
生活学习2024-03-10 20:27:50自考教育网


The meaning of guo



1. “Guo”作为姓氏


2. “Guo”作为食物


3. “Guo”作为国家

How to pronounce guo

1. Introduction to "guo"

"Guo" is a Chinese character that can have multiple meanings and pronunciations depending on its usage. In this guide, we will focus on the most common pronunciation of "guo," which is used as a verb meaning "to pass through" or "to cross over."

2. Pronunciation of "guo"

In Mandarin Chinese, the pronunciation of "guo" is written as 过 and is pronounced as [ɡwɔ], with a slight emphasis on the second syllable. This sound may be difficult for English speakers to pronounce at first, but with practice, it can be mastered.

3. Tips for Pronouncing "guo"

- Start by saying the sound [g] as in the word "go."

- Then add a slight [w] sound before saying the vowel sound [ɔ].

- Make sure to keep your tongue relaxed and your lips rounded while pronouncing the [ɔ] sound.

- Practice saying the word slowly and then gradually speed up until you can say it fluently.

4. Common Phrases Using "guo"

Here are some common phrases using the verb form of "guo":

- 过马路 (guò mǎlù) - to cross the road

- 过桥 (guò qiáo) - to cross a bridge

- 过河 (guò hé) - to cross a river

- 过关 (guò guān) - to pass through customs

5. Other Meanings and Pronunciations of "guo"

As mentioned earlier, depending on its usage, "guo" can have different meanings and pronunciations.

- As a noun, it means "fruit" and is pronounced as [ɡuó].

- As an adjective meaning "excessive," it is pronounced as [ɡuō].

- As a particle indicating completion, it is pronounced as [ɡuo].

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "guo" is a versatile Chinese character with various meanings and pronunciations. As a verb meaning "to pass through," it is pronounced as [ɡwɔ] and can be used in common phrases such as 过马路 (guò mǎlù) and 过桥 (guò qiáo). With practice, you can master the pronunciation of "guo" and use it confidently in your conversations

Usage and examples of guo

1. What does guo mean?

Guo is a Chinese word that has multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and can be translated as "to pass", "to cross", "to go through", or "to experience".

2. Usage of guo

- In Chinese, guo is often used to indicate the completion of an action or the passing of a certain time period. For example, "我过了马路" (I crossed the street) or "我过了生日" (I celebrated my birthday).

- It can also be used to express the idea of going through something, either physically or mentally. For instance, "我过了一段艰难的时期" (I went through a difficult period) or "我过了一次手术" (I underwent surgery).

- Guo can also be used to describe an experience or feeling, such as "这是我过的最好的一天" (This is the best day I've ever had) or "她经历过很多挑战" (She has gone through many challenges).

3. Examples of guo

- 我终于通过了考试,感觉很开心。(I finally passed the exam and I feel very happy.)

- 她经历过许多困难,但都成功地度过了。(She has gone through many difficulties but she has successfully overcome them.)

- 我们要通过这个艰难时期,一起努力度过。(We have to go through this difficult period together and work hard to get past it.)

- 你有没有经历过被误解的感受?(Have you ever experienced the feeling of being misunderstood?)

- 我们要过一条河才能到达目的地。(We have to cross a river to reach our destination.)

4. In conclusion, guo is a versatile word that can be used in various situations and has different meanings. It is commonly used in Chinese and is an important part of everyday communication. So next time you hear or use the word guo, remember its different meanings and contexts

Phrases with guo

1. Guo lai (过来) - Come over

2. Guo jin (过紧) - Too tight

3. Guo shi (过时) - Outdated

4. Guo du (过度) - Excessive/Overdone

5. Guo yi (过意) - Regretful/Remorseful

6. Guo wei (过味) - Tastes strange/off

7. Guo xin (过心) - Worried/Anxious

8. Guo ji (过机) - Missed opportunity

9. Guo ren (过人) - Extraordinary/Superior to others

10. Guo chu (过处) - Passing through/Transiting

Synonym examples for guo

1. Meaning of guo

Guo is a Chinese word that has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In general, it can refer to "country", "state", or "nation". It can also mean "to pass through" or "to cross over".

2. Synonyms for guo

- Country: This is the most common synonym for guo, as it refers to a specific nation or state.

- State: Similar to country, this word also refers to a specific political entity or nation.

- Nation: Another synonym for guo that refers to a group of people living in a specific territory with shared history and culture.

- Pass through: This synonym highlights the meaning of "to pass through" or "to cross over", which is another possible interpretation of guo.

- Cross over: Similar to "pass through", this synonym emphasizes the idea of crossing over something, whether it be a physical barrier or a metaphorical one.

3. Examples of using guo in different contexts

- In terms of country or state: "中国是一个拥有悠久历史的国家 (China is a country with a long history)"

- When referring to nationality: "他是中国人 (He is Chinese)"

- In the sense of passing through something physically: "我们必须穿过这片森林才能到达目的地 (We have to go through this forest to reach our destination)"

- In the sense of crossing over something metaphorically: "他终于跨过了自己的阴影,变得更加自信 (He finally crossed over his own shadow and became more confident)"

4. Other possible interpretations of guo

Besides the meanings mentioned above, there are also other possible interpretations of guo depending on the context:

- To pass by or go by: "时间过得真快 (Time goes by so fast)"

- To finish or complete: "我已经过完了我的作业 (I have finished my homework)"

- To experience or undergo: "他经历了很多挑战,但是从中成长了 (He went through many challenges, but grew from them)"

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, guo is a versatile Chinese word that can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to country, state, nation, passing through, crossing over, and other interpretations such as passing by, finishing, and experiencing

In conclusion, guo is a commonly used word in Chinese language. It can be pronounced as "gwo" or "guo". Its usage and examples are diverse, and it can be used in phrases to express different meanings. Additionally, there are many synonyms for guo that can be used interchangeably. As a language enthusiast and editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning of guo better. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Don't forget to follow me for more interesting articles on Chinese language and culture. Thank you for reading!
