
生活学习2024-03-10 20:13:00自考教育网



1. gung的含义是指一种充满活力和热情的状态,通常用来形容个人或团体的精神状态。


2. gung可以理解为“有干劲”、“有冲劲”,也可以表示“有激情”、“有动力”。

3. 在英文中,gung通常被翻译为“enthusiasm”或“passion”,它们都表达了一种积极向上的心态。

4. 例如,当你对某件事情充满gung时,就会感到充满动力和热情,能够更加专注地投入其中。

5. 同时,gung也可以用来形容一个人的性格特点,表示他/她具有积极乐观、充满活力和决心的特质。

6. 在日常生活中,我们经常会听到这样的说法:“他/她真是个gung的人”,意思是说这个人非常有干劲和激情。

7. 总而言之,gung是一种积极向上、充满热情和动力的状态,在现代社会中被年轻人广泛使用




除了以上两种方法外,还有一种更有趣的方法来帮助你记住gung的发音。你可以把它当作是一种酷酷的口语缩写词,“g”代表着“good”,而“ung”则代表着“young”,因此整个单词读起来就像是在说“good young”,很符合年轻人俏皮幽默的风格对吧?



1. gung是什么意思?


2. gung怎么读?


3. gung的同义词有哪些?


4. gung的例句

- I'm so gung about the concert tonight! (我对今晚的音乐会非常兴奋!)

- She was gung to start her new job. (她对开始新工作感到非常激动。)

- The team was gung and ready to win the game. (团队都准备好赢得比赛了。)

5. Gung在双语环境中的使用


- Chinese: 兴奋 (xīng fèn) / 激动 (jī dòng) / 热情 (rè qíng)

- Spanish: emocionado / entusiasmado / apasionado

- French: excité / enthousiaste / passionné

- German: aufgeregt / begeistert / leidenschaftlich


1. gung-ho

- 同义词:enthusiastic, eager, zealous

- 例句:He was gung-ho about the new project and couldn't wait to get started.

2. gung fu

- 同义词:kung fu, martial arts, self-defense techniques

- 例句:She has been practicing gung fu for years and is now a black belt.

3. gung ho

- 同义词:enthusiastic, eager, zealous

- 例句:The team was gung ho about the upcoming competition and trained hard every day.

4. gung-ho attitude

- 同义词:enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal

- 例句:His gung-ho attitude towards life is infectious and motivates those around him.

5. gung ho spirit

- 同义词:teamwork, camaraderie, unity

- 例句:The company's success can be attributed to their employees' strong gung ho spirit.

6. go for broke

- 同义词:take a risk, go all out, give it your all

- 例句: The team decided to go for broke in the final game of the season and ended up winning the championship.

7. guns blazing

- 同义词:full force, with all one's might

- 例句: The company entered the market guns blazing with their new product and quickly gained a large customer base.

8. gun it

- 同义词:accelerate quickly, speed up

- 例句: He decided to gun it and overtake the car in front of him on the highway.

9. gun down

- 同义词:shoot, kill

- 例句: The suspect was gunned down by the police after a high-speed chase.

10. gun for

- 同义词:target, aim for

- 例句: She has been gunning for a promotion for months and finally got it


1. Gun: This is the most commonly used synonym for "gung" and it means a weapon that uses gunpowder to fire bullets or projectiles.

例句:He aimed his gun at the target and pulled the trigger.

2. Rifle: This is a type of gun with a long barrel and spiral grooves inside, designed for accuracy and long-range shooting.

例句:The hunter carried his rifle on his shoulder as he walked through the woods.

3. Firearm: This is a general term for any type of portable gun or weapon that uses an explosive charge to launch a projectile.

例句:The police officer carefully inspected the firearm before handing it back to its owner.

4. Pistol: This is a small, handheld firearm that can be easily concealed and fired with one hand.

例句:She kept a pistol in her purse for self-defense purposes.

5. Revolver: This is a type of handgun with a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers for bullets, allowing for multiple shots without reloading.

例句:The cowboy drew his revolver from its holster and fired at the bandit.

6. Shotgun: This is a type of firearm that fires multiple pellets or shots in one round, making it effective for close-range shooting.

例句:He used his shotgun to hunt birds in the field.

7. Musket: This is an old-fashioned type of long-barreled firearm that was used in warfare before modern rifles were invented.

例句:The museum displayed an impressive collection of muskets from different time periods.

8. Cannon: This is a large, heavy firearm that fires heavy projectiles such as cannonballs, typically used in warfare or on ships.

例句:The pirate ship was equipped with several cannons to defend against enemy attacks.

9. Artillery: This refers to large firearms such as cannons or howitzers used by military forces for attacking or defending against enemy targets.

例句:The artillery unit was called in to provide support for the ground troops.

10. Weapon: This is a general term for any object used for attacking or defending, including guns, knives, and other tools.

例句:She grabbed a nearby weapon to protect herself from the intruder

