and agility. In addition to its literal meaning, greyhound can also be used in various contexts and has both antonyms and synonyms that can add depth to its usage. As the editor of this website, I hope you have found this article informative and helpful. If you enjoyed reading it, please consider following me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for your support!
