
生活学习2024-03-10 16:33:15自考教育网





1. griffin是什么意思?


2. griffin怎么读?


3. griffin同义词有哪些?


4. griffin例句

(1) The emblem of the school was a majestic griffin, symbolizing strength and wisdom.

(2) According to legend, only the bravest of knights could defeat a griffin and claim its treasure.

(3) The ancient city was guarded by two towering statues of griffins, their eyes seemingly watching over the city's inhabitants.

(4) The book was filled with illustrations of mythical creatures, including dragons, unicorns, and griffins.

5. griffin的起源





1. griffin是什么意思?


2. griffin的发音和读法


3. griffin的同义词


4. griffin的例句

- In ancient Greek mythology, the griffin was believed to be a protector of treasures and a guardian of the divine.


- The griffin is often depicted as a symbol of strength and courage.


- The creature in the painting looks like a mix between a lion and an eagle, resembling a griffin.



1. griffin的意思是什么?


2. griffin怎么读?


3. Griffin的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- The griffin is a popular symbol in ancient mythology.


- She has the strength of a griffin and the grace of an eagle.


- The hippogriff, a creature with the body of a horse and the wings of a griffin, is often featured in fantasy novels.



1. Mythical Creature: griffin is a mythical creature that has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. It is often depicted as a symbol of strength and power.

2. Half Lion, Half Eagle: griffin is a combination of two powerful animals, the lion and the eagle. This unique hybrid creature is often used in literature and art to represent courage and wisdom.

3. Majestic Beast: griffin is known for its majestic appearance, with its fierce lion body and magnificent eagle wings. It is often described as a noble beast that commands respect.

4. Legendary Guardian: in ancient mythology, griffin was believed to be a guardian of treasure and valuable possessions. It was said to have sharp eyesight and could spot any intruders from afar.

5. Symbol of Royalty: griffin has been associated with royalty since ancient times, often depicted on coats of arms or used as a symbol for kings and queens. It represents strength, courage, and nobility.

6. Mythical Hybrid: griffin is just one example of many mythical hybrid creatures that have been created in different cultures around the world. Other examples include centaurs, mermaids, and dragons.

7. Fierce Protector: according to legend, griffins were fierce protectors who would defend their territory at all costs. They were known for their bravery and loyalty to their masters.

8. Powerful Flight: with its large wingspan, griffin was believed to be able to fly at great speeds and heights, making it an ideal messenger for the gods in Greek mythology.

9. Legendary Beast: throughout history, many tales have been told about the mighty griffin, making it a legendary beast that continues to fascinate people even today.

10.Symbols in Modern Culture: even in modern times, griffins are still commonly used as symbols in popular culture such as movies, video games, and literature. They continue to capture the imagination of people all over the world


1. Chimera


例句:The griffin and the chimera are both legendary creatures in Greek mythology.

2. Gryphon


例句:The gryphon is often depicted as a fierce guardian in medieval art.

3. Hippogriff


例句:In the Harry Potter series, Buckbeak is a hippogriff who can fly and has the head of an eagle and the body of a horse.

4. Griffon


例句:The griffon is often seen as a symbol of strength and courage.

5. Griffin-like


例句:The creature in the painting was griffin-like, with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion.

6. Winged Lion

Winged Lion是griffin的同义词短语,意为“有翅膀的狮子”。它可以用来指代具有griffin特征的生物或雕塑。

例句:The winged lion is a common motif in ancient Assyrian and Babylonian art.

7. Gargoyle


例句:The gargoyle on the church roof had the head of a griffin and the body of a dragon.

8. Winged Beast

Winged Beast是griffin的同义词短语,意为“有翅膀的野兽”。它可以用来指代具有鹰和狮子特征的神秘生物。

例句:Legends tell of winged beasts that guarded hidden treasures in ancient temples.

9. Eagle-Lion Hybrid

Eagle-Lion Hybrid是griffin的同义词短语,意为“鹰-狮混合物”。它可以用来描述具有griffin特征的生物。

例句:The ancient Greeks believed that the eagle-lion hybrid, or griffin, was a symbol of divine power.

10. Mythical Creature

Mythical Creature是griffin的同义词短语,意为“神话生物”。它可以用来泛指具有神秘力量和特殊能力的传说生物。

例句:The griffin is just one of many mythical creatures that have captured the imagination of people throughout history

