
生活学习2024-03-10 17:58:53自考教育网




1. 定义:grownup指成年人,通常指心智成熟、责任感强的人。

2. 词源:grownup由grow和up两个单词组合而成,表示“长大了”的意思。它的同义词包括adult、mature等。

3. 例句:a) She is a grownup now and can make her own decisions.


b) It's time for you to act like a grownup and take responsibility for your actions.


4. 感情真挚:我们都曾渴望长大,但当我们真正长大后,却发现这并不是一件容易的事情。我们要面对各种挑战、承担责任,甚至放弃一些自由。但也正因为这样,我们才能变得更加坚强和成熟。

5. 幽默感:当我们还是孩子的时候,总是羡慕那些看起来很厉害的大人。但当我们长大后,却发现原来大人也有不成熟的时候。所以,别太急着想要长大,享受每个阶段的生活吧!


1. grownup的发音


2. grownup的意思


3. grownup的同义词

- adult:与grownup意思相同,都指代成年人。

- mature:也可以表示成熟的意思,但更多指代心智上的成熟。

- fully-grown:指身体上已经完全发育成熟。

- grown-up:与grownup拼写相同,但连字符号表示其作为名词使用。

4. grownup的例句

- She is a grownup now and can make her own decisions.


- It's time for you to start acting like a grownup.


- The movie is not suitable for children, it's more for grownups.



1. grownup的意思是成年人,指已经成年并具有成熟思维和行为的人。例如:She is a grownup now and can make her own decisions.(她现在已经是一个成年人,可以做出自己的决定了。)

2. grownup的发音为/groʊnʌp/,其中“gro”发音为/gro/,“wn”发音为/ən/,“up”发音为/ʌp/。

3. grownup的同义词包括adult、mature、grown、full-grown等。例如:He is a mature man who can handle any situation.(他是一个成熟的男人,可以处理任何情况。)

4. 英文例句:

- As a grownup, he should take responsibility for his own actions.


- It's time for you to start acting like a grownup and stop relying on your parents.


5. 中文例句:

- 作为一个成年人,她应该学会独立生活。

- 你已经长大了,应该学会承担后果。

- 她总是表现得很幼稚,完全不像个成年人。

- 他在工作中表现得非常成熟可靠


1. Fully-grown - 完全长大的,指成年人

例句:She is now a fully-grown woman, capable of making her own decisions.

2. Mature - 成熟的,指心智成熟的人

例句:He is a mature grownup who knows how to handle difficult situations.

3. Adult - 成年人,指法律上已经达到成年标准的人

例句:Only adults are allowed to enter the club.

4. Grown-up - 已经长大的,指从儿童时期发展到成年阶段的人

例句:As a grown-up, she no longer relies on her parents for financial support.

5. Elderly - 老年的,指年龄较大且身体衰老的人

例句:The elderly couple was enjoying their retirement in the countryside.

6. Senior - 高龄的,指年龄较大且在某一领域拥有经验和权威的人

例句:He is a senior member of the company and has been working here for over 30 years.

7. Middle-aged - 中年的,指处于青壮年和老年之间的人

例句:She started traveling more in her middle-aged years after her children grew up.

8. Grown children - 已经长大成人的子女

例句:Her grown children often come to visit her during the holidays.

9. Grown-up responsibilities - 成年人应承担的责任

例句:With great power comes great grown-up responsibilities.

10. Grown-up conversation - 成年人的对话

例句:The children were asked to leave the room so the grown-ups could have a serious conversation


1. Adult - 成年人,grownup的最常见同义词。例如:“As a grownup, you have to take responsibility for your own actions.”

2. Mature - 成熟的,指具有成年人应有的品质和行为。例如:“She is a very mature grownup, always making wise decisions.”

3. Grown - 已经长大的,指从儿童时期到成年时期发生的变化。例如:“I can't believe how much you've grown since I last saw you as a little kid.”

4. Grown-up - 成年人,与grownup意思相同,但更常用于口语和日常对话中。例如:“I can't wait to be a grown-up and make my own decisions.”

5. Elderly - 年长的,指已经进入老年阶段的人。例如:“The elderly couple lived in the same house as they did when they were young grownups.”

6. Senior - 老年人,通常用于描述退休后的老年人群体。例如:“The senior citizens center offers activities and support for retired grownups.”

7. Grown person - 成人,与grownup意思相同,但更加正式和客观。例如:“As a grown person, you have the right to vote and make your voice heard in society.”

