
生活学习2024-03-10 16:54:37自考教育网





1. “grip”的基本含义

首先,“grip”的基本含义是“抓住”、“紧握”,通常指用手或手指抓住某物。例如:“She gripped the handle tightly.”(她紧紧地抓住了把手。)

2. “grip”的引申意义


- 控制、支配:指对某人或某事物有强大的影响力或掌控能力。例如:“The dictator has a tight grip on the country.”(这位独裁者对国家有着严密的控制。)

- 紧迫感、压力:指某种强烈的感觉或压力。例如:“The deadline is approaching and I can feel the grip of stress tightening around me.”(截止日期即将到来,我能感受到压力正在紧紧地围绕着我。)

- 吸引、吸引力:指某物对人们的吸引力或影响力。例如:“This movie has a strong emotional grip on its audience.”(这部电影对观众有着强大的情感吸引力。)

3. “grip”的常用搭配

- Get a grip on something:掌握、理解某事物

- Lose one's grip:失去控制、无法应对

- Keep a tight grip on something:紧紧抓住、牢牢掌握某事物

- In the grip of something:受……的影响或控制下

4. “grip”在英文歌曲中的使用


- 歌名《Lose My Grip》(失去控制)——由英国歌手HAIM演唱。

- 歌词“Got a grip like a vice around my head”(像一只钳子一样紧紧抓住我的头)——出自美国乐队Imagine Dragons的歌曲《Natural》。



1. 读音


2. 词源


3. 含义


- 物理意义:指手指或手掌紧紧抓住某物的动作或姿势。例如:“She gripped the handle tightly.”(她紧紧抓住了把手。)

- 比喻意义:表示对某件事情或情感的强烈掌控力。例如:“The fear of failure gripped him.”(对失败的恐惧令他无法自拔。)

- 技术意义:在摄影和电影制作中,指摄像机或相机的稳定性。例如:“The camera has a good grip.”(这台相机很稳定。)

- 词组搭配:grip还可以与其他词组搭配使用,形成一些常用的短语,例如:“get a grip”(控制自己、冷静下来)、“lose one's grip”(失去控制、无法应对)、“in the grip of”(受到...的控制)等。

4. 相关词汇


- grasp:指抓住、理解或掌握某物的能力。

- hold:指抓住或保持某物不动。

- clutch:指紧紧抓住某物。

- seize:指突然抓住或夺取某物。

- cling:指紧紧抓住或依附于某物


1. 词性


2. 词性变化




3. 同义词

-grip的名词同义词包括hold, grasp, clasp, grasp等。

-grip的动词同义词包括hold, grasp, seize, clutch等。

4. 反义词

-grip的名词反义词包括release, let go。

-grip的动词反义词包括release, let go。

5. 各种形式的用法


-He had a firm grip on the handlebars.


-The grip of the disease was too strong for him to overcome.



-She gripped the edge of the table tightly.


-I couldn't grip the slippery rope and fell into the water.


6. 搭配短语

-have a good/bad grip on sth


-lose one's grip


-get a grip on oneself


-grip the steering wheel


7. 衍生词



8. 其他用法





1. 概念解释


2. 名词用法

作为名词,grip通常指手的握力或者手部的抓取能力。它也可以指某个物体的把持力或者控制力。例如,“She has a strong grip”(她握力很强),“The handle has a good grip”(这个把手的抓持力很好)。

3. 动词用法

作为动词,grip表示“紧紧地抓住、掌握、控制”的意思。例如,“He gripped my hand tightly”(他紧紧地抓住了我的手),“The fear gripped her heart”(恐惧笼罩了她的心)。

4. 引申含义

除了上述基本含义外,grip还有一些引申含义。它可以指某种强烈的影响或者感受,类似于“牢牢地吸引住”。例如,“The movie really gripped me”(这部电影真的吸引了我)。“Grip on power”则表示对权力的掌控。

5. 用于特定搭配

除了以上基本用法外,grip还可以与其他词语搭配使用,形成一些固定的搭配表达特定含义。例如,“get a grip”表示“振作起来、冷静下来”。“lose one's grip”则表示“失去控制、失去把持”。

6. 注意事项




1. Get a grip on: 控制,掌握

例句:You need to get a grip on your anger before it gets out of control.

2. Lose one's grip: 失去控制

例句:He lost his grip on the steering wheel and the car spun out of control.

3. Keep a tight grip on: 紧紧抓住,牢牢掌握

例句:The coach reminded his players to keep a tight grip on the ball during the game.

4. Grip strength: 握力

例句:The athlete's grip strength was crucial in helping him win the weightlifting competition.

5. Have a good grip on: 对...有很好的了解,掌握得很好

例句:She has a good grip on the subject and is able to explain it clearly to others.

6. Slippery slope: 滑坡,险恶的道路

例句:Once you start lying, it's a slippery slope that can lead to bigger problems.

7. Iron grip: 铁腕统治,严格控制

例句:The dictator ruled with an iron grip, suppressing any opposition or dissent.

8. Get a grip!: 镇静点!冷静点!(用于劝告他人)

例句:Get a grip! This is not the end of the world, we can find a solution together.

9. Grip and grin: 握手和微笑(指政客或公众人物的礼仪动作)

例句:The politician went through his usual routine of greeting people with a quick "grip and grin".

10. Lose one's grip on reality: 失去对现实的掌控,变得不切实际

例句:After his accident, he seemed to lose his grip on reality and started believing in conspiracy theories


1. 同义词:hold, grasp, clutch, seize, clasp

- "She had a firm grip on the rope as she climbed the mountain."

- "The child's tiny hand was able to grasp the toy tightly."

- "He clutched onto his wallet tightly as he walked through the crowded street."

- "The police officer was able to seize the suspect's weapon before he could use it."

- "The bride and groom exchanged a loving clasp during their wedding ceremony."

2. 反义词:release, let go, loosen, slip, drop

- "After holding onto the railing for so long, her tired hands finally released their grip."

- "She let go of her worries and enjoyed the moment."

- "The athlete loosened his grip on the bat before taking a swing."

- "Her wet hands slipped from her boyfriend's grasp as they danced in the rain."

- "He accidentally dropped his phone when his grip loosened."

