
生活学习2024-03-10 17:49:48自考教育网


What does "growing" mean?

Growing is a word that we often come across in our daily lives, whether it's in the news, on social media, or in conversations with friends. But what exactly does it mean? How do you pronounce it? And are there any other words that have the same meaning? Let's dive into the world of "growing" and find out all about it!


1. What does "growing" mean?

Simply put, "growing" means to increase or become larger in size, number, or amount. It can refer to physical growth, such as a plant growing taller or a child growing taller. It can also be used to describe an increase in knowledge or skills, such as a student growing academically.

2. How do you pronounce "growing"?

The word "growing" is pronounced as [groh-ing], with the emphasis on the first syllable. It rhymes with words like "knowing" and "throwing."

3. Synonyms for "growing"

If you want to add some variety to your vocabulary, here are some synonyms for "growing": increasing, expanding, developing, flourishing, thriving.

4. Example sentences

- The population of our city has been steadily growing over the past decade.

- I can see my plants growing taller every day.

- As I continue to learn new skills, I can feel myself growing as a person.

- The company's profits have been growing at an impressive rate.

So there you have it - now you know what "growing" means and how to use it in different contexts. Keep using this word and watch your vocabulary grow!

How to pronounce "growing"

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of the word "growing"? Don't worry, you're not alone! Many English learners find this word difficult to pronounce. But fear not, in this article, we'll break down the pronunciation of "growing" and give you some tips on how to say it like a pro.

1. What does "growing" mean?

Before we dive into the pronunciation, let's first understand what "growing" means. In simple terms, it means increasing or getting bigger over time. It can refer to physical growth, such as a plant growing taller, or it can also refer to something becoming more popular or successful.

2. How do you pronounce "growing"?

The correct pronunciation of "growing" is [groh-ing], with the stress on the first syllable. It rhymes with words like "knowing" and "throwing". The key is to make sure you pronounce the 'ow' sound correctly. It should be a long vowel sound, similar to saying 'oh' but with your lips rounded.

3. Common mistakes when pronouncing "growing"

One common mistake that English learners make when pronouncing "growing" is saying [grow-ing] with a short 'o' sound instead of [groh-ing]. This can make it sound like a different word altogether! Another mistake is stressing the second syllable instead of the first one.

4. Synonyms for "growing"

If you want to expand your vocabulary and use different words instead of repeating "growing", here are some synonyms that you can use: increasing, expanding, developing, flourishing, thriving.

5. Examples of using "growing"

Now that you know how to pronounce and understand what "growing" means, let's look at some examples of how it can be used in sentences:

- The population in this city is constantly growing.

- The company has seen a growing demand for its products.

- She's been taking care of the garden and the plants are growing beautifully.

- The trend of online shopping is growing rapidly.

In conclusion, "growing" is a commonly used word in English that can have different meanings depending on the context. Remember to stress the first syllable and pronounce the 'ow' sound correctly to say it like a native speaker. Keep practicing and you'll master it in no time!

Usage and examples of "growing"

1. "Growing"的意思是什么?


2. "Growing"怎么读?


3. "Growing"的同义词有哪些?

"growing"的同义词包括:increasing, expanding, developing, enlarging等。这些词都可以用来描述不断增加或发展的状态。

4. "Growing"的例句有哪些?

a. The growing number of tourists has led to an increase in hotel construction.


b. She has a growing interest in photography.


c. The company's growing profits have allowed them to expand their business.


Phrases with "growing"

1. Growing up

- Meaning: The process of maturing and becoming an adult.

- Example: I remember growing up in a small town, surrounded by nature.

2. Growing pains

- Meaning: Difficulties or challenges experienced during a period of growth or development.

- Example: The company is going through some growing pains as they expand into new markets.

3. Growing trend

- Meaning: A pattern or tendency that is increasing in popularity or importance.

- Example: There has been a growing trend towards sustainable living in recent years.

4. Growing economy

- Meaning: An economy that is experiencing positive growth and expansion.

- Example: The country's growing economy has led to an increase in job opportunities.

