
生活学习2024-03-10 17:00:06自考教育网



1. grocery的定义:grocery是指食品杂货店,也可以泛指日常生活用品。


2. grocery的含义:在日常生活中,grocery指的是我们所需的食物、饮料、日用品等生活必需品。它们可以是我们每天都要购买的食材,也可以是我们平时需要的洗发水、牙膏等用品。

3. grocery的同义词:grocery的同义词有很多,比如market、convenience store、supermarket等。它们都指代类似的地方,提供各种各样的生活必需品。

4. grocery的例句:

a. I need to stop by the grocery store on my way home to buy some milk and bread.


b. The new neighborhood has a great grocery store with a wide selection of fresh produce.


c. Don't forget to pick up some toiletries at the grocery store while you're out.



1. 发音和读法

“grocery”一词的发音为 /ˈɡroʊsəri/,读作“GROH-suh-ree”。其中,重音在第一个音节上。

2. 同义词


3. 例句

- I need to go to the grocery store to buy some milk and bread.


- The grocery market is having a sale on fresh produce this week.


- She works as a cashier at the local grocery shop.


4. 补充说明

“grocery”一词源于古法语中的“grosserie”,意为“细小商品”。它最初指的是零售商店出售的小规模商品,后来逐渐演变为指售卖食品和日用品的商店。在英国,人们通常将超市称为“grocery store”,而在美国,“grocery store”一般指小型食品杂货店


1. grocery的意思是什么?


2. grocery怎么读?


3. grocery的同义词有哪些?

grocery的同义词包括:food store, market, supermarket, convenience store, corner store等。

4. 以下是一些关于grocery的双语例句:

- I need to go to the grocery store to buy some milk and bread.


- The grocery store is just around the corner from my house.


- She works as a cashier at a local grocery.


- I prefer shopping at the supermarket rather than the small groceries.


- We ran out of groceries and had to go to the store to buy some more.


5. grocery作为形容词时也有特定用法,例如:

- Grocery shopping is always a daunting task for me.


- We need to make a grocery list before going to the store.


Grocery是一个常用的英语词汇,指食品杂货店或食品类商品。它可以作为名词和形容词使用,发音为[ˈɡroʊsəri]。其同义词包括food store, market, supermarket等。在双语例句中,我们可以看到grocery的不同用法和搭配。最后,提醒大家注意grocery作为形容词时的特定用法


1. Supermarket- 超市

例句:I need to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries for dinner tonight.


2. Market- 市场

例句:The local market is a great place to buy fresh groceries.


3. Store- 商店

例句:I usually go to the store on the corner to get my groceries.


4. Shop- 店铺

例句:My mom likes to shop at the small grocery shop near our house.


5. Convenience store- 便利店

例句:I just need to grab a few things from the convenience store, I'll be right back.


6. Corner store- 角落商店

例句:There's a corner store down the street where I can get all my groceries.


7. Bodega- 小型超市

例句:The bodega on the corner has really good prices for groceries.


8. Mini-mart- 迷你超市

例句:I stopped by the mini-mart to pick up some groceries on my way home.


9. Greengrocer- 蔬菜水果店

例句:I prefer to buy my groceries from the local greengrocer, they have the freshest produce.


10. Deli- 熟食店

例句:The deli next door sells high-quality groceries.



1. Grocery store: 超市,杂货店

例句:I need to stop by the grocery store to pick up some milk and bread.

2. Grocery shopping: 买菜,购物

例句:I enjoy grocery shopping on weekends because there are usually good deals.

3. Grocery list: 购物清单

例句:I always make a grocery list before going to the store so I don't forget anything.

4. Grocery budget: 食品预算

例句:We need to stick to our grocery budget this month, so let's avoid buying unnecessary items.

5. Online grocery delivery: 网上购物配送

例句:Due to the pandemic, many people have started using online grocery delivery services for convenience and safety.

6. Fresh produce: 新鲜农产品

例句:I always make sure to buy fresh produce at the grocery store for healthy meals.

7. Canned goods: 罐装食品

例句:In case of emergency, it's important to have canned goods in your pantry as they have a longer shelf life.

8. Frozen foods: 冷冻食品

例句:I like to keep some frozen foods in my freezer for quick and easy meals on busy days.

9. Household essentials: 家庭必备品

例句:The grocery store has a wide selection of household essentials such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent.

10. Checkout line: 收银台队伍,结账处

例句:The checkout line at the grocery store was long, but luckily I only had a few items to buy

grocery是一个常用的词汇,它可以表示“杂货店”、“食品杂货”等意思。它的发音是[groʊsəri],读者们可以通过多听多读来熟悉这个词汇。在使用过程中,可以结合同义词如“food store”、“convenience store”等来增强表达的多样性。除此之外,grocery也常常出现在一些搭配词组中,例如“grocery shopping”、“grocery list”等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小明,在这里为大家提供了关于grocery的相关知识,如果喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!
