
生活学习2024-03-10 18:14:08自考教育网


What does grubby mean?


1. 含义



2. 发音

Grubby的发音是[ˈɡrʌbi]。如果你不确定如何发音,可以在网上搜索“grubby pronunciation”找到相关视频进行学习。

3. 同义词


4. 例句


- The grubby street was filled with trash and graffiti.


- I need to wash these grubby clothes before wearing them again.


- His grubby hands left marks all over the walls.


How do you pronounce grubby?

Are you tired of trying to pronounce "grubby" and getting strange looks from your friends? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word may seem simple, but its pronunciation can be a bit tricky.

1. What does grubby mean?

First things first, let's understand the meaning of this word. Grubby is an adjective that describes something or someone as dirty, grimy, or unkempt. It can also refer to something that is low in quality or morally questionable.

2. How do you pronounce grubby?

Now onto the main question - how do you actually say it? The correct pronunciation is "GRUH-bee". The emphasis is on the first syllable and the "u" sound is short, like in the word "cup".

3. Synonyms for grubby

If you're looking for other words to use instead of grubby, here are a few options: dirty, grimy, filthy, messy, shabby, squalid. However, keep in mind that these words may have slightly different meanings and connotations.

4. Examples of using grubby in a sentence

To help you better understand how to use grubby in context, here are some examples:

- After playing outside all day, my clothes were covered in grubby stains.

- I refuse to eat at that restaurant again - their kitchen was so grubby.

- The politician's grubby tactics were exposed by the media.

- My roommate's room is always so grubby - I don't know how she can live like that.

Hopefully this has cleared up any confusion about how to pronounce and use the word "grubby". Now go impress your friends with your newfound knowledge!

Usage and examples of grubby

1. Definition of grubby

Grubby is an adjective that describes something or someone as dirty, grimy, or untidy. It can also refer to something that is shabby or unpleasant.

2. Pronunciation of grubby

Grubby is pronounced as "GRUH-bee" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for grubby

- Dirty: filthy, soiled, muddy

- Grimy: greasy, smudged, stained

- Untidy: messy, disheveled, unkempt

4. Examples of usage

- The children came back from playing in the park with their clothes all grubby.

- The old man lived in a grubby little apartment with peeling paint and dusty furniture.

- She refused to eat at the restaurant because she found the cutlery to be grubby.

- The politician's reputation was tarnished by his involvement in some grubby business deals.

5. Idiomatic expressions using grubby

- Get one's hands dirty: to do unpleasant or immoral work

Example: He didn't want to get his hands dirty by being involved in such a grubby scheme.

- Grub around: to search through something in a messy or disorganized way

Example: I had to grub around my closet for hours before finding my missing passport.

- Grub up: to dig up or remove something from the ground

Example: The farmer used a tractor to grub up the potatoes from the field.

6. Related words

Grubbiness (noun): state of being dirty or untidy

Example: The hotel room was unacceptable due to its overall grubbiness.

Grubbily (adverb): in a grimy or untidy manner

Example: He arrived at the party looking rather grubbily dressed compared to everyone else.

Grubbiness (noun): state of being dirty or untidy

Example: The hotel room was unacceptable due to its overall grubbiness.

7. Common mistakes when using grubby

- Using it as a noun: Grubby is an adjective and should not be used as a noun. For example, saying "I can't stand the grubbiness of this place" is incorrect.

- Confusing it with "grumpy": Grubby and grumpy are two different words with different meanings. Grumpy refers to someone who is easily annoyed or bad-tempered, while grubby refers to something that is dirty or untidy.

8. Conclusion

Grubby is a versatile word that can be used to describe anything from a dirty child to a shady business deal. It is important to use this word correctly and not confuse it with similar-sounding words. By understanding its definition, pronunciation, synonyms, and idiomatic expressions, you can effectively incorporate grubby into your vocabulary

Phrases with grubby

1. Grubby fingers - 脏兮兮的手指

例句:The child's grubby fingers left smudges all over the walls.

2. Grubby clothes - 肮脏的衣服

例句:She came back from playing outside with grubby clothes and mud on her shoes.

3. Grubby appearance - 不整洁的外表

例句:He showed up to the party with a grubby appearance, much to the disapproval of his friends.

4. Grubby room - 肮脏的房间

例句:The hotel room was so grubby that we had to request a different one.

5. Grubby hands - 脏兮兮的手

例句:The chef washed his grubby hands before preparing the meal.

6. Grubby money - 脏兮兮的钱

例句:The beggar held out his hand, hoping for some grubby money from passersby.

7. Grubby streets - 肮脏的街道

例句:The city council needs to do something about the grubby streets in this neighborhood.

8. Grubby business practices - 不诚实的商业行为

例句:The company was exposed for their grubby business practices and lost many customers as a result.

9. Grubby politics - 肮脏的政治手段

例句:Many people were disillusioned by the politician's use of grubby tactics to win the election.

10. Get your hands/grubbies on something - 得到某物,通常是指非法或不道德地得到

例句:He managed to get his hands on some grubbies and sneak them out of the store without paying

Synonym examples for grubby

1. Dirty

- Meaning: covered or marked with an unclean substance; not clean.

- Example: The grubby hands of the children left smudges on the walls.

2. Filthy

- Meaning: disgustingly dirty.

- Example: The grubby streets of the city were filled with trash and debris.

3. Grimy

- Meaning: covered with grime; dirty.

- Example: The grubby old man was covered in dirt from head to toe.

4. Smudged

- Meaning: marked or covered with smears.

- Example: The grubby windows of the abandoned house were smudged with dirt and dust.

5. Muddy

- Meaning: covered or filled with mud.

- Example: After walking through the fields, their shoes were left grubby and muddy.

6. Dingy

- Meaning: dark, dull, or dirty in appearance.

- Example: The grubby walls of the old warehouse were covered in layers of dust and grime.

7. Shabby

- Meaning: showing signs of wear and tear; in poor condition.

- Example: The grubby furniture in the waiting room looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years.

8. Tainted

- Meaning: contaminated or polluted.

- Example: The food at the restaurant was tainted and left us all feeling sick.

9. Soiled

- Meaning: stained or marked by dirt.

- Example: The children's clothes were soiled after playing in the muddy field.

10. Stained

- Meaning: marked by a discoloration caused by a foreign matter.

- Example: His shirt was stained with grease from working on his car, making it look grubby.

11. Sullied

- Meaning : tarnished or spoiled; made dirty or impure.

-Example : The once pristine beach was now sullied by trash and pollution, making it look grubby.

12. Smeared

- Meaning: spread or applied in a sticky, greasy, or dirty way.

- Example: The grubby fingerprints on the mirror were smeared and hard to clean off.

13. Foul

- Meaning: covered in an unpleasant substance; dirty.

- Example: The grubby kitchen was filled with foul odors from the garbage that hadn't been taken out.

14. Unkempt

- Meaning: untidy or disheveled in appearance.

- Example: The grubby man's long, unkempt hair made him look like he hadn't showered in days.

15. Gritty

- Meaning: containing or covered with grit; rough and dirty.

- Example: The grubby streets of the city were gritty and full of debris

In summary, grubby is a versatile word that can be used to describe something dirty, shabby, or unpleasant. It can also be used to describe someone who is unkempt or scruffy. However, it can also have a more positive connotation, such as being used to describe something that is well-loved and worn. No matter how you use it, grubby is a fun word to add to your vocabulary.

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