
生活学习2024-03-10 16:43:28自考教育网


Definition of grind

1. Grind的定义



2. Grind的发音


3. 同义词


- Crush:意为“压碎、粉碎”,常用于物理上对物体进行粉碎。

- Grate:意为“刮擦、磨擦”,常用于描述刺耳的声音。

- Gruel:意为“稀粥、苦差事”,常用于形容艰苦的工作。

4. 例句解释

- She had to grind the coffee beans before making the coffee.



- The gears of the machine were grinding loudly.



- He had to work day and night, grinding away at his studies.


这里的grinding away指不断地进行艰苦的努力

How to pronounce grind

Are you struggling with how to pronounce the word "grind"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky to say correctly, but once you learn how, you'll be able to use it confidently in your everyday conversations.

1. What does "grind" mean?

First things first, let's start with the meaning of "grind". This word has multiple definitions, but the most common ones are:

- To crush or break something into small pieces using a machine or a tool.

- To rub something against a hard surface in order to make it sharper or smoother.

- To work hard and persistently at something.

2. How do you pronounce "grind"?

Now that we know what "grind" means, let's focus on how to say it correctly. The correct pronunciation is [grahynd], with a long "i" sound and a silent "d" at the end. It rhymes with words like "find", "blind", and "kind".

3. Synonyms for "grind"

If you're looking for other words that have a similar meaning to "grind", here are some options:

- Crush

- Grate

- Sharpen

- Hone

- Labor

4. Examples of using "grind"

To help you better understand how to use this word in context, here are some examples:

- I need to grind some coffee beans before making my morning cup of coffee.

- My knife is dull, I need to grind it against a stone to make it sharp again.

- She had to grind through her studies all night before her big exam tomorrow.

So there you have it, now you know what "grind" means, how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples for using it in your daily life. Keep practicing and soon enough, saying this word will be a piece of cake!

Examples and usage of grind

1. Definition of grind

Grind is a verb that means to reduce something to small particles or powder by crushing it, or to rub or cause something to rub against a hard surface in a repetitive motion. It can also refer to the act of sharpening or polishing something, usually with an abrasive material.

2. How to pronounce grind

Grind is pronounced as /ɡraɪnd/, with a long "i" sound.

3. Synonyms for grind

Some synonyms for grind include crush, pulverize, grate, abrade, and sand.

4. Examples of usage

- "I need to grind these coffee beans before brewing my morning cup of coffee."

- "The gears in the machine were grinding loudly."

- "She spent hours grinding away at her studies."

- "The skateboarders were grinding on the railings at the skate park."

- "I could hear the sound of metal grinding against metal coming from the construction site."

- "The dancer's hips moved in a sensual grinding motion."

- "After years of hard work and determination, he finally made it to the top of the corporate ladder through sheer grind."

5. Idioms using grind

- Grind one's teeth: To clench or gnash one's teeth together in frustration or anger.

Example: "He was so frustrated with his job that he would often grind his teeth in his sleep."

- Grind to a halt: To gradually come to a complete stop.

Example: "The production line ground to a halt when one of the machines malfunctioned."

6. Related words

- Grinder: A machine used for grinding something into small particles.

Example: "He used an electric grinder to make fresh peanut butter at home."

- Grindstone: A stone wheel used for sharpening or polishing tools.

Example: "She spent hours sharpening her knives on the grindstone."

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, grind has a few different meanings and can be used in various contexts. It is important to pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its exact meaning. Whether it's grinding coffee beans, grinding away at work, or the sound of metal grinding against metal, this versatile word can be used in many different ways

Phrases with grind

1. "Grind it out" - 意思是坚持不懈地做某件事情,通常指做一些枯燥乏味的工作。

例句:I know studying for this exam is tough, but we just have to grind it out and keep going.

2. "Grind to a halt" - 意思是突然停止,通常指某个活动或进程。

例句:The production line ground to a halt when the machine broke down.

3. "Grind away" - 意思是不断努力地做某件事情,通常指为了达成某个目标而付出努力。

例句:She has been grinding away at her studies for years in order to become a doctor.

4. "The daily grind" - 意思是日常生活中的枯燥乏味的工作或任务。

例句:I can't wait for the weekend, I need a break from the daily grind of work.

5. "Grind your teeth" - 意思是咬牙切齿,通常指因为愤怒或焦虑而紧咬牙关。

例句:I could see him grinding his teeth in frustration as he tried to fix the broken computer.

6. "Grind someone down" - 意思是逐渐打败或消耗某人,通常指在竞争中击败对手。

例句:The constant pressure and competition eventually ground her down and she gave up on her dream.

7. "Back to the grind" - 意思是回到日常工作中,通常指假期结束后回到工作状态。

例句:After a relaxing vacation, it's back to the grind tomorrow.

8. "Grind someone's gears" - 意思是惹恼某人,通常指某件事情让人感到烦躁或不满。

例句:His constant complaining really grinds my gears.

9. "Grindstone" - 意思是磨刀石,通常用来比喻坚持不懈地努力工作。

例句:She has her nose to the grindstone, studying for her exams.

10. "Grind out" - 意思是勉强完成某件任务,通常指完成一项困难的任务。

例句:We managed to grind out a victory in the final minutes of the game

Synonyms for grind

1. Grind - Definition and Pronunciation

Before we dive into the synonyms for grind, let's first understand the meaning and pronunciation of this word. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, grind is defined as "to reduce to powder or small fragments by friction (as in a mill or with the teeth)". It is pronounced as \ˈgrīnd\.

2. Synonyms for Grind

a. Crush: This word can be used as a synonym for grind when referring to crushing something into smaller pieces or particles.

Example: She used a mortar and pestle to crush the spices into a fine powder.

b. Pulverize: Similar to crush, pulverize means to reduce something to fine particles.

Example: The machine was able to pulverize rocks into tiny pebbles.

c. Grate: This word can be used as a synonym for grind when referring to shredding or rubbing something into small pieces.

Example: He used a cheese grater to grate the block of cheese.

d. Mill: This word can be used as a synonym for grind when referring to grinding grains or other materials using a mill.

Example: The old windmill was used to mill wheat into flour.

e. Pound: Similar to crush and pulverize, pound means to break something down into smaller pieces by hitting it repeatedly.

Example: She pounded the herbs with a mortar and pestle until they were finely ground.

f. Mince: This word can be used as a synonym for grind when referring to chopping something into very small pieces.

Example: The recipe called for minced garlic, so she chopped it finely.

g. Shred: Similar to grate, shred means to tear or cut something into thin strips.

Example: He shredded the documents before throwing them away.

h. Fray: This word can be used as a synonym for grind when referring to wearing down or weakening something through constant rubbing or friction.

Example: The constant use of the old machine caused the gears to fray.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, grind can be used as a verb to describe the action of reducing something into small particles. Some synonyms for grind include crush, pulverize, grate, mill, pound, mince, shred, and fray. Remember to use these words in their proper context to avoid confusion

