
生活学习2024-03-10 21:21:51自考教育网




1. had的含义:had是have的过去式,表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内发生的动作或状态。

2. had的定义:表示过去发生的动作或状态,也可以用来表示过去某个时间点之前已经具备的经历或拥有。

3. had的读音:[hæd],注意发音时要将“a”发成短元音。

4. 同义词:had可以替换为had got、had possessed等表达相同意思的词语。

5. 例句:

- I had a great time at the party last night.

- She had already finished her homework before dinner.

- He had a lot of experience in the field of marketing.

- They had got married for 10 years before they decided to have a baby.

- The old man had possessed great wealth in his youth


1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词


3. 例句

a. She had a beautiful voice.


b. They had a great time at the party.


c. I had a feeling that something was wrong.


4. 用法说明


5. 注意事项


a. 过去完成时:She had finished her homework before dinner.


b. 被动语态:The book had been read by many people.


6. 相关短语

a. Had better:最好,应该。

例如:You had better finish your work before going out.


b. Had to:不得不。

例如:I had to leave early because of the traffic jam.



1. had的意思是“有”或“曾经拥有”,是have的过去式和过去分词形式。

例句:I had a car, but I sold it last year. (我曾经有一辆车,但我去年卖掉了。)

2. had的读音为/hæd/,其中发音为/d/的部分可以念得轻一些,不必太重。

例句:She had a good time at the party last night. (昨晚她在聚会上玩得很开心。)

3. had的同义词包括:owned, possessed, held等。

例句:He owned a large estate in the countryside. (他在乡下拥有一处大庄园。)

4. 在过去完成时态中,had与过去分词形式连用,表示过去某个时间点之前已经完成的动作或状态。

例句:She had finished her homework before dinner. (她在晚餐前已经完成了作业。)

5. 在虚拟语气中,had可用于表示假设、建议或愿望。

例句:If I had more money, I would travel the world. (如果我有更多钱,我会周游世界。)

6. 在被动语态中,had可用于表示将来完成时态。

例句:By next year, the project will have been completed for 10 years. (到明年,这个项目将已经完成10年了。)

7. 在宾语从句中,had可用于表示过去的情况或猜测。

例句:She said she had never been to Paris before. (她说她以前从未去过巴黎。)

8. 在条件句中,had可用于表示与现在事实相反的假设。

例句:If I had known you were coming, I would have prepared a special meal. (如果我知道你要来,我会准备一顿特别的餐食。)


1. Possessed

例句:She had a strong desire to travel the world.


2. Owned

例句:He had a luxurious car collection.


3. Held

例句:The company had a meeting to discuss the new project.


4. Acquired

例句:She had acquired a vast knowledge of different cultures through her travels.


5. Obtained

例句:He had obtained a degree in business management from a prestigious university.


6. Possessed

例句:The painting he had possessed was worth millions of dollars.


7. Held onto

例句:She had held onto her dream of becoming an actress since she was a child.


8. Retained

例句: The company had retained its position as the top player in the market for five consecutive years.

翻译: 这家公司连续五年保持市场头号玩家的地位


1. had better:最好,应该

例句:You had better study hard if you want to pass the exam.

2. had to:必须,不得不

例句:I had to work overtime last night to finish the project.

3. had a blast:玩得很开心,过得很愉快

例句:We had a blast at the party last night.

4. have/had enough of:厌倦,受够了

例句:I've had enough of your excuses, just tell me the truth.

5. have/had a good time:玩得很开心,过得很愉快

例句:We had a good time at the amusement park yesterday.

6. have/had a crush on:迷恋,喜欢上

例句:She has had a crush on him since they first met.

7. have/had second thoughts:重新考虑,有所顾虑

例句:I'm having second thoughts about quitting my job now.

8. have/had it coming (to someone):理所当然的报应

例句: He's been cheating on his wife for years, he had it coming when she left him.

9. have/had no clue: 完全不知道,毫无头绪

例句: I have no clue how to solve this difficult math problem.

10. would/could/should have (done something):本应该做某事但没有做

例句: I should have studied harder for the test, then I wouldn't have failed it

