
生活学习2024-03-10 18:56:59自考教育网





保证,顾名思义就是确保、担保的意思。它可以是一个名词,也可以是一个动词。作为名词时,它的同义词包括assurance、warranty、pledge等。例如:“The company offers a guarantee for their products.”(该公司对他们的产品提供保证。)作为动词时,它的同义词包括ensure、promise、commit等。例如:“I can guarantee you that the job will be done on time.”(我可以向你保证工作会按时完成。)

在英语中,guarantee通常用于商业交易或者服务方面,表示承诺或者保障。它可以指对产品质量、服务质量或者某种结果的担保。例如:“The hotel guarantees a comfortable stay for all its guests.”(该酒店向所有客人保证舒适的住宿体验。)另外,guarantee也可以用于表示某种前提条件或者必然结果。“Success is not guaranteed, but hard work increases the chances.”(成功并非肯定的,但努力工作会增加成功的可能性。)

当我们谈论guarantee时,还需要注意一些常见的表达方式。“Money-back guarantee”表示如果不满意可以退款。“Lifetime guarantee”表示终身保修。“Guaranteed delivery”则表示确保按时送达。“Guaranteed results”则表示保证结果


1. 发音:guarantee的发音为 [ˌɡærənˈti],重音在第三个音节上。

2. 音标:guarantee的国际音标为 /ˌɡærənˈti/。

3. 同义词:guarantee的同义词包括assurance、pledge、promise等。

4. 例句:

- The company offers a guarantee for the quality of their products.


- We guarantee that your order will be delivered within 3 days.


- The new law guarantees equal rights for all citizens.



1. guarantee是什么意思?


2. guarantee怎么读?


3. guarantee的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句1:I can guarantee that the product is of high quality.


5. 例句2:The company offers a money-back guarantee for unsatisfied customers.


6. 例句3:His success is not guaranteed, he still needs to work hard.



1. Assure: 保证,担保

例句:We assure you that our products are of the highest quality.

2. Warranty: 保证,担保

例句:The company offers a one-year warranty on all its products.

3. Pledge: 保证,承诺

例句:We pledge to provide excellent customer service to all our clients.

4. Promise: 承诺,保证

例句:I promise to deliver the project on time and within budget.

5. Commitment: 承诺,保证

例句:Our company is committed to providing environmentally friendly products.

6. Guarantee: 保证,担保

例句:The store offers a money-back guarantee for unsatisfied customers.

7. Oath: 誓言,保证

例句:He took an oath to always tell the truth in court.

8. Contract: 合同,协议

例句:The contract includes a guarantee for timely delivery of goods.

9. Bond: 担保,债券

例句:The bank requires a bond as a guarantee for the loan.

10. Security: 担保物,抵押品

例句:They used their house as security for the loan from the bank


1. Assurance - 担保,保证

例句:The company provides a guarantee of quality for all its products.

2. Warranty - 保证,担保

例句:The product comes with a one-year warranty.

3. Promise - 承诺,保证

例句:We guarantee that our services will meet your expectations.

4. Pledge - 保证,承诺

例句:The company makes a pledge to deliver the product on time.

5. Commitment - 承诺,保证

例句:Our commitment to customer satisfaction is our top priority.

6. Security - 保障,担保

例句:The bank requires collateral as security for the loan.

7. Guaranteeing - 保证,担保

例句:We are guaranteeing the safety and quality of our products.

8. Surety - 担保人,担保物

例句:He acted as surety for his brother's loan.

9. Bond - 债券,担保物

例句:They put up their house as bond for the business loan.

10. Backing - 支持,担保物

例句:The project has the backing of several investors

