
生活学习2024-03-10 17:26:12自考教育网



Gross的拼音是guǒ sī,它源自于英语单词gross,意为“总共的”、“总的”。在英语中,它可以作为形容词或副词使用,表示数量或金额大到令人不快、令人反感的程度。比如,“The gross amount of the bill was too high for me to afford.”(账单总金额太高了,我支付不起。)或者,“She grossly overcharged me for the service.”(她对我的服务收取了极高的费用。)


在翻译解释行业中,gross通常用来指代“总计”、“毛利”等概念,在商业和财务领域经常出现。比如,“gross sales”(总销售额)、“gross profit”(毛利润)等。因此,在翻译过程中遇到gross这个词时,我们可以根据具体语境来选择合适的汉语翻译,如“总额”、“毛收入”等。

除了在商业和财务领域使用外,gross也可以用来表示粗鲁、恶心、令人反感等含义。比如,“I can't stand his gross behavior.”(我受不了他那粗鲁的行为。)或者,“The smell of the garbage was really gross.”(垃圾的气味真是让人恶心。)


1. 什么是gross?


2. 如何正确读音gross?


3. gross在句子中的用法

a. 名词用法:The gross of the company has increased by 10% this year.


b. 形容词用法:I can't stand the gross smell coming from the garbage bin.


c. 副词用法:The comedian's jokes were so gross that I couldn't stop laughing.


4. gross与net有什么区别?


a. gross指的是总数、总额或毛利润,没有任何扣除。而net则表示经过扣除后的净值。

b. 在商业领域,gross一般指的是总收入或总销售额,而net则指的是除去成本和费用后的净利润。

c. 在个人收入方面,gross income指的是税前收入,而net income则是税后收入。

5. gross在商业领域的应用

a. gross margin(毛利率):指公司销售产品或服务所获得的毛利润与销售额之比。

b. gross profit(毛利润):指公司在销售产品或服务后所获得的总收入与成本之差。

c. gross sales(总销售额):指公司在一定时期内所有产品或服务的总销售额。

6. gross还有其他含义吗?


a. The fabric of this dress is too gross for my liking.


b. I can't believe you ate that gross-looking sandwich.


c. There was a gross misunderstanding between the two parties.



1. gross的基本意思


2. gross作为形容词的用法


- The gross weight of the shipment is 500kg.


- The company's gross income for the year was $1 million.


3. gross作为名词的用法


- The movie's gross at the box office was over $500 million.


- The company's annual gross has been steadily increasing.


4. 双语例句

- The company’s gross profit margin increased by 10% this quarter compared to last quarter.


- He couldn't believe the gross amount of money he had won in the lottery.


- The gross weight of the shipment exceeded the maximum limit for the truck.


- The gross national product is often used as an indicator of a country's economic health.


5. 注意事项

在使用gross时,需要注意区分其与net的区别。Gross指总数、总额,而net则指净数、净额。例如,gross income指总收入,而net income则指净收入。


1. The basic meaning of gross

The word "gross" comes from the Latin word "grossus", meaning "thick, heavy". In English, gross has two common uses. One is as an adjective, meaning "total, whole"; the other is as a noun, meaning "total amount, gross profit".

2. The usage of gross as an adjective

In this usage, gross usually modifies a noun or noun phrase, indicating "total or whole". For example:

- The gross weight of the shipment is 500kg.

- The company's gross income for the year was $1 million.

3. The usage of gross as a noun

As a noun, gross usually refers to the total amount of income generated by a business or activity. For example:

- The movie's gross at the box office was over $500 million.

- The company's annual gross has been steadily increasing.

4. Bilingual examples

- The company’s gross profit margin increased by 10% this quarter compared to last quarter.

- He couldn't believe the gross amount of money he had won in the lottery.

- The gross weight of the shipment exceeded the maximum limit for the truck.

- The gross national product is often used as an indicator of a country's economic health.

5. Notes

When using "gross", it is important to distinguish it from "net". Gross refers to total amount, while net refers to net amount. For example, "gross income" means total income, while "net income" means net income.

6. Conclusion

The word "gross" has two common uses, as an adjective meaning "total or whole", and as a noun meaning "total amount or gross profit". In practical application, its specific meaning should be determined based on context. Also, pay attention to distinguish it from similar words such as "net" to avoid incorrect usage


1. Gross domestic product (GDP): 国内生产总值,用于衡量一个国家经济总量的指标。

2. Gross profit: 毛利润,指企业销售收入与销售成本之间的差额。

3. Gross weight: 毛重,指商品本身的重量加上包装材料的重量。

4. Gross margin: 毛利率,指毛利润与销售收入的比率,用于衡量企业盈利能力。

5. Gross negligence: 重大过失,指因为粗心大意或故意忽视导致的严重错误或损失。

6. Gross misconduct: 严重违纪行为,指员工在工作中犯下的严重错误或不当行为。

7. Gross anatomy: 解剖学,研究人体及动物器官结构和形态的科学。

8. Gross motor skills: 大运动技能,指人体肌肉协调运动能力,在运动中使用大型肌肉群控制身体的能力。

9. Gross national product (GNP): 国民生产总值,用于衡量一个国家公民和企业在境内和境外创造的价值总和。

10. Gross indecency: 淫秽行为,指公然展示或传播淫秽物品或言论


1. Disgusting: 肮脏的,令人反感的

2. Nasty: 讨厌的,令人不快的

3. Revolting: 令人作呕的,令人厌恶的

4. Repulsive: 令人反感的,引起厌恶的

5. Vile: 卑劣的,恶劣的

6. Foul: 恶臭的,污秽的

7. Unpleasant: 不愉快的,让人不舒服的

8. Distasteful: 不合口味的,让人不喜欢的

9. Grotesque: 奇形怪状的,怪诞可笑的

10. Offensive: 冒犯性的,得罪人的