5. Growing population

- Meaning: An increase in the number of people living in a particular area.

- Example: The city's growing population has put a strain on its resources.

6. Growing concern

- Meaning: A matter that is causing worry or anxiety and needs to be addressed.

- Example: Climate change is a growing concern for many countries around the world.

7. Growing demand

- Meaning: An increase in the need or desire for something.

- Example: With the growing demand for organic products, more farmers are switching to sustainable farming methods.

8. Growing season

- Meaning: The period of time when plants grow and produce crops.

- Example: Farmers have been struggling with shorter growing seasons due to changes in weather patterns.

9. Growing industry

- Meaning: A sector of the economy that is experiencing significant growth and success.

- Example: The tech industry has been a growing industry for the past few decades, creating many job opportunities.

10. Fast-growing

- Meaning: Developing or expanding at a rapid pace.

- Example: This company is known for its fast-growing business model, quickly gaining market share.

11. Slow-growing

-Meaning : Developing or expanding at a slow pace.

- Example: The slow-growing economy has led to a decrease in consumer spending.

12. Growing together

- Meaning: The process of building a strong and supportive relationship with someone.

- Example: Through our shared experiences, we have been growing together as friends.

13. Growing stronger

- Meaning: Becoming more resilient and capable of overcoming challenges.

- Example: Despite facing many obstacles, the team has been growing stronger and more united.

14. Growing pains

- Meaning: Physical discomfort experienced during a period of growth.

- Example: My daughter is going through growing pains as she enters her teenage years.

15. Growing up too fast

- Meaning: Maturing at a faster pace than expected or desired.

- Example: Children nowadays seem to be growing up too fast, exposed to adult content at a young age.

16. Growing old gracefully

-Meaning : Aging in a dignified and positive manner.

- Example: She may be getting older, but she is growing old gracefully, embracing each stage of life with grace and wisdom.

17. A growing family

-Meaning : A family that is increasing in size through the addition of children or new members.

- Example: With two new babies on the way, our family is definitely growing!

18. Growing apart

-Meaning : Drifting away from someone as your interests or lifestyles change.

- Example: As we got older, my childhood best friend and I started growing apart due to our different paths in life.

19. Growing into your own

-Meaning : Developing your own unique identity and becoming comfortable with who you are.

- Example: It took some time, but I finally feel like I'm growing into my own and embracing my individuality.

20. Ever-growing

-Meaning : Continuously increasing or expanding.

- Example: With the ever-growing demand for technology, it's important to stay updated and adapt to new advancements

Synonym examples for "growing"

1. Flourishing: "Growing" can also mean flourishing, as in "The business is growing steadily."

2. Expanding: Another synonym for "growing" is expanding, as in "The city's population is expanding rapidly."

3. Developing: When something is growing, it is also developing, as in "The child's language skills are developing quickly."

4. Increasing: Growth often means an increase in size or quantity, so another synonym for "growing" is increasing, as in "The demand for this product is increasing."

5. Thriving: Similar to flourishing, thriving means to grow or develop successfully, as in "The company is thriving under new leadership."

6. Escalating: When something grows quickly and uncontrollably, it can be described as escalating, as in "The conflict between the two countries is escalating."

7. Multiplying: To grow or increase in number or amount can be described as multiplying, as in "The number of students at the university has multiplied over the years."

8. Booming: When something grows rapidly and successfully, it can be described as booming, as in "The tech industry is booming with new innovations."

9. Soaring: Another synonym for growing that conveys a sense of upward movement and success is soaring, as in "The stock market has been soaring lately."

10. Advancing: Growth can also mean progress or advancement, so another synonym for growing could be advancing, as in "Technology is advancing at an incredible pace."

In summary, "growing" can mean increasing in size or quantity, developing and maturing, or becoming more popular or influential. It can be pronounced as [groh-ing] or [gr-oh-ing], depending on the context. Some common phrases with "growing" include growing pains, growing season, and growing up. Synonyms for "growing" include expanding, flourishing, and advancing.
