
生活学习2024-03-10 20:39:36自考教育网




你是否曾经听过这个词,但又不太确定它的意思?那么,让我来为你揭开guts的神秘面纱吧!Guts一词源于英语,意为“勇气”、“胆量”,也可以指“内脏”。它通常用来形容某人有勇气去做某件事,或是指某物具有强大的力量。例如,“She has the guts to speak in front of a large audience.”(她有勇气在大庭广众之下演讲。)

除了以上的含义外,guts还可以用作名词复数形式,表示“内脏”或“肠子”。在口语中,人们也会把它作为一个动词使用,意为“取出内脏”。例如,“I had to gut the fish before cooking it.”(我得先把鱼的内脏取出来再做饭。)


1. He showed great guts when he stood up to the bully.(当他面对恶霸时表现出了巨大的勇气。)

2. It takes guts to quit your stable job and pursue your passion.(放弃稳定的工作追求自己的梦想需要勇气。)

3. The boxer was punched in the guts and fell to the ground.(拳击手被打中肠子,倒在地上。)

4. She doesn't have the guts to tell him how she really feels.(她没有勇气告诉他她真正的感受。)



1. 发音:guts的发音为/gʌts/,其中的“u”发音为短元音,读作/gʌt-s/。

2. 意思解析:guts是一个常用的英语单词,它有多种含义。作为名词时,它可以指人或动物的内脏,也可以指某个事物的最重要部分。作为动词时,guts可以表示“取出内脏”、“勇敢地面对困难”等含义。因此,在不同语境下,guts可能会有不同的翻译。

3. 同义词:guts的同义词有entrails、intestines、courage、bravery等。根据具体语境选择合适的同义词可以更准确地表达出想要表达的意思。

4. 例句:

a) The hunter cut open the deer and removed its guts.


b) The guts of the machine were damaged, so it couldn't function properly.


c) He showed a lot of guts by standing up to the bully.



1. Guts是什么意思?


2. Guts怎么读?


3. Guts的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句1:She has the guts to stand up to the bullies.


5. 例句2:It takes guts to pursue your dreams.


6. 例句3:He showed his guts by jumping into the freezing water to save the drowning child.


7. 例句4:I can't believe you have the guts to try bungee jumping!


8. 例句5:Despite facing numerous challenges, she never lost her guts and determination.



1. have the guts to (做某事的)勇气/胆量

例句:She had the guts to stand up to the bully and defend her friend.

2. spill one's guts (向某人)倾吐心事/坦率说出

例句:After a few drinks, he spilled his guts to his best friend about his relationship problems.

3. gut feeling (直觉上的)感觉/预感

例句:My gut feeling is that something is not right about this deal.

4. bust one's guts (尽最大努力)拼命干/使出全力

例句:He busted his guts studying for the exam and ended up getting an A+.

5. hate someone's guts 讨厌/憎恨某人

例句:I can't stand her, I hate her guts.

6. spill your guts out (把内心的秘密)全部倒出来

例句:After years of keeping it bottled up, she finally spilled her guts out to her therapist.

7. gut-wrenching (令人心痛的)令人难过的/令人伤心的

例句:The movie was so gut-wrenching that I couldn't stop crying.

8. have a strong stomach (能够接受不愉快的事实)有强大的胃口/有强健的消化系统

例句:As a doctor, you need to have a strong stomach in order to handle all kinds of medical procedures.

9. butterfly in one's stomach (紧张时胃里感到的)蝴蝶般的感觉/紧张感

例句:Before going on stage, she always gets butterflies in her stomach.

10. gut check (检查自己的真实感受)自我反省/审视内心

例句:After the breakup, he did a gut check and realized that he still had feelings for his ex-girlfriend


1. Courage - 勇气

例句:She showed great guts when she stood up to the bully.

2. Bravery - 勇敢

例句:His guts and determination led him to climb the highest mountain.

3. Fortitude - 刚毅

例句:Despite facing many challenges, she never lost her guts and continued to fight for her dreams.

4. Nerve - 神经/胆量

例句:He had the guts to skydive even though he was afraid of heights.

5. Boldness - 大胆

例句:Her gutsy decision to quit her job and start her own business paid off in the end.

6. Fearlessness - 无畏

例句:The firefighter's fearlessness in the face of danger earned him a medal of honor.

7. Spunk - 活力/勇气

例句:Her spunk and determination helped her overcome all obstacles and achieve success.

8. Mettle - 坚韧/勇气

例句:The team showed their true mettle when they won the championship against all odds.

9. Grit - 坚毅/勇气

例句:His grit and determination in pursuing his passion inspired others to do the same.

10. Backbone - 脊梁骨/勇气

例句:She has a lot of backbone, standing up for what she believes in despite facing criticism from others.

11. Pluck - 勇气/决心

例句:It takes a lot of pluck to speak up against injustice, but it's necessary for change.

12. Intrepidity - 无畏/勇敢

例句:The soldier's intrepidity in battle earned him the respect of his comrades.

13. Daring - 大胆/勇敢

例句:Her daring stunt on the high wire left the audience in awe.

14. Heroism - 英雄主义/勇气

例句:The firefighter's heroism in saving a child from a burning building touched the hearts of many.

15. Resilience - 坚韧/勇气

例句:Despite facing many setbacks, her resilience and guts kept her going until she achieved her goals

