
生活学习2024-03-10 19:06:52自考教育网



作为一名翻译解释行业的守护者,guardian指的是一个人或组织担任保护、监护或管理职责的角色。它可以用来表示父母、监护人、保护者、守护神等含义。在英语中,guardian通常读作[gɑːrdɪən],其中"g"发音为清音而不是浊音。与guardian同义的词语包括protector、caretaker、custodian等。例如,"As a guardian, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of my children."(作为一个监护人,我的责任是确保我的孩子的安全和幸福。)



1. guardian的发音是 [gahr-dee-uhn],重音在第二个音节。

2. guardian的同义词包括protector、defender、caretaker等。

3. 例如:He sees his older brother as a guardian, always looking out for him.

4. 翻译解释行业中,guardian一般指监护人或保护者,也可以指守护神或守护者


1. guardian的意思是“监护人”,通常指负责保护和照顾未成年人或其他需要帮助的人的成年人。

例句:She is the legal guardian of her younger brother since their parents passed away.

2. guardian的读音为[ˈɡɑːrdiən],其中的“u”发音为[ɑː],可以记忆为“瓜地安”。

3. guardian的同义词包括protector、defender、caretaker等,它们都有保护和照顾他人的含义。

例句:As a big brother, he always acts as a protector and takes good care of his younger siblings.

4. 在法律上,guardian也可以指代法定监护人,即由法院指定负责监护未成年人或其他被认定需要监护的人。

例句:The court appointed her as the legal guardian of the orphaned children.

5. 另外,guardian也可以用作名词,表示守卫者、保卫者。

例句:The soldiers were seen as guardians of the country's borders.

6. 在文学作品中,guardian也可以指代某种保护者或守护神的形象。

例句:In ancient mythology, the goddess Athena was known as the guardian of wisdom and war.

7. 除了指代具体的个人或角色外,guardian还可以用来表示一种精神上的支持和保护。

例句:The teacher acted as a guardian for the students, providing guidance and support throughout their academic journey.

8. 总的来说,guardian的含义可以包括守护、保护、照顾、监护等,具体根据语境和使用情况而定。

例句:As a pet owner, it is my responsibility to be the guardian of my furry friend's well-being and happiness


1. Guardian angel - 守护天使,指帮助和保护某人的神秘力量或人物。

例句:She felt like her guardian angel was watching over her during the accident.

2. Legal guardian - 法定监护人,指被法律授权负责未成年人或无行为能力人的照顾和决策。

例句:After their parents' death, their uncle became their legal guardian.

3. Guardian spirit - 守护精灵,指在某种信仰系统中被认为能够保护人类免受邪恶力量侵害的神秘存在。

例句:The tribe believed that their ancestors' spirits were their guardians, guiding and protecting them.

4. Guardian figure - 守护者,指在某种形式的文学作品或艺术作品中出现的保护主角的角色。

例句:In the fairy tale, the prince is the guardian figure who saves the princess from the evil witch.

5. Legal guardian ad litem - 法定临时监护人,指在法律诉讼过程中被任命代表未成年或无行为能力人的利益。

例句:The court appointed a legal guardian ad litem to represent the child's interests in the custody case.

6. Guardian deity - 守护神,指在某种宗教信仰中被认为能够保佑和庇佑信徒的神灵。

例句:The temple was dedicated to the guardian deity of agriculture, worshipped by farmers in the region.

7. Guardian ad hoc - 临时监护人,指在某种特定情况下被指派负责照顾和决策的人。

例句:The social worker acted as the child's guardian ad hoc until a permanent legal guardian could be appointed.

8. Guardian spirit animal - 守护灵动物,指在某些文化中被认为是个人守护者的动物。

例句:In Native American culture, the wolf is often seen as a guardian spirit animal, representing loyalty and protection.

9. Guardian of honor - 荣誉守护者,指在某种场合或组织中负责保护尊严和名誉的人。

例句:The military academy instills in its students the values of being a guardian of honor and defending their country's reputation.

10. Guardian of tradition - 传统守护者,指致力于保留和传承特定文化或习俗的人。

例句:The elders in the community are seen as guardians of tradition, passing down their knowledge and customs to future generations


1. Protector - "The guardian of the castle stood watch all night to protect it from intruders."

2. Custodian - "The museum's custodian is responsible for maintaining the artwork and ensuring its safety."

3. Defender - "As a superhero, he sees himself as the guardian and defender of his city."

4. Keeper - "The lighthouse keeper was the guardian of ships, guiding them safely through the treacherous waters."

5. Guardian angel - "Many people believe in the existence of a guardian angel who watches over and protects them."

6. Caretaker - "The caretaker of the orphanage acted as a guardian to the children, providing for their needs and well-being."

7. Watchman - "The watchman was hired as a guardian to keep an eye on the valuable jewels in the store."

8. Warden - "The warden served as a guardian to the prisoners, ensuring they followed rules and stayed safe while incarcerated."

9. Sentry - "The sentry was posted at the entrance as a guardian to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the building."

10. Guardian spirit - "In some cultures, it is believed that every person has a guardian spirit that protects them throughout their life."

